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JULY 2, 1980
The Beautification Ccmnittee held their monthly meeting at the City Hall
Annex at 9:30 A.M. on July 2, 1980. Members present were D. C. snoyenl:x:ls,
Bernard panush, Billie Clark, Rita Canan, Connie Illndeen and Virginia O1ster.
Mes.'ttJers absent were L. S. Sweat, Bill Sapp (excused), James Martin (excuserl),
am Phyllis Phillips (excuse::1). Also atterrling was ~. Ream Wilson, Director,
Parks am Recreation. '
The Minutes were approved as sent out.
Chainnan Snoyenbos expressed the appreciation of the Camtittee manbers for
the personal efforts of Bernanl Panush as Chairman an:l presente:i him a Certi-
ficate of Appreciation. Mr. Parn.tsh said he had enjoya:i being on the Beautifi-
cation Ccmni.ttee am acting as its Chairman. He felt the Ccrrmittee sb::Juld
continue maJdng reo.:lt1tle1Dations to the City Manager to bring alxut improvanents
to the city. Mr. Panush said new lea:lership was essential to the success of
the Catmittee ani note:i that most of the manbers in atterl1ance were newly atpJi.nte:1.
Bottle ordinance - '!he City Attorney advised that the City does not have
the authority to adopt a Bottle Ol:dinance, am that two bills are currently
l:ei.n; considered by the State Legislature. It was decided to plt this on the
February 19811\ge.rda at 'Which time the ccmni.ttee will subnit reccmtlE!IXlations
to the City M3.nager far lX>ssible use by the lJ:qislative Dele;atian.
J:bg 0rcIinan:e - Chairman Sooyenl:os had occasion to canplain to the Clear-
water Police ab:l1t a dog nuisan::e situation ani was told the City had no Dog
Ordinance, which is oot true. The Ord:i.nan::e is entitled "Animals ani Fowl"
am :ilx:lu1es dogs. Rita Canan researche:1 dog ordinances of St. PetersbJrg,
p~, las Camty arrl City of Clearwater, ani preparerl an excellent chart
sbowi.n;J the rules am regulations of all three areas - copy of this chart is
erx:losed, for your records. The City of St. Petersburg p3.ys Pine1las Coonty
to eDfarce their ardinance.
Mrs. Karen Wilson, Water Resources Specialist for the City of Clea.n.ater,
is CXIJlCe:t'IlErl with anina.l excrenent washing into the City's lakes, an:i causing
a water qtiallty as ~l as a health problan. She will be ch:afting an ord.inarY:e
for City camli..ssion approval forbidding dog wa1k.i.ng to be within so n\3nY feet
of lakes and other water bodies. This will enable the City to enforce "No
Dogs" requirements at such places as Crest rake, Salls rake, etc. Mrs. Canan
Will invite ~.rs. Wilson to be guest speaker at the Cam1i.ttee's next meeting.
N. ani S. Greenwood Areas - Mr. Wilson advise::1 that Mr. Ron M:Elrath,
'I 'camunity Develor:ment COOrdinator had met with se.reral groops arrl was trying
to get an organization within the N. Greern.tx:d camnm.ity to spearhead a
clean-up campaign effort. Mrs. Clark asked if rrore trash containers cooldn1t
be'placed in the N. Greenwo::x1 area. Also, Mrs. Clark asked al:xJut containers
01\ the North Beach. Mr. Wilson advised the ccmni.ttee that the City will start
, chai.n.in;J trash containers at sp::!Cific locations on the north en:l of Clearw';lter
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s. Greenw::xx1 area will be lan::Iscapa::l as soon as the sewer pipe w:lrk is
Cleanrciter Beach Street En:1s - will be discussed at next tOOnth' 5 meeting.
Medians - Mr. wilson presente:1 the follCMing facts to the camdttee.
MErlians are islands in the middle of roadways. The City has the followi.n;
medians: Isl.ani Estates, MaTerial Causeway, Morningside, Har1:or oaks arx1
eountr.yside. Mr. WUson said the upkeep of medians is very costly due to
naintenaIx:e (m::Mi.ng, e:igin3', weeding), watering, car a-:cidents damaging
shrubs and sprinkler heads, wini f:x:an traffic causing dirt to shift into
no.mds. ,Mr. Wilson state:J that there are two miles of ootside curbing re-
, quirin3 edgin:J at Is1an::1 Estates. The City has an ordinance forbidding
grass to grCM 411 or mxe 0IleI curbs. He said the Parks ani Recreation
bX1get is broken down as follows: passive parks, active parks, rights-of-\'aY,
,Clearwater Beach, caretery ani medians. Recently he toured the M:n:n.ingsi.de
area with ~ ~ers association who are considering replacing p:lOr shrub
beds with trees. Shrubs at ems of medians create a sight distance problan
when driving. Mr. wilson state:3. that in certain areas of the country heme-
owner associations are contracti.n;J out the maintenance of their me1i.ans arrl
usin;' schcx:ll chi1.dren, retirees, etc. to perform these tasks.. Other areas
are design,irr; ne:1i.ai1s with grass am trees only. The Camtittee will discuss
a field trip to the City's 1redians at next m:nth's meet.:i.ng'.
.Resignation' ~ Me'. Al Price's letter of resignation was read in which Mr..
Price famd It necessary to resign due to {:COr health. The Camdttee ex-
pressed 'regret. at this nEWS ani wishe:1 him success in his m:Jlle to Belleair Bluffs.
" Board Mee~S Attemaxx::e - A ITOtion was ma:le by Mr. Panush to concur
with the City Manager's recanoon:3ation regarding atterrla.nce at Board ~tings.
'Ibis is interpreted that three unexc:lL-c:e:l consecutive absences or a total of
six absences (excused or unexcuserl) in a twelve m:mth period were grOJIrls for
, dismissal of any member. COnnie Imxieen seconded the zrot.ion which passe:i
~~. '
~ ~ ~ of the Beautification Camrl.ttee will be held on
August 6,' 1980 at 9:30 A.M. in the City Hall AnneX.
-:I11ere bein; IX) ~rther bJsiness, the meeting was adjourna:l.