06/04/1980 ~ "~"""""".'" .- , . ~~~~. ,; . ,.> .f{';', .'.. ?....~.: " ,~. , Jolt',: . 'f(,:: ''J-'l ' ,1'J. . r-:lt- \..... ~.rl " I . t~~>: ' , ~~\ Vi.";w' . .'\.?,: '; nfl" >:, , at8~;:', " J BEM.1l'IFICNrICN CCM1ITrEE JWle 4, 1980 '!be regular nonthly meetirv;r of the Beautification Catmittee was held' at 9 :-30 A.M. on June 4, 1980 in the City Hall Annex. Members present were: Bernard Panush, D. C. Snoyenbos, Rita Canan, Cbnnie I.un:1een, Phyllis Phillips, L. S. SWeat, Bill Sapp, an::l Billie Clark. Members absent were: Al Price, Virginia CUster ani James Martin {excuse:1}. Also in atten:iance were Ream Wilson, Director of Parks arXi Recreation, Bill Voght, Nursery Superinten:lent, John SOlever, Sanitation Division SUperinterrlent, Gil Wyers, Special Inspector, ani Jack Carannante, tot Mowing Inspector. The minutes of the last meeting 1 May 7, 1980, were approve:l as sent out with the foll.owing exception: Uooer Old Business - Dog ard..inan:e, Rita canan was aske:i to report back to the camdttee in t\o.o m::mths - not one month. Mr. ParD.1sh announce:i that he was resigning as Chairman of the Camtittee an:l this \',OU].d be his last meeting as the Chairman. , Mr. Panush asked far a m:ment of silence in respect to Arthur Kruse, forrrer Chairman of the Beautification Cannittee, who passed away May 19, 1980. The Carmittee sent a bcuquet of flowers to the funeral heme mooring him. DID BUSINESS:' 13C7I'l'IE ORDINAN:::E: Mr. Par1Ush I S letter to the City Manager \'as read in which it \o.aS suggestEd the staff review the Oregon Bottle Ordinance for p:Jssible adopting SUch a City of CleatWater ordina.rx::e. '!he City r.anager resporx:le::i by letter stating be had referred tIle matter to the City Attorney to determine whether the City had auth;:')rity to grant such an ordinance ani w:::uld be back in contact. Mr. Panush suggested the ccmni.ttee wait a month or two for the City Manager' 5 response. Mr . Sweat brcught an alurni.num can fran Michigan to sOOw the Board t'l"eI1bers. On the ,'top ot' the can is stamped "MICHIGAN 10(: REFUND". ~ BEACH ~.L'l'<t~ta: ENDS~ Connie I.un:ieen wrote a letter to City Manager a..ski.nJ' for an upiate in progress on the Ccmni.ttee IS reccnrnerrlations. N:J response had been receive:l as of this meeting an:l Mr. Wilson felt that was due to the fact the City Manager had been on two weeks vacation. He irrli.caterl that a . resp::>nse WOJld 1:e receiv~ by the next meeting. 'N~ ~ AREA; Mrs. I.un:leen wrote to the City Manager advisirig of progress made in'the clean up campaign effort an:i the City M:mager resp:m::1e:l expressing his appreciation to the Beautification Ccmnittee an] stating that efforts are bein:;J tn3de to secure an organization fran the Gr~ ccmnuni.ty willing to act as cooniinator of an ongoing clean up campaign. VAC:PNr IlJr M:lIDi(; ORDINAN:E: Mr. John Selover, Sanitation Division SUperinten:1ent was liitro:iuce:l.to the Boaxd Me!nbers and he, in turn, intrcduced Mr. Gil. Wyers, Special Inspector arrl Mr. Jack Carannante, UJt M::Ming Insr:ector. Mr. ~'7yers state:l the J'leo1 ordinance is very effective an:i has shortened, the waiting time. . ,~ . '" ~ L 16- , ' " :> <', ::; 1> ,'. . , ' " <! .. .', " C,'T " ' :', r:"\,' ',:' ,:~.~ ,> ';,: ):~~'..' / . .:\~, !~ .\' . . " . ,:.".:. . ;.': . , . I. .' ~ i' . t.~ ,~ I.,. :::~~ ~, \,' ',', . , , ' ,~. , " ~ ,l.. . ~.~: ,f '. " ' :t ~.y., . .. " J, ~., I" , )1 .t. . L" ,.' ';" , , .' " ,. ~';:'~ ()' f<': . ~: ~~~' .' ; ":>"., I~;', " t: ; \ ' :,:;~::. ~. . t.,,:,:, ' t~..:i . " : r_ j c ~:\L~l:;;~.';':~:" ::....(, , .. . ~ ."'-y., --, ~ J . , ....-.101II......-"..;41 He said the new ordinance allCMS the city to go out ard fin:1 lots whereas before the, city had to wait for canplaints before action was taken. He did say that only one notice is issued nt:M to the property O'.\Ir\er and sanetimes a.mers change between the time of mailing notification an:l city enforcing ordinance. He has experienced problans with foreign owners in that rrany COWltries don't recognize our registered mail system. Coorthouse records are checke::l to verify correct owner. Mr. Wyers will check with the City Attorney to see if a notice cc:uld be posta::i on the property, itself. He said aJ:Jwt 1,000 letters were mailed out last year an::I the city ~ about 100 of t.h:Jse lots. Mr. ~ers said al::out 9 aut of fNerj 10 owners take care of their own property. '!be $75 city adm.:ini.strative charge has been a great help in prarpt.:[i1g owners to take care of their 1arrl, rather tl'l&"'l p:s.y the charge. Mr. SOlev-er told the cam1i.ttee that within the next year an:i a half the city w:uld be on a one man autanatErl residential trash pick up systan. 20,000 carts aIX1 ad:1itional trucks are on order. The sanitation Division plans to \o.Ork a 4 day - 10 hour week in the future. The carts are 90 gal. capacity am residents can put ll'Ost anything inside including &'ee tr.inmiIJgs. rx:x; OROINAN:E: Rita 'Canan will rep::>rt to the Boal:d at next month's meeting as originally planned. NEW BUSINESS: 'SJ.~'l' TREE PI.AN'1'IN3 PBO:iP.AM: Bill VQ3ht announced that the City had resumed their Street Tree Plant.i.r1:J Program JWle 2n::1 ani was receiving a gexXl response " 'fran the p.1blic. '1'11ere are 450' live oak trees to be distri1:ute:l. '!he cost to the resident is $25.00 with the city doing the planting 5 ft. fran the e:lge of the sidewalk.. This distance keeps the city rights-of-way free so as IXttto disturb utility lines, pipes, etc. Mr. Sapp said the live oak tree was salt resistant as well as the Carrotw:x:d tree. Er.a:TICN OF NEW ~: Mr. Panush ocrninate:J. D. C. Snoyenbos as Ch.a.iJ:man, Mr. Sweat seconded the notion which carrie:l unaninDJ.sly. ' Members felt that ~ carmi.ttee was rroving forward, gettirxJ nore re:::o:JIlition ani re::eivirq goo::1 respOnse under Mr. Pam1sh's leadership. Mrs. Phillips suggested that the Catmitteesha.1ld continue writing letters to the City Manager with reccmnen:Ia- tions an::l Suggestions for City Ccmnission action. She state:i the Camtittee is 'highly respecte:i. , EXPIRATICN OF MEMBERS TERMS: It was J?:)inted. out that seven menbersl tenns expil:e. this year. The Carmittee \l.OUld like those ll\al1.bers reapp:Jinte::l an:1 a , letter will be written to the City Manager recarmerrli.ng all nanbers whose te.ons expire in 1980 be reaptx>inted by the City Catmission. There I:eing no furtherb.1siness, the meeting was adjournerl. -2-