05/06/1981 'J,1 .\" "I ! ! " I . " ,.;1 ""1 I I I e, " BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTE~E MAY 6, 1981 CITY HALL ANNEX. at 9: 30 AM AGENDA . '.Ca1l . to Order '., ,Approval of Minutes of April 8, 1981 '. . NEW"BUSINESS . , . , . . ~ , :1. .. Mr. James Work, Pinellas County Park ,Director Presentation on County' Park Development Slide , : ,e , . ...... c [., .tf:~.?~.' > 1 "', \ . 'toll;') ...;' , ~~t;~!::.";)",,.',>:, .:. ".e ~!.,,@;. .','.' ;'(f~:f;:::~ :-<,:-:- ':: .' ~h....,. " .... .~~~r: ,;~:... ;."~ ~ . ',.: . ~ :. ~;;,".;"" :.. ....' ',Cor~esp.ondence I~I~,\'l::"." ....... ,JtT~'.',;. . i'~" ~ ., , ,!,/::,~., " . 11-,"'-" " ~ljl"''''~'. r - , ~]~f.f: ": '.:, . th~...,. ,,,.'.' i~f::'.::.',:.' ;.~, ',:: : ir~}/'/.\':,:" . q;,~-;," '..,' , '. .0 .~ ~t,..,:t. ~".;: ", ~. ' 7.~:~~'", i. ';.'.' .' 1;)..V1.;}'i\~'; .... '.. '.~, . . J$~';~~'~~:~":'\/>"";'~ c,. .,:. '.' .;i:~~'t~'" ':',"":'. . ~::'."'. ~:::. ~ ,': :.:' ,,'. :;~<,:. ;. . "., "'" . .. ' . . 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As set up, a Park Board, of seven people, can't spend money but does make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. Members look for new parks. approve budget, work with contracts and act as liason between the public and the Board, which was set up to keep politics out. In 1961, a short policy ,statement was drawn up for healthful outdoor family recreation providing facilities ,and preserving parks in their natural state, avoiding commercialism. The parks were created for the public with public funds. There has been pressure to provide neigh- borhood parks but they prefer to provide regional parks. The Park Board's aim is for preservation of historic sites and structures. Mr. SnoyenboB asked if the parks were located fairly responsive to the people in the County and Mr. t{ork said that they are fairly centered as they try not to purchase property in the municipalities. However, since growth has been in the northern part of the County, they had to buy property in that section. Mr. Work showed slides and talked about some of the County's parks such , as Ft. De Soto Park, 900 acres made up of five islands; Howard Park with salt water lake; Brooker Creek Park. 1200 feet of boardwalk and canoe trail, Sa~grass Lake; Phillippe Park; Heritage Park; Lake Seminole Park; Anderson Park and War ~eterans Memorial Park consisting of surplus property returned by Bay Pines by an act of Congress. Mr. Snoyenbos asked for maps of the park system which Mr. Work distributed to all of the members of the Committee. He than thanked Mr. Work for his presentation and time. ;of'; 1: ?~': ~, t', .~ "I' I;, ~\: . t, "0' . '" t:~, ' I;:. ", ,,' <, ' 'I,' 'e, ' ,: .:' ~ ," .~. ~ ~T.: . , , F,'\" . CITY OF CLEARWATER - BEAUTIFICATION COHMIT'fEl~ MINUTES ~ May 6. 1981 The Beautification Committee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, at 9:35 AM on May 6. 1981. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mr. Jack Siebenthaler, Mr. Bill Sapp. Mr. David Berry, Mrs. Virginia Custer, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mrs. Connie Lundeen and Mr. Frank Krame. Those members excused were Mr. Robert Stepp and Mrs. Ruth Hieneman. Absent were Mrs. Billie Clark and ~riss Donna Winkler, ex-officio member. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson, Mr. Bill Voght and Mr. James Work, Director, Pinellas County Parks Department. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:35 AM. The Minutes of April 8, 1981, were approved as corrected and submitted with ~Ir. Sieb- enthaler making the motion to accept, seconded by Mr. Krome, carrie4 unanimously. The correction was a quote by Mr. Bill Voght stating that "Mr. Voght felt that Sabal Palms would be a good choice because they would improve the sod condition and help the grass to green up" which should read "because they would provide shade and have a safety value". Mr. Snoyenbos welcomed Mr.' {{ork and his slide presentation on the development of County Parks, explaining how they came about and how they were developed. ~" f' ',. " z:.. . .' f<", " < " ';t',: ;~:. ;', ~ ;;,~, Mr. Snoyenbos told the Committee that he was going to delay the presentation on ',~~~'~:., Erivironmental Planning. because of lack of time, until next month. i1F' t~ OLD BUSINESS, ~i.('.' . i~::;>. . Mr... Wilson spo ke on the statua of the Residen tia1 Landscape Beau tif ica tion Program and :~ . ~.~\~ \. -1- .\' ~ .. , ~. : "'. j,' ~" , < ... ....~ . '. ~ .' c ~ . " t\ .l, said that the Committee needed to determine where they were going with the program. and if they wanted to extend it for two or three weeks, Discussion ensucd and it was decided that since the public showed minimal interest, the program should not be continu~d because of the expense involved. Mr. Wilson agrced and said that he would check with the City Manager to see if citizens, who did scnd in applications, could be rewarded. having Mr. Snoyenbos call them, telling them that the program had been cancelled. that there were no winners and invite them to visit our City Nursery to pick up a plant in recognition of their efforts. Mr. Wilson also said that since each of the four entries is in a different district, there is no competition so each par- ticipant should be given an award. Mr. Snoyenbos 'agreed that Mr. ~vl1son should contact the City Manager and type up a certificate showing our appreciation, signed by the Chairman. that this program should be set aside until next Spring. to be discussed and put back on the Agenda at that time. possibly also He stated in the Fall, NEW BUSINESS Discussion then turned to the proposed Pier and Bait Stand in connection with the Cruise Boat. Mr. Wilson told the Committee that the Pier has been approved for the Bayfront, that the Cruise Boat would be docked there eight months out of twelve. with year round use for fishing from the dock. Mr. Wilson talked of the proposal made to the City of a hotel to be built downtown at the Bayfront. Basically, it would be a luxury hotel, immediately west of Maas Brothers on the parking lot owned by Haas Brothers. A single level parking facility may be considered for location immediately north of the proposed site of the hotel on property owned by the City. Mr. Wilson told the Committee that everyone will be able to ma~e recommendations, etc., and that he will keep the Committee informed of the project as information j. becomes available. :.'/: ,:) 'Mr. Snoyenbos said that either Mike Kenton or Chris Cowles will be at the next meeting \:'~ ' to give a presentation on Environmental Planning. ',i: . " L. >, , .":.' ;' ):i:--."" " ~ r " i ',}' ,~.).:; .:, c:~\:~. ~ .~.\:" ~ ;~ r, .; (f:..' 1t!;': ;' .~. ;' . \. , 'd :): ."" , ' >~..... ". " l.\ l~Y:,~ f?,:>' ~i:":,'" 1h/, riA',' ~t~',~ i:X;,:'" t~}::::""" . \:;/:'::/: ;, f::;\~~:.,',::' . ~ ,,\, .~~t\. . . " CORRESPONDENCE It was recommended that the Chairman write a letter to the City Manager regarding the ,beautification of the Courtney Campbell Causeway suggesting that the City develop a proposal and present it to DOT. Mr. Snoyenbos will come in and write this letter with Mr. Wilson. Mr. Snoyenbos read two letters sent to him from Anthony Shoemaker. City Manager, in response to two letters he had written to the City Manager regarding the Bayfront Dock and-Bait Stand and the bridge ends on Memorial Causeway. Mrs. Lundeen said that the , Committee should tell the City Manager that the Committee is only interested in one end which would cost $250.000. and Mr. Snoyenbos said that he would write the City Manager another letter telling him of the Committee's concern was for only one bridge end. Pertaining to the Bayfront Dock and Bait- Stand. the Committee felt the project with the Cruise Boat would take care of that concern. There being no further businesst the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM. -2-