11/05/1980 , . ~ ' ;10 ..',l r, ;\ , ~~ , 'j " BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 5t 1980 AGENDA I ..I . CITY HALL ANNEX at 9: 30 AM " " ',' ~. : '.~' " Call to Order ...../~~. , #'~~ . /' Approyal~of Minutes of October 1, 1980 " ' , I' ~' " " ~:.,.; . >" '. ,', ~ OLD BUSINESS ,', ,l ',.,\,\~,~.~(',: " c ~ ' .';.'. J , ,." Residential Landscaping Beautification Program NEW BUSINESS " +t", , '~. : ' ~ , " " Activities of the Nursery Division Bill Voght, Superintendent of Nursery. ;. ,Areas'of Future Interest for the .Member~ .are urged, to the .'Conuilittee. . Beautification Committee Committee present their: ideas 'on avenues of action for '",. ,,';, ;Correspondence .J .: Adj'o~rnni~~t " , ,It~: , , :'~ ~ ;' ,. ", .! .. . , ,', . " ~' . .,' , , '. ::d::-' ,\ . , ;' \,' ,'r " , " " ' .~ ':i . ~ r " '" '\, . ..- . . , ' ~.. I '., , ' .".. , :.:1" , ~ t c :: :. ,\. ,\ , <'I" " . .' ~ ]~ ;l' '. " '" .). :{ , '" ; " ';,l (I',., ,. ~ i ': ' \ , ., ~ '" ' 'j J. . C .. , , I ~ c ,i ': .... ' , ,:' : '. ~ " . '" ,1'. '.' , , , \ ~ .)' ~, .:i, , ,. : C1 ,,'l " . \ .', " ',';,: ;,',,' , :' ~'. j, . ," ' ". ,,' > ,,1-' . , . "",.1' .. I' , ': ~ , ' I,c,!"" 1 . , ," l' '.'. .\ l' " " " ~,. \, ~ o . , .. CITY OJ! CLEARWATER \ , ,\ D I l"" BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES , November 5, 1980 . The Beautification Committee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation Offices at ,the City Hall Annex, 10; South Missouri Avenue, at 9:30 AM, on November "5, 1980. Members present were Mr. D. C. SnoyenboB, Chairman, Mr, Jack Siebenthaler, Mrs. Billie Clark, Mr. Bill Sapp, Mr. Robert Stepp, Mrs. Connie Lundeen, Mr. 'Frank Krame, Mrs. Ruth Heineman and Mr. James Martin. Mrs. Virginia Custer and Mrs. Rita Canan were unable to attend. Also attending were Mr, Ream Wilson and Mr.' Bill Voght, Nursery Superintendent. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. He introduced a new ex-officio member, Miss Donna Winkler, a student representative from Clearwater High School, whom Mr. Shoemaker, City Manager, invited to join the Committee for as long as she wishes. The minutes of October I, 19~O we.re read and Mr. Siebentha1er stated that he had , said "Emerald Zoysia" should have been used outside of the Arbor Office Building, not that it had been used. Mr. Siebenthaler then made a motion to accept the minutes 'as read and amended, seconded by Mr. Stepp and carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: The Chairman introduced Mr. Bill Voght, who spoke to the Committee about the City Nursery. Hr. Voght is the Nursery Superintendent. He showed slides and spoke on ~he general overall operation and. future plans of the Nursery Division of the Parks and Recreation Department. One of the items Mr. Voght talked about was the estab- lishment and implementation of the Street Tree Planting Program. Many residents have taken advantage of this unique opportunity to enhance their property with '. . Nursery grown trees which in turn enhances the beautification of Clearwater. Mr.. Voght extended an invitat.ion to the Committee to come down to the Nursery and take one of their group tours. The Chairman stated that we may have one of our meetings there and go on the conducted tour. After some discussion, a proposal was ~de to have our next meeting of ' December 3rd at the Nursery commencing at 9:30 AM. , " ,i OLD BUSINESS: 'c" :,~,' ',' ,,' ,\, ~., , I'- " :), '. ~ , .. '. ~~: ' ' ~'/:: . :...-q . .~;~:. '\iJ.:f ~~:} c: ' 1~' 1 , ,,',:cl,' . t'\~, ," :~ I 111 "', ,t.. , .~~,:: ~ Residential Landscape Beautification Program - Mr. Siebenthaler read through the report consisting of recommendations made by his sub-committee (copy attached). Mr. Wilson stated that he had sent the proposal to the Ci.ty Manager and that the project had been endorsed by him. It should be sent to the City Commission for the~r approval along with the recommendations from the Committee. Mr. Siebenthaler made a motion that the Committee go ahead with this beautification program, seconded by Mrs. Heineman, carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson suggested that, prior to February, members could get together and draft a newspaper. article to be released and send it- to the Service and Information Depart~ent at City Hall. When, Mrs. Heineman asked if individual mailings would be .cost prohibitive, Mr. Wilson said that notices maybe put in with the utility bills as stuffers. Mr. Martin felt that we would 'have to get the cooperation of the homeowners who will be required to fill out applications but didn't think that we -1- ,,, 'j' ,:) o . ,,' " '. ,', <"..' "'.' ,. :1, , . ~ , t:. ' . ',' c ~ , ' ~ . " . ' :', , :: ' . ',. . "". ." ",~ ~ , ' . \' ';, i', . :~~:~ '.',: ' i~;.: c :', . ~ , . would have. many applicants tbe. fix-at )'cs.r or so, He. asked if the. COJm1ittcc had looked into selecting hn~CB as he felt that people. wontt fill out applications. Hr, Snoyenbo~ said that the. Committee. could consider another category covering aome other group nominating a house for consideration in addition to those submitted by the owner. Mrs. Lundeen then noted t~at it docs not ssy that you have to be the owner of the house. Mr. Sieb'enthaler stated thBt the reason for the application form was 80 that they .would have a pre-screening tool as there has to oe some sort of vehicle to keep the Committee from having to go out and look at every property entered. When Mr. Snoyenbos aaked Bill Voght' how tne'Clmmber of Commerce business program was run, he replied that the members usually nominate the business to be considered. Mr, Wilson noted that the business program 1s smaller and that there are many more houses. He said that perhaps'the Committee needs to Bay that a neighbor or someone seeing a home can enter ,it. Several members felt that the program may be slow for a year or two but that everything will depend on the way .the program is presented and the publicity it 1a given tel begin with. Further discussion ensued with Mr. Martin noting that the true purpose of tbe plan should be determined before sending the proposal to the City Manager. Mr. Snoyenb08 asked if the same Bub-commltt~e would refine the program adding any' additional information needed. Mr. Wilson said that he would draft an agenda item for the City Manager's consideration. The proposal may not require official action by the City Commission but will be sent for their consideration. . NEW BUSINESS: Areas of Future Interest for ,the Beautification Committee.- Mr. Krame said that the last time he was on the Couunittee, there was a fund of $11,000. or $12,000., to be used for' the curbing on EdgeWater Drive. to be raised and the street to be repaved. He stated that the stre~t had been fixed but that nothing had been done about the curbing. Mr'. Martin spoke of the. marina. on' the south side of Memorial Causeway. He said that this co~,ttee, two years ago, went on record for developing the waterfront and down- town area. Marina facilities at the old bait stand at Pierce Street had been pro- p~sed because of ample parking and would 'cut traffic going across the Causeway. Mr. Martin felt that,the committee should have Borne input and make some recommen- 'datlons to the 'City Commission. He said thst'the proposal had been approved in August or September of 1978. Mr. Snoyenbos.asked Mr. Martin to find out what ,has happened' to the proposal and to bring ill; the plans and review it at the next meeting. . .. There being no further business) the meeting was adjourned at 11 :05 AM. -2- ~~~:?:':V'i' '.,' ..:. ......,_::~ fV:'. I;:';! .,