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January 9, J,980
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Call to Order - Chairman Bernard panush
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Approval of Minutes as Sent
Introductio'n of Guests and Speakers
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Don Jass, Planne~, Connnunity Development
Ream Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation
Bill Voght, Nursery Superintendent
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liThe North Greenwood Communitytl
, Old' Business
Continued discussion of N. Greenwood area
,New ~usiness
, Correspol'1i!nce
, ',Adjournment -
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Mr. A1 Price (in Morton Plant Hospital)
Mr.', Robert ,Thompson (doctor appointment)
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(dentist appointment ~ will bs late)
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January 9, 1980
The regular monthly meeting. which was open to the public, was held
at the Martin Luther Ring Center on January 9, 1980. Members present
were: Bernard Panush, D.C. Snoyenbos, Rita Canan, Virginia Custer,
Connie Lundeen, James A. Martin, Mr., Phyllis Phillips, and L.S. Sweat ,Jr.
Members absent were A1 Price and Robert TIlompson. Also in attendance were
Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director; Bill Voght, Nursery Superin-
tendent; and Don Jass, Planner II for Community Development Department.
The minutes of the last meeting, Dec. 5, 1979, were approved as sent aut.
OLD BUSINESS - N. Greenwood Area
A visual tour was conducted on January 8, 1980 with three Committee
members present (Bernard Panush, D.C. SnoyenboB, and Connie Lundeen),
Bill Voght, and Don .lass. It was noted that no one was using the Plaza
Park facilities and there were no benches to sit on; that certain streets
needed more neatness and cleanliness; and that where there were absentee
landlords, the property was not well kept. According to a booklet handed
out at last month's meeting by Mr. Jass, 70% of property in N. Greenwood
area is owned by absentee landlords.
, "
Mr. Jass said under consideration for grant money are four parks, namely
Ray Green Field, Overbrook Park. Chesapeake Park, and Plaza Park. They
are being considered \mder Pinellas County proposals rather than as a City
of Clearwater suomittal request.
Chairman Panush noted that only four citizens attented this public
~meeting and asked for their comments, which follow:
CHERRY HARRIS of 1789 Harbor Drive. Clearwater, Florida 33515 stated:
the City Ordinance should be enforced to have property kept up. She said
landlords don't live there themselves, and they don't keep yards clear or
do anything. She would check on her property and if not kept up, would
make them move. She said landlords shouldn't only be interested in the
money from rent. She thinks the landlords themselves should enforce ordi-
nance and if they don't, give landlords a penalty. She said Greenwood Ave.
had so much broken glass, trash, overgrown weeds, cars and tracks parked
allover that no one wants to drive down Greenwood Ave. let alone get aut
of their car - people fear for their lives it looks so awful. She doesn't
see how people can live in some of the houses. She said most of the land-
lords were white people. She said ,many older people lived in the neigh-
borhood and were unable physically to do yard work~ or carry trash out.
etc. aod that there should be some kind of system to help these people.
She said Greenwood Avenue is the worst looking place. She thinks the
young people should clean places like Greenwood Ave. to keep Clearwater
Sparkling. She asked who keeps the easeways and sidewalks clean. She
said if the people can't keep it clean, then the City should hire men.
She mentioned there are broken bottles and glass under the "crab tree"
at Greenwood Ave. and Engman St. She said a neighbor at Harbor Drive and
Greenwood Ave. has parked an Allied Van Truck in his yard since October 1979.
She said if the City starts painting business firms, it should start with
the New Deal Taxi Co. which needs painting and fixing up badly.
....... ~
She alone cannot keep the Greenwood area clean and so far has had very
little support from the landlords, tenants or transients.
ETHEL BRYANT of 1301 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater, Florida stateds the
City on one hand does the work and on the other hand doesn't. She said
the place in back of her lot, 1152 LaSalle, looks like a wilderness; and
is owned by a white person. She said tho City had sent a letter to her
son-in-law to clean up his lot or pay $75 to the City for them to do it.
She said you string a net and swallow n camel. She said the City should
send a letter to owners of 1152 LaSalle to clean up or else pay $75. She
said the fish bouse at corner of Greenwood Ave. and Seminole St. needs to
clean up the smells. She said on many vacant lots and on the lot at
Greenwood Ave. and Carlton St. where the VFW building sits and which is
used by the Marshall St. School, there is Iota of broken glass, which needs
cleaning up. She pointed out that bottles which can be sold are not
thrown down on Greenwood Ave.
. " ."...
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ELEANOR BRELAND of 1157 Alma St., Clearwater. Florida stated: She is con-
cerned with the area from Seminole St. up to Fairmont St. along Greenwood
Ave., and with the high majority of renters in this area. She said tran-
sients are 20. 40. 50 years old. She said if it is the responsibility of
the landlords to keep property clean, then she doesn't think the City
will get a very good campaign. She feels the worst area is west side of
Greenwood Ave. between Engman and Carlton where a church sits and behind
t.he VFR building on Greenwood Ave. She said the "crab tree" is actually
an oak tree where people sit underneath in afternoons and evenings'playing
cards. talking, and after dark people congregate there drinking and sociali-
zing. She said those who do the drinking and littering of bottles, etc. are
not the majority who live in the neighborhood nor are they those who attend
church on Sundays. She has lived in the Greenwood area all her life and
the main problem is keeping the area clean. The vacant lots are full of
trash and there are no parking signs posted on lots. She asked if Beau.Com.
planned to beautify the business area of Greenwood.
MR. NORVAL MARTIN of 1771 Harbor Drive. Clearwater, Florida stated: the
City waG charging tax to cut vacant lots since the City Clerk, Mr. Whitehead.
died. He asked the City to post NO TRUCK signs and was informed the City's
Traffic Engineering Dept. takes care of signs. He said he had just re-
turned from Detroit where tney have a Bottle Ordinance and the streets are
sa clean now of trash and battles.
Mr. Ream Wilson pointed out that it is the adjacent property owner's
responsibility to maintain rights-of-way. He said the problem of broken
glass is a daily one with kids throwing battles, etc. Mr. Wilson said
that on properties the City owns the Parks Division crews maintain the
rigbts-of-way. There should be pride of owner or renter to keep up prop-
erties~ he felt. Mr. Wilson said sidewalk problems of business finns
should be reported to Mr. Willard Stewart, Special Inspector, Sanitation
Division. at 462-6650.. Mr. Wilson said a new City Ordinance was passed
which prohibits owners from allowing grass to extend 4" beyond the curbing.
If grass does extend more than 4u beyond curbing, it should be reported to
Willard Stewart at 462-6650. Mr. Wilson said there are regulations against
parking trucks on residential lots and the Zoning Enforcement Officer
, should be contacted. He said the City had a Service and Information Office
...... ..
and any questions or complaints by citizens should go to them - 462-6900 -
and this office could direct the caller to the correct City Dept, for action.
Connie Lundeen said due to a lack of knowledge of City Government by the
Greenwood residents, a meeting should be held with them explaining what
services are available and how to go about contacting the proper official.
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Jim Martin said he lives at Clearwater Beach on the Bays1de and after
every weekend, he 118S to pick up bottles thrown in front of his property.
He felt the City Building Codes should be enforced. He asked if there was
a Boy Scout troup in the Greenwood area, and was told there is not. It was
pointed out tbat Hartin Luther King Center draws many young people. Mr.
,Martin said there was a trash problem at the Sand Key Causeway near the
Hilton Hotel on Clearwater Beach, until trash cans were placed there for
the public to use. He Guggested placing 55 gal. drums on vacant lots in
the Greenwood area, noting that when people have a place to dispose of
trash, they usually do 80.
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Phyllis Phillips said it would be mare meaningful if the people them-
selves got involved in cleaning up the Greenwood area and organizing such
a cleall up campaign.
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Virginia Custer said the City needed a Litter Ordinance.
Bernard Panush said a civic group was needed in the Greenwood area.
NEW BUSINESS - Chairman Panush announced that Mr. A1 Price had returned home
from the hospital, and it was hoped he would be able to attend the next
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The secretary read a letter from Mr. Shoemaker, City Manager, dated
January ~, 1980 to Mr. Panush which stated the Sanitation Division had
placed a dumpster at the Clearwater Marina Building to be used for ,fish
and 'fish carcasses. This action was in response to the Beautification
Committ~'s letter regarding garbage and refuse at the Marina.
Mr.Sapp was appointed to investigate bottle ordinances in Detroit,
Oregon, ete; and report to the Committee his finds at the Feb. 6th meeting,
whi,ch will be held at the City, Hall Annex as usual at 9: 30 A.M. (members only).
'Mr. Snoyenbos will act as Chairman in Mr. panush's absence on February 6th.
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There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 A.M.
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