06/03/1981 . \' I :. r , , BEAUTIFICATION CO~MITTEE w.......... \, ! ! J ,;j ',J "'j JUNE 3, 1981 .~.. CITY HALL ANNEX at 9;30 AM , , AGENDA , '" " .,~ ~ 0"1. . j",~~\ Call',to Order Approval of Minutes of May 6, 1981 '" : .~ .~,' . . " ': :,1 OLD BUSINESS " ~ "~'.' . : ~t :!. 2. Vacation Period, if any. Report of any continuinginterest'in the ,Residential Landscape Beautific,ation' Program.: I,,:' :.. 1. , . , .~.. ~ ,1 ", ". NEW. BUSINESS "j\. Mr. Michael Kenton, Assistant Public Works Director Presenta'tion on Environmental Planning, . ;;:.i ,qorre~~?ndence I,'" . " '., ~ ;c. ; . " ., '. ~ : ..f. . 'i . ...., , . .:';' " , ".( 't "( " , " . . ~ . . . . . '1' .<'j j , 'i '. ,', . ..' " '. I ~ ,I: ~ ',' ': , " "", . .~ f ' " .. " , " .', '. ...... 'I.. ".' " ' ',' ':. , , . .. " I '.. "I']' / . ~ j", . . \ ~. ~> .- ','. .\,', .', " , -.' .., " to" .'. . " .. \' , ,\ I " ~. i . , ....' >.' ", ~.' , ' . . ',; , ,'. , .' ,,' i 1 ~ '.' .",',' , ~~:. 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Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mr. Jack Siebenthaler, Mr. Bill Sapp, Mrs. Rita Cnnan, Mrs. Connie Lundeen, Mrs. Billie Clark, Mrs. Ruth Hieneman and Mr. Frank Krome. Absent were Mrs. Custer, Mr. David Berry, Mr. Robert Stepp and Miss Donna Winkler, ax-officio member. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Bill Voght and Mr. Chris Cowles, Land Resources Specialist for the City of Clearwater. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. The Minutes of May 6, 1981 were accepted as submitted. Mr. Siebentha1er made the motion to accept, seconded by Mr. Kramet carried unanimously. with the special commendation to Mrs. Phillips for doing such a fine job. The Chairman welcomed the visitors - Mrs. Bobbi O'Malley, Clearwater Garden Club; Ms. Bonnie Harding, "Watchdog"; and Mr. Charles Fenton, Citizen Advocate. OLD BUSINESS The Chairman asked the Committee members if they wanted to discuss further taking a month's vacation or just drop the idea altogether. Mrs. Canan made a motion that the Committee dispense with the July meeting, Mr. Sapp secondedt and it was carried unan~ou81y. Mr. Snoyenbos told the Committee that the next meeting then would be August 5th. Mr. Wilson said that a letter should go to the City Manager's officet with a copy to the City Clerk. stating that there would be no July meeting unless one is called. Mr. Snoyenbos explained to the visitors about the Courtney Campbell Causeway project that the Beautification Committee has been working on. Mr. Wilson said that the City Manager approved planting sabal palms on the Causeway, if monies are available in this budget or the next budget available in October. A letter will be sent to DOT and, if we get their permission. then we can proceed with the project. Mr. Sieb- enthaler asked what the anticipated cost would be and Mr. Wilson said that a quote from one vendor was $61. per tree installed, with a total cost of $2t400., but that other quotes would be sought. Mr. Snoyenbos stated that the Committee had agreed to hold in abeyance any plans for the Residential Landscape Beautification Program because of apparent lack of interest and that. perhaps in the Fall or early Wintert the Committee could again decide to go forward. Mr. Snoyenbos said that he and Bill Voght had had a meeting at the Nursery, and, with permission from City Hall and Mr. Wilson. the Committee is authorized to give selected plants from the City Nursery as awards. Since each of the four entries . were in a different zanet there was no zone competition. The Committee shall offer a letter of explanation. a certificate and two 3 gallon size plants. Contestants will be asked to come dowut take a, tour through the Nursery and pick out their plants. Mr. Wilson said that the Chamber of Commerce recognizes businesses on their travels around town and perhaps the Committee. as they see or hear of any house that is extra- ordinarily landscaped. could adopt a monthly recognition plan. \. .... "\ -1- ~~g!,~}?~\::,:,:::,'i;':::' '"i '/~~H{ .....j . '.~ , .:~ "Il '" ':';:,', . I < ~ '" ~ . i)~::,: .~ , ' . '....... l',!?> . . ~ " .1" ;~:u ~< ~~)i ":CT,\t .....'" )t: ".;!. :; ,~I> .I ': . "I'll. :, ,'. ,~~ .......'t " I. ", ',,' '. 'I' ", ','.." " " . !', . .':....;; .D;;':ii ,,{\,"';?..:: , ,'... h~' ," ~ :1,:-.,\ ;',; ~ " '; , . ~ '";:,': , : ',,;1" I',' . \ .~. " ~.: :.;. ~ ~.~'.~~: ': i, '\ '.~ c"; ~':.:;;t ~(.:f ;: ~.~~ ',~ ',' . ~ :.. ~ ::'r .,' .> ,~ "',I' f }, :'~~. ,< . :\"~. ~~~~\ : ;', ,. ::.~~{:.,~ :~.:' i' ..f; : "; ".'. t.. ~ . , ' \j:' " ;:,::: l'O\~1)\ F.. ~ :(1 '" . \ . .".....<.".' ".L,:c:".\l,>c:' il,....;::: Mr. Snoyonhou told thu CUnlll\Jth'" thnt Hr. Cowles would be at the meeting at 10:00 AM for n d1HCURrtJUI\ on t.uvlt'OIunmllnl 1'lnnl\ln8, nnd naked the guests if they had something they wnntod to prllflUtH to thl! Cl1mm1ttcc. Mr. Fenton replied that their interest was tho Dayfront: hoLul l)rnpoHnl. Mr, Snoycuh09 said that the Committee does not have any informnt ion nn th ht propmm 1 hut thnt, 1\8 800n us they had the plans or suggestions I1S to what wan tu bu ltunll. tho Con\ln1ttcc could make n decision and extend it to the City Hatlllgor. Mr". IlJonomlln udd that, nccording to todayta local paper, plans were to proceed with tho hotel. Mr. Wilnon stated that the legal aspects of the proposal were ntill boing InvuntJgntcd, nl,d Mr. Snoycnbos asked Mr. Wilson to express the intereat of thl' Cornm1ttU4J to the City Nl1nagct regarding this proposal so that when plans oro Rubmlttcd. the Committee will know about it nnd would then be in a position to make a recommendntion. Mr. }..cmton Raid that they are planning to use City dedicated park property and 1I1ao build n parking lot over the tennis courts. He said there is talk of building ttU! hotel in Maaa Brothers parking lot with a double level parking lot near the library. and he felt that not LI bit of park property should be given up. He said that since it ia the aim to get l\lorc people to live downtown, this park should not be taken awny from them H9 economics doesn't enter into park property at all. Mr: Wilson said that in tho budgot for capital :improvements, monies were being requested for a bandehell for Coachman Park and that the Committee might want to consider this idea. He said the parkins lovel 19 planned immediately north of the proposed hotel site which would be over a portion of the public parking lot which was dedicated as a park by resolution. The grasBed area of Coachman Park would not be effected. Maas Brothers owns all of the site west of their store. NEW BUSINE~S ,:) Further discussion ensued, after which Mr. Snoyenbos said that Mr. Cowles had been promised time to talk and the Committee would have to get on with its meeting. Mr. Cowles said that he likes to attend the Committee's meetings about every six months and asked the Committee's secretary to Bend him a copy of the minutes each month so that he can have an ongoing knowledge of their activities. Mr. Cowles said that the Environmental section's objectives encompass the City's natural resources. site plan review process, water quality, and replacing and reforesting according to the tree protection ordinance. The Eddie C. Moore Complex. in which his section assisted the Parks Department, over 200 trees had to be transplanted within the softball field area. Regarding U.S. Romes Tract 90 and 60 development, 150 replacement trees are required because of violations. Regarding the beaches. they have a sea oats planting program on Sand Key to establish a low natural dune system. Sea oats are needed very badly on North Clearwater Beach and a small dune to trap the sand and keep it from blowing away is also needed. Mr. Cowles said that last month 2500 seedlings were given away which is a yearly project between Clearwater and Largo. The.y have a landscaping ordinance which covers parking lots for beautification. Mr. Cowles discussed the Moccasin L~te Nature Center and said that bids were being so- licited now for the boardwalk. This center will be as energy efficient as possible in buildings and facilities. Solar energy will be used with windmills. It is located just east of U.S. 19. north of Drew Street, across from Carpenter Field. Mr. Cowles passed out brochures on recommended trees far planting and discussion ensued regnrding,this brochure. Mr. Siebenthaler felt that the list of trees was drawn up by foresters and then handed to the landscapers. He suggested meeting with Mike Kenton to discuss this brochure. Mr. Cowles said that the list was primarily made for parking lots. Mr. Snoyenbos suggested that Mr. Cowles get together with Bill Sapp. Bill Voght, Mr. Sieb- enthaler and Mr. Renton to discuss this and report back to the Committee possibly at the August meeting. -2- . 'j ;'. ';':~: . "\'. >/": .'.. ,:':;.: i;' F.p:; :;':L:;):d}'::,:;~.::N,';n ,'::{)(~' ':;!" :'r,,'{~.:.A;::i}i ' "'f ,\ ..")" ,\ .' "I'f" ",,:;::;::;,'1' .,,1 !', "" -, , '" :,'.,,,,, ",,' ,co \ ";"..,' 1 ",; ", .~~..I:: :.::~":~~: .:.:: "",'" '\Il' '," ./"..",....','1/..',...:"""".".......,. ", ./.' ,..<,..,..1.", ""'"',""'" ''''r ~/." "'I ,,' '. ',+.,". .../::<';::,:':;,.~.,:,\':';~~::.':~':..:',.;. , " I .... G,,:,~ ;. " r~,t:. .' ,Wi:::'::: {Ij",,,,, ' ~r,': . .... ~~~~~b~:~~~~.~~e a motion 'I\- . ~J~/~. ". '" ' if~ ::& ' . , ~i}f::'/:'~!;:: ',,: , , " .'~~."'j: ," ' '" tl;,;:f:i<;::,'" . ~~~:,t}::~ ;::' ' , ',,' ,"", ~j"Jl ',', ., , '.. " . I;::':':...,,' ~.o(v. ("" ' "'" ~~f.~'~, :~' r : ,~. '. I j:~~:~i,':;:~:'::,:' ,',:, :.. " I, " ~"li"" ", ~E:::,: ........ . ~i,'::'i.:...,... ItJ . ,," 1 , ~~1~~~.~.~ .' ,.... .,:- ~:lf:', ,: ',:, ", ' ;I:',l'e>> ' ~1i, . , ~,v., , ' , ~tt;~'..~. r ".f '" ~).t..~ .t. . ~)~~,Wj~(,:;,:,::, "lIr.I).,.",~r./...:\> .' , t~~~\(\"; i'.. ..... ", cItE' ,If,;', , ,i:!j', ' ;!.ll" fJ'" ' ,~,~ ..' , l\t':. ' ~~;,': T~. ". ~~ :.. . 11> :' fl't:,~ j;~, ", ,~i\ f.{.' ' ~( i()- , "ii., 'i'> " 0;'\,.': I.:H, . ~i/,:'- ':;:.\ ". L' , ~,...., . . '., (":\ ". ~,") ':' f::.~ ,", "'.L ;'. ~ ':) ~",;'; . Mr~ Cowles spoke on tree removal violationa, underground and overhead facilities, Planting trees on the right-of-ways, organized and controlled planting of trees, planting of trees on private propetty, etc. There was discussion concerning what is being done in residential areas relative to tree planting and Mr. Snoyenbos asked Mr. Voght to give a short report on this Bubject. Mr. Voght said,'that in the Morningside area, some of the residents were at first opposed to having only trees planted in the medians, but now that the project is pretty well completed, they feel that it 'is cleaner, shadier and environmentally 'improved. Maintenance requi-rements have been reduced considerably. Mr. Voght said "that Island Way is a different project and that it was proposed to plant a row of , Canary Island Date Palms at appropriate intervals along the center of the medians going down Island Way~ The City Nursery has a good inventory of trees at present, and can now address ornamentals and flowering species. Mr. Krame offered that some- thing could be put in the newspapers to educate people on how to trim their trees. Mr.' Snoyenbps thanked Mr. Cowles and invited him to drop in occasionally to keep the Committee up-to-date. Mr. Snoyenb~s asked Mrs. Canan to take a look at the St. Petersburg Dog Ordinance and see how they are doing. to adjourn at 11:05 AM, seconded by Mrs. Lundeen. " " , , '. -:'