Beauti fication COlllln.i.ttcc
October 3, 1979
The regular monthly meeting of the DCClUt:.if:i.ciltion Committee
was held at the City Hall Anncx,on Octohor 3, 1979, 9:30 a.m.
Mombers in attendance WCl'C: Dernnrd {lilnul1h, D. C. 5noycnbos,
Al Price, Robert Thompson, James Martin, \lr., Virginia Custer,
L.S. Sweat, Jr., and Bill Sapp. Aloo i.n attendance was Art
Kader, Asst. Director, Parks and Rccrcntion.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as sent.
Mr. panush, Chairman. asked members to suggest names of people
qualified to serve as members of the Conuni.ttee. These names
would be forwarded to the city Manager.
The secretary read a letter addressed to Tony Shoemaker, City
Manager, from Mr. panush regarding the recommendations of the
Committee concerning the trash and garbage conditions at the
marina. *Since the meeting Mr. Shoemaker has indicated he will
look into the situation and reply to the Committee.
Mr. Panush introduced Keith Crawford, Director, Traffic Engineering:
Art Mulholland, Superintendent, Parks Division and Bill Voght,
Superintendent, Nursery Division. These men were asked to respond
to the recommendations submitted to the Committee by Connie
Lundeen regarding the street ends on Clearwater Beach. The following
information was given the Committee.
Recommendation 1. RESIDENTIAL PARKING ONLY signs. The problem with
signs of this nature would be the issuance of permits
to area residents and the inability of the police
to determine residents visitors.
Recommendation 2. PARKING TIME ON SIGNS. The time indicated on
the signs is determined by the city coremission. A
change would have to be effectuated by them.
Recommendation 3. TRASH CANS Mr. Mulhollnad stated that at one
time additional trash cans were set out, but were
not used to capacity. It is felt there should be
only one can at street side on access roads.
Recommendation 4. ~TAL BARRIERS To replace the metal barriers
with wooden ones would be costly and expensive to
maintain. It was suggested perhaps the neach
Associations might wish to paint the barriers.
, ,
~,~~~+Utification committeo
~~ october 3, 1979
/ Pnge 2
Recommendation s. 13El\Cl~ .?\..CCgSS !319.M Si.gnn wi th beach rules are
currently being crected.
ReCOllUtlendation 6. NO OOGS sigl'19. 'l'hi3 ntntemcnt.: is included in the
signs currently being posted.
Recommendation 7. PLhNTINGS It is difficult to maintain plant
materials in nny nrea without irrigation, Some
residents have alBo exprnasad the fact that
plantings provide placeR to harbor vagrants,
provide places to smoke "pot" etc.
Recommendation B. PLANTING COMMITTE~ ~lis would be possible
through the combined efforts of Mr. Sweat,
Mr. Voght and area residents interested in
discussi.ng plantings and the maintenance re-
quired by the citizens.
Recommendation 9. BOARDWALKS This is not recommended due to the
initial cost and upkeep, plus the high rate of
accidents recorded on same.
Recommendation 10. WEEDS Homeowners in vi.olation should be re-
ferred to the Sanitation Division who enforces
the new Vacant rIot Ordinance.
Recommendation 11. RESIDENTIAL AREA signs Signs to this effect
are already in existance in these areas.
Recommendation 12. POLICE PATROLLING Regular patrolling by the
City Police is automatic.
Following the presentation, the Committee decided to hold the next
meeting at the Memorial Civic Center and invite area residents to
be 'present. Announcements will be made in local newspapers re-
garding the change of meeting time and place, plus subject of dis-
Wednesday, October 31st, members are invited to tour tho beach area
at 9:30 am. The tour will be conducted by Bill Voght. Any members
wishing to tour, please call Merrilyn Baskin (462-6531).
Mr. Sapp invited members of the Committee to the dedication of
Brooker Creek Park on October 18th at 10:00 a.m.
No further business was noted. Mrs. Custer made a motion, second
~ by Al Price, ~1e meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.