10/01/1980 "i".' '. ~-.;~'~. " W'>" ~~"',i:<,:' :. ~, . -,." , I' Ijr,;.,.,,. , ~';'~'<":\ .. ~i~>: :':'~~' " ~~Y;,'." ' ~'J"\;' , :~i<,.' ,,' t~.~; ;,: " )~ t:,.'l 'J k'1~""~.>n L . l~h~(: ';. ," . . ~... ~ . fi~~\,":', ~..."'J:l', ' .. \' .,' ~fj;:,' }t,y:', .- ~~:,;,::.;:'. :, ,~..:, ,"," . "':'''' '.". I l c. , .' ~ t:/': ' ,~( ~(t~'''i<~'' '. .!. ,i}}', , :\ ':, '!;;::...: . \ ,. ~l\~t;;...... "NEW BUSINESS t'ff"". :(~' <: > . ' . ~.....;',.....;. .: ",I'. I 1~1~'~"';)' :,:. ,~: :S;::::: :::::: fO:r:. :::t:::::::O:a::..::~"eS Specialist. to. ,..,", {'\ ' ,. 00.,,' , ", .;;~)~>"J,:,:, ,':~: ,:'.":, " correspondence ;'Ii""~""'" ',. " ~(f:~~<~>Y(,:':,~,~':':','" ~'~' , ' ' ~~;'....,~'::~/' ' ;:', ,.... Adjournment' r~;~~,;::~>:::..:~;';:i ;',,' .,',.: :,:, '. ",.' . ':,' :,,; 1~1\...,,,.,,,,, " ' " , " ,; ~r:~;\j;;;~',,<;:,;:, ;' ~r., /',' I' "', ,,': " "" t~;,(;'\'",;"",. "'.:.:."'. ~K>/?';:' ,;.i .:' " ",: ",'" ~J!.("^~ ,,'~ ) . '. I . . ~V:~';>:.,C.:" ",' .,.... ~;"',;:;;;i,::, , . . ....,... ~~""" . " . &jh~~t,:':,":,'-,;,:, ' , ',':::; , ' , ',' .'~j~(;;::~~/,:,,:::; " ~t":\'" '. " ", I ~.~\ ;>.i.... ~:.~< :,':. r.,;c , '!&~~/:?,"":". ~~r/'>, ::;',;' ','" ~~K.j~~.:.< : ~'':>'~' .' \: :. . ~. . ~~il0;,::'.' '. !t;A~~:t I" { ~: \ ...c..~ /, ~.. .."{ .;, ~ " . .' ,~ I~r::':~;:-,t ' ; :" ': ~ \'.' . ~ti"".' t,~ ;: .' 'f ;.... \-.. ~ . II :~ '. ,. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 1, 1980 CITY HALL ANNEX at 9130 / a.m. AGENDA Call to Order' , / ...... ,'i : " ;~ ~~prov~1.of Minutes of September 10, 1980 ., . ~ ,OLD' BUSINESS r VI, .',: Medians PI '.c. " I Discussion of policy on planting of medians ~;< .. 'Recognition of Homeowners for. Residential Beautification report.from the Ad Hoc committee. Mr. Siebenthaler's ,..;:~ . ~ \. " .;: \' ',.: c/': ,\f.::: j:;~l . ,', .j, ..~~ >, '" . ',1,: < 1\ , I; " " .. , " ,I"~ ,', ,', . .l.: , ' " ') '\ '( , , , " ", . ~. " . ...; " '" I" CITY OF CI.EARWATER nEAU'rlFICAT!.ON COHMIT'fEE HINU'fES October 1, 1980 ~ The Beautification Committee held thefr regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation Offices at the City lIall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, at 9:30 AM, on October I, 1980. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenb09, Chairman) Mr. Jack Siebanthaler, ~frs. Connie Lundeen. Mrs, Virginia Custer, Mrs. Rita Canan, Mr. Bill Sapp, Mrs. Billie Clark and Mr. Robert Stepp. Mr~.Jamcs Martin and Mr. Frank Krome were unable to attend. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson, Mr. Bill Voght and Mrs. Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist. The Chairman c.alled the meeting to order at 9:35 AM. OLD BUSINESS: The Chairman asked Mrs. Wilson to talk about the Water Resources Program and explained that the Committee hos one person come in each meeting to give the members some new information about City responsibilities. Mrs. Wilson said that ,the Water Resources Speciolist works out of the Environ- mental Section of the Public Works Department. She said we have many lakes in the City and problems are coordinated with her. She looks at all surface bodies of I' ,..aters in the, City, makes some attempt to evaluate their condition and tries to " 'improve the conditions of those bodies of waters. She takes water quality samplings and the water pollution control lab tests those samplings. She feels our water is at least as good or possibly better than any other municipality surrounding our City. ,'-: , . Water ,runoff that runs into' storm sewers is the biggest polluti.on source of all ~;(..'..., muniCipalities. ;:~!~',O ;';, ' Lake Chatauqua. the major portion of which is in the city limits, is in ex- >:,",.' cellent condition. Moccasin Lake, which will be a very large park w~th a grant ::\,.', from the government, is in pretty good condit,ion. Lake Belleview, in the Greenwood ':{",:, ' ,'section, i~ n'ot. in 'bad condition. Her pet project is to make Lake Be.Lleview into a :fishing facility which'will probably take three to five years. Crest Latte is of ','" ,concern to everyone as it is very much used and in the center of town. Lake restor- ation has become an important undertaking allover the United States. Crest Lake suffers, the most of all lakes owned by the City. Studies will be undertaken in an ;f!,':, : effort to restore it to the condition it once was. " , , ..' ~ t., 't"; ~1. : . ;(:"i ." ~~' ::: ,:'", , Mr. Wilson noted that many complaints' are received. regarding- Crest Lake but one ~'?" ,of the main ones is that there is heavy growth around the edges which has hidden the '" lake 'from view. Mrs. Wilson said that the water quality is not very good as urban ~t,;'" lakes' are very difficult to maintain because -they are consistently polluted. The ~t,",;",',",': discharge from storm sewers causes polluted runoff into our bodies of water. To t. , curb future pollution, she reviews all construction plans for everything in the area. {,;':,The . Engineering Department requires retention of storm water on sites to be developed. ~9/,' A City ordinance has been redesigned and water is now able to seep into the ground !:'{r " through the depressed areas on the property caUSing the water to be off of the land ~;;:i:.. , in 24 hours. Vegetation can be planted in them and this has the effect of a dual role. ,'j' '!' .. ~f;':'" Mr. 'Wilson mentioned the fact that the Soccer Field on Court Street is a good ~~~~~mple of this,dual role. It is used for soccer and for water retention. When water j:{: '. . gr':;". , u>>' , ' "!\~~: , ;~' ~., ~~\t;'.I1 ;'. , " j~~';:F' . Lake Bel1eview is under way now and some habitat has been put there for fishing. -1- covers the field, it runs off in n mntter of hours. ~.I . Mrs. Wilson said that in designing pllrk:f.ng lots in areas that are non-porous, ~ the conditi,on can be improved by putti.ng in turf block which is laid over n grnvel' f'f' and sand base. It has to be fertilized but docs not produce dust and hent nod cnn be sodded. Hr. Sicbenthaler nsked nbout the type of grilRs nod Hrs. Wileon said that she felt that St. Augustine is the best as it hns to be drought tolerant. "Emerald Zoysiall was mentioned I whi,ch has to be plugged, and has been used outside of the Arbor Office Building. Its nppcnrance is similar to Bermuda. Mrs. WHson suid thllt she was not talking about any big areas, just small offices 1.ike those of doc tor's and dentist1s and small parking lots for parks. She spoke of experiments nhe,is conducting. of working with the landscaping people, :including Mike Campbell, who is the City's T~nd Resources Specialist and drawing up a Water Quality Ordinnnce for the City, covering different types of pollution. Mr. Wilson said that the Resource Development Committee is requiring the deval- opet' to bring in thei't' Site Plans nnd Community Impact Statements which gives the developer an 'opportunity to discuss his plans ..dth all City dep~t'tmcnts. The BClluti- fication Committae Chairman said that the committee is still j,nterested in a dog control ordinance and decided to watch St. petersburg's attempt to control their dog pro1?lems. This problem will be discussed further at future meetings. The Chairman thanked Mrs. Wilson for her time and encouraged her to inform the committee of future projects relating to beautification. ~frs. Wilson said that she may come to speak about Crest Lake again and that if anyone saw anything wrong with regard to water pollution. to please call her as she handles citizen's complaints and can be reached at 462-6747 and 462-6625. ~ Recognition of Homeowners for Residential Beautification - Mr. Sicbenthaler said ,',Jthat after the last Committee meeting an Ad Hoc Committee was formed consisting of himself, Mr. Sweat, Mr. Voght, Mrs. Lundeen and Mr. Stepp. Recommendations from this , sub-committee and points discussed were as per Mr. Siebenthaler's memo attached. He showed the members a copy of the Homeowners Guide to Good Landscaping, put out in the' '50s. which could possibly be amended to this program so that anyone entering will know what is being looked for. Mrs. Lundeen suggested before and after pictures could 'be'submitted. Mr. Wilson said that pictures would eliminate the Committee having to look at hundreds of homes and that applications for entry could be picked up at this office. He noted that some good advance publicity will be needed. Mr. Wilson stated ,that he would send the Committee's proposal to the City Manager for his consideration. Applications can be typed in this office and copies made for the public. Local busi- ness people could be asked to participate. Certificates of Appreciation could be presented as awards. Mr. Wilson said that he would check to ascertain if there would be a problem about publicity recognizing donors. and that perhaps winners could come down and pick out a plant from the City stock nursery. Mr. Siebenthaler felt that he would like to include merchants in this program. ~l ,. . . , i:/,','" It was noted that some people would not want to sit down and write a long paper ,I:'" about their landscaping and that this might exclude them. Mr. Siebenthaler noted that t:~,.. they don't have to write anything but that the judges have to have some facts. It was (i\~ ':. 1~;:';: felt tbat the word "Landscaping" should be inserted so that it would read "Residential f:.~;:", , La'ndscaping Beautification Program". The program would cover only landscaping and not ".:\;',': ' architecture or exterior structural improvements. A good deal of discussion ensued ~V>, with no decision being made regarding categories or awards. ,1.<.:, .t~\" ~~~; ~ ' Hr. Wilson suggested the proj ec t ';~;{c:..-:, .october 29th, at 3: 00 PM prior to the ~~,~ :' .- '1~,>"", ,Jl'i::'." ~ a}J~'~'} '.0 ~~~~~}' ~ ,{.F' Committee meet in his office on Wednesday, next regularly scheduled meeting on November 5th -2- . , . . . I , " " : . .' " I' 'I' l(.l.:~', 'I ,: ~ t c . ", ,~,~;; as he felt that he would llllVC an nnswer from the City Mannger by tlu:lO. . \ L . '" ~~. : ~ f t", ,. Medians... The Chairman thought that ,the median question ought to be cloned off ~{','^ with some ,Bortof recommendation. In the interest of reduced maintenance requirements !,:;;; f\':il'," and resulting in, more attractive landscaping, the. c.ommittee is in fnvor of, on a 'i;::~'" gradual, basis, going to grass and trees in medillns with the 'cxccption of the Causcway, i:;;, , , and that the. addition of trees, where, possible, include flowering varieties to add ~ir,:.:' . ground color to the landscaping. ~~(::( ~ '. . \\;:",",, NEW. BUSINESS: 'f?\) , '~J.'{:~:,';' The Chairman read copies of 1ctters sent to several aren schools fr.om Mr: Shoemaker :;i'~,::" ,. regarding student participation on several advisory bOllrds, one of which was the :~:;:::" ',: Beautification Committee. ;\:::1" ',,:',' ' t If-' .,' ~. . I .. c ~ -t~ >' ': ~ c', . ~TC..:: " OTHER'BUSINESS: Ii' The Chairman'read a letter from Mr. Shoemnke~ to Mr. Sweat regording his resignation. S.~1::'(.:. '. . ~j:;<~::'.' ',' , ,,',.' A, motion was made by l>trs. Clark to <.'", ';',:rnitted, seconded by Mrs. Canan, carried ~~~<.~.::....:., ", .' ':,' . ,'. . \~\':.;:,',: <", ,': A. mo'tion was made by Mr.' Siebenthaler f:\~~:;'".',:' 'by. Mrs ~', Canan~ ,carried un'ariimously. I~~i: ......... . · . ." "e..,",'C2'J., ,.',' ~~;~~:~'",~:.\: ',' '~,';~'::::,\:, ',: ~~1.-l ~f''''J'' p... . ~\&~{~\\':::.:'; ":,', ~!;{'\.r" . . . '. g"~",, ..' . ,,,. , lrJ..i':"";~:~; , . ~I. "". .;.... ~'~"t ~\~. <' ... ftj;Y\::!~/ ....... : ..... .... .... '. ~,., ',.,.."" ", ~~;f~/;".."" ..... ...... ~~,',. ~'.." " " \ :f.j~7:<I:~ ~ ','.': ,": . ':,' '" ' .'. ~i;".( " , ' lftiY":';" ............. . }&r{."':"':"" ,,", '" ' !lf~~:;/~;'~ ,;',~:':'~I;" .-,::'" ": ~,hl,-"".., ...' ,.. ,', .,' ,. ~:r~':t> >:..,:' . '~L~>'~t;""~ :. .. '. .' ')""'\3'" , ' .~~;.;;.::~\~;...;.... .'. .. . ~"'r"'" "I'",.. ' ~t~:*j;t:,::M::\'~~>:;{l')::': }'::; : accept the minutes of September 10, 1980 os sub- unanimously. to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 AM,seconded . " :,' II . , ~ \ . ,', ,. , ',' ') .' ., /1 < . . ~ ,'.c ...... . " . '.. ~,', ;"3- I.