September 10, 1980
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~ The Beautification Committee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and
~creation offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, at 9~30 a.m., on
September 10, 1980. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbo8, Chairman, Mrs. Connie
Lundeen, Mr. L~ S~ Sweat, Mrs. Virginia Custer, and Mrs. Rita Canan. Mr. Sill Sapp and
MrB~ Billie Clark were on vacation. Mr. James Martin was unable to attend. Also attend-
ing were Mr. Ream Wilson and M~. Bill Voght.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced and welcomed new members, Mr.
Jack Siebenthaler",Mr:l,~bert Stepp, and Mr. Frank Krame, former member and chairman of the
Commdttee. Mr. Snoyenbos then distributed copies of Ordinance No. 1664, which sets forth
powers, duties, membership and length of term of members for various city Boards.
The Minutes of August 6, 1980 were approved as submitted.
Recognition of Homeowners for Beautification of Residences - Mr. Sweat gave his report'
concerning the way in which, the Beautification Committee of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce
selected business and professional locations for awards. Copy of Mr. Sweat's report is
attached to the Minutes. There was considerable discussion about this report and how the
Parks and Recreation Beautification Committee might conduct a program of recognizing City
Mr. Siebenthaler made a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee to draw up guide-
lines for a residential beautification program to present at the next meeting. The motion
was seconded. Mr. Siebenthaler said that a committee could eliminate some of the details.
'~e Chairman >asked Mr. Sweat if he would form a committee of two or three people for this
purpose. Mr. Sweat advised that he had been unexpectedly reappointed to the By-Law Commit-
tee of the, Florists Transworld Delivery Association (FTD) and that it would be necessary for
him to attend meetings out of town. Mr. Sweat said that he would have to resign from the
Beautification Committee because of his duties with FTD. Mr. Sweat's letter of resignation
was given to the secretary to forward to the City Manager. The Chairm.an expressed his regret
that Mr. Sweat would be leaving the Committee. The Chairman then asked for a volunteer to
chair a committee for residential beautification. Mr. siebenthaler volunteered.
Medians -
(conunissioner Ri.ta Garvey arrived at the lIleet~g at thi.s time)
Mr. Wilson discussed the tour of medians of September 9 which. six members had taken.
The main medians toured were located on Memorial Causeway, Island Estates, Court street,
Morningside, and Countryside. The Causeway is very important as a .main artery and other
medians are located in areas' where homes are well maintained. The people in these areas
would like the medians to be maintained to the same degree as their ho1ne landscaping. Mr.
Wilson advised that medians were just one of the responsibilities of the Parks Di.vision.
Others are passive parks, active parks, cemetery, beach, etc.
Mr. Art Mulholland, Parks Superintendent, distributed charts to members which showed
the frequency of maintenance of the medians. Members discussed the information on the
schedule with Mr. Mulholland, who then explained how the Parks crews are distributed through-
out the city. He also said that more citizen cooperation is needed in keeping the city clean
and gave an example of debris on the beach even though trash containers are provided and
":' c~ews regularly clean the beach. The Chainnan asked Mrs. Garvey about a regular city-wide
t.':' A~jflean-up day. Mrs. Garvey ,said that the city Manager had advised her that everything was
~;);, 'iPPicked up on a regular basis and the city no longer needed clean-up days. Mr. Wilson sai.d
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,,-\,:' ,that a public awareness program is needed within the city.
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Mrs. Canan said that the budget should be looked at to see that enough people were hired
for maintenance responsibilities.
Mr, Wilson stated that as shrub and flower beds in the medians needed replacing, ,
trees would be used for the replacement and this type of situation would be much easier
to maintain. Mr. Siobenthaler said that a crisis approach to maintenance is one way to
,~andle the situation, but that one person with the right equipment might be considered for
" ~intainin9 small medians.
The Chairman said that the discussion on medians could be continued at the next
" .
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Clearwater Artist-in-Residence - (Mr. Allen Edelman, Social Recreation Supervisor,
joined the meeting at this time)
Ms. Sally Parks, Director of the Pinellas County Arts Council, which administers the
Artist-in-Residence program for the City, explained'the program to members. Ms. Parks aqvised..
that the Artist-in-Residence program had been in effect for three years, after Commissioner
Nunnamaker suggested the idea, and that ~le City Commission approves $1,000 four times a year
, for four projects. She then introduced Mr. Loyd Jones, current Artist-in-Residence. Mr. Jones
distributed plans showing a metal sculpture he was building. The sculpture will consist of
five abstract sails, 12' x 12' x 3' wide, which will oxidize to a red color. The entire
,~sculpture would be set into concrete and placed at the Sand Key Toll Booth.
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Mr. Siebenthaler inquired about lighting the sculpture and Ml;. Jones said that the.
security lighting at the toll booth would be the only light. 'Mr. Siebenthaler said that night
<Lighting would be desirable and the cost should not be prohibitive. Mrs. Parks said that
she could address this to the City Manager. There was Borne discussion about the project.
The Chai~ inquired if a large project could be done once a year for the $4,000 available?
Mrs. Parks said that this was a good suggestion and that she would take it up with the selec-
: > tion committee., Mrs. Parks stated that possibly this could be done as early as next year.
.~ere was ,some' further discussion about the possibility of increasing the amount of money
,~vailable' for the Artist-in-Residence program.
"', 'Water Resources Activitiy - Mrs. Karen Wilson had been scheduled to discuss water
%6sources'activities in Clearwater but was ill. The Chairman stated that the program'would
be rescheduled for next month.
~ ;
;:j-,: Mr. Siebenthaler informed members that the Second Annual Flowering Tree Conference
;:~Y: ~as to be held at Cypress Gardens in May of 1981. He recommended that Mr. Bill Voght and
'::....:,' Mr~ ,Art' Mulholland cons~der attending. . He advised that the registration fee was $95, Cypress
:!:','::,",Garae~=_,;,JUJ,.notttob' \fBJ:~ away, and the hotel cost was very reasonable. Mr. Wilson requested
Ji('<tnat' .i'brochure"be sent to the Parks and Recreation Department for consideration.
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There being no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at
10:50 a.m.
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SEPTEMBER 10, 1980
CITY HALL ANNEX at 9:30 a.m.
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Call to Order
Welcome of New Members
'Approval,of Minutes of August 6~ 1980
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~;Y:':<"" ; R~cognition of Homeowners ,'for Beautification - -, ,
g{,,;:-'~':"",".":',::," , ". Mr., Sweat's report on meeting with
~f.',\:~?Y ~:,:; ":': : ',." ,g~:~~~e~f Commerce Beauti fi ca ti on
~t";::'\~:'.. NEWBU:~:::ater Artist-In-Residence - Mr. Loyd. Jones. representative of
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Medians - Mr. Art Mulhol'and~ Parks Superintendent
'will ,explain mowing schedule, etc.
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Water 'Resources Activity ~ Mrs. Karen,Wilson ,
Water Resources Specialist
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