08/06/1980 t;.c.}.4\:":Y.": > 't~:;'~>\:.: , 'f';'" ~ ~(<S"'::> ',", ~?:{u~ ' < t~,:,\.~~', " W\~~r.r.::, :~ ',',,:, .. > . ~:,..;" :~(;,:--" fl": . t~', ' , : '!.~t.c 1.1.' "01::'; .~ .:. "i " rtt",t. 'J.', if,:, 'q ~f " , i:\,::';' ~~{,:;,. ~\;}i., '. '.' ,'. ~}j.:r:~~1 '. , 1'.- "r .' ...... ~'".- ~ 11 'r BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE / AUGUST 6, 1980 ......... '-, '~ , ' CITY HALL ANNEX at 9:30 A.M. ,I .- ;' AGENDA .',' . call ~o Order " ~ ','.' . ~ < ' < . . . . ,~. :'!:" : ,~': <., .' ,",I. ,.. \"1 ' l~tl::"OLD BU::::::~::n::aCh Street Ends ~ji;';:;,,: " Medians '1.IJ.I~ '. >. NEW BUSINESS ,>,r,',.~.. "" ': : ~~fir?:::,:::':;, .," " Water Resources ~;~;~i~~s~u~:~ ~~~~~a~i~~on. . ~gi:.:t<(':::,<:';:'"::;~,, ";< ~"';..':' .:...,: "Re'cognition of Homeowners for Beautification ~i;::\:k', i.::,,:',.," ';', ' !":: ,,' of Residences (How Often-What Criteria-Who Reports) i;'~{~(r"""'.;,J"'~", ,'".'..., ,.'::' ,,",:,: '" ,,', , " , ~!.:~ ;,,:' ";, ':',', :., ,,' ':" :' ":, Correspondence i;ly!)~J,~, .;. j . '... . '. I : \. . ,~. ~,. ~'''''. ,\",11. .'" , ." ' 'i: ,'II't: 1 \ . _. t'.,." ..' .", . ~~~~;//::':~'~">::'.'. '.' . A~?O~rrunent {t3'::,',\.'" " , , , " ~~~l",,1;.-:"~~. '. :.':'~~," . . ,', ',\..:' I' ..... ft,i:'":, . ..... . ~'t.r.~ j< ',:1 . . ~.,,;: fll:<'i.:' ' 1t.~. " , :~\~~ '}, ,', ~~i}',~'.,;',;',,' , ~\.!,;;.'":,,, . ~1>'i~.:';' : ',- '. ~~.)"'.."" .' , , ',' . ... t. c( J " " '. I ~\I " " .' , ' '.. ' " ' ' .:N/'>::: ,',..,.' " ,'.' ~<.. ' '. .. ' . ~Sf_..', , ...," , ,..,,' '< "',;' :-,' :'," ~1-"~\"-t':'I. '.: _. """ . .... U'r'J., ..." lMj;.:::~.~~:j:':' ~::. ", ;. I.,' ~., =t~ .. . ~ . . .' '. ',: . ';. " :*:g.;,' '. ~r<:',' ~~~(:/:,::,', ~,:.~' ' .. "Approval of ' Minutes as Sent " , "'"" ....{ , " . ~ . ~ /: ,"" 'j; co ~. .'i,' ". \ , ~. . , I ~ < . . :. :~: . . F . " -/1 ".';! .<<~ L'~,P : , c : ~:>.:l . -,"" ~ . . ~ >.' . , '.' ',:., ,J;", ", I.... ':';',i : ' ." " :t\ " '- " . , '>' ,', I, . . , , , . ',\ :",. . ," , . ',. :.:~r;~: t,;' ': "" " ~:,:::, : '.' !i';' :. ~ .. I ,/' :' II " ' CITY OF CLEARWATER BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES Auqust 6, 19BO ~~ The Beautification Committee held their regular monthly meeting in the Parks and Recreation Offices at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, at 9:30 B.nl. on August 6, 1980. Members present were Mr. D. C. Snoyenbos, Chairman, Mrs. Phyllis Phillips, Mrs. Connie Lundeen! Mr. L. S. Sweat, Mr. Bill Sapp, Mrs. Virginia Custer, Mrs, Rita Canan, and Mrs. Billie Clark. Mr. James Martin was unable to attend. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Bill Voght. Mr. Robert Stepp was a visitor to the meeting. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. The Minutes of July 2, 1980, were approved as sent out. Chairman Snoyenbos suggested that the Committee might consider a vacation period next year for the months of July and August as so many members were on vacation during these months. OLD BUSINESS Doq Ordinance - Karen Wilson. Water Resources Specialist, was to attend the meeting to discuss water resources activity and also a dog ordinance from the pollution standpoint. Mrs. Wilson was unable to attend the meeting but would be invited back for the next meeting to discuss water resources actiVity. The dog ordinance is temporarily tabled. Beach Street Ends - Mr. Wilson read a letter from the City Manager to Connie Lundeen reference Street Ends. A copy of the letter was given to the Chairman and a copy placed in the Board Book. Mr. Wilson discussed some of the items in, the letter. Mrs. Lundeen '[:)'arrived at the meeting a few minutes late. She commented on the letter from the Manager , and discussed it with Mr. Wilson. She felt that nothing had been resolved on the parking situation and did not understand why there was no parking allowed on the gulf side on street ends. She said that people parked there even though no parking signs are posted. There was some general discussion of parking problems. The Chairman suggested that the beach area is a large area and he wondered if it would be of value to have people who live there act as a standing committee to report on situations , that might be of interest to the Committee. The members felt that the Beautification Committee should look into 'all areas of the City, not just the beach. Mrs. Lundeen felt they could certainly monitor the beach. There was also some discussion of the dog ordinance (animal code.) Mr. Wilson advised that if Committee members noted problems of beautification around the City" they should feel free to call him. Chairman Snoyenbos suggested that the Committee drop the subject of Beach Street Ends from the agenda for a period of time and that it could be put back on the agenda when the need arose. Mrs. Clark asked if trees could be planted on beach street ends--S~nerset Street has Australian Palms. Mr. Wilson said that if they planted trees the responsibility of water- ing would have to be worked out. Mr. Voght advised that oak trees might live in one section and not in another due to the salt spray. The planting of trees at the street ends will be investigated further. ~~:' j Medians - The Chainnan was interested in the Committee touring the medians around U~;: ,,~~:a the city so that membe~s cou~d get a better idea of what is involved in maintenance, ~~'~ plantings, etc. Mr. Wl1son lnfonmed members.that sod has been.ordered for the medi~n.o~ ~:,: " the Causeway inunediately West of the East brldge. He also advlsed that the ~arks DlVls~on ~~ had a crew of 12 men trimming and edging along the Causeway at the present tlme. Mr. Wl1son i~" suggested that the Committee might wish to tour medians before the next meeting. . \' , ' /;i: (1) '.1 ,', , ~ .' ." ~ .. A motion was made to move the next Committee meeting to September 10 because of the Labor Day holiday. Mrs. Clark seconded the motion, which passed. It was decided to have a tour of the medians on September 9 at 10:00 a.m, with the tour leaving from ~': ~'Cth, e Cki tYM Ha lp' hAi n, n, et x. MemdbMcrs will be ctondtachted bhY phone, drebga rd i ngfthe tourd. Mrbs ,. t ,'- ar, rs. ps, an r. Sapp sta e t at t ey wou e out 0 town an una e 0 take the tour. " I, ~ . ," . 'J ('~ ::;, -.:...I , " /.' " \,:" . Mr. Wilson infonmed members about the Emergency Vehicle Roadway on the Causeway and that it had been posted for joggers and bicyclists to use as well. The area between the sidewalk and the road needs fill dirt and grassing, and the sidewalk is to be repaired. He mentioned that attendance on the beach has increased greatly since Sand Key Beach was closed. Mrs. Custer inquired about boat launching near the East Causeway bridge. Mr. Wilson said he would look into the situation. Mrs. Phillips asked if the Parks and Recreation Department hired extra people in the summer. She was infonmed that there were 12 seasonal positions during the summer and that the positions were of substantial value in covering for vacations and in providing additional help when grass is growing so rapidly. Mrs. Phillips asked about the possibility of hiring extra people for next year. She also advised that the grass in the Morningside medians was high. Mr. Snoyenbos asked if Mr. Mulholland, Parks Superintendent, could attend the next meeting to explain the schedule of mowing, etc. to the Committee. Mr. Wilson said that he would arrange for this to be done. The Chairman also made the recommendation that the planting of medians be standardized with respect to bushes, flowers, trees, and sod. This will be discussed at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS Recognition of Homeowners for Beautification of Residences - Mr. Snoyenbos asked for members to comment on this subject. He said that Mr. Sweat was on the Chamber of Commerce committee for business beautification and landscaping of new or remodeled buildings. Mr. Sweat said it could be put on a contest basis, selecting one area that needed beautification like the North end of Greenwood Avenue. He said it should be coordinated with the Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee. There was discussion on this subject. (Mrs. Clark was excused from the meeting at this time) Mr. Snoyenbos asked Mr. Sweat to talk to the Beautification Committee of the Chamber,to see if our efforts could tie into theirs so that there, is no duplication of efforts. , Vice-Chairman - Mr. Snoyenbos said he thought it was appropriate and desirable to appoint a Vice-Chairman and that he would like Mrs. Lundeen to serve in this capacity. Mrs. Lundeen said that she would accept the appointment. COMMENTS BY COMrUTTEE MEMBERS Mrs. Custer discussed the ordinance about publications (Ordinance #1339, handouts, hand bills, newspapers). She stated that there' is no way to prevent the handing out of newspapers, etc. and that a draft ordinance for this purpose (#1852) had not passed. There was some discussion about this. There being no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. '" (2)