07/11/1979 , .' '.',;..:' ,~ . ' ,., :. .: . ~ l. ".' ,~ ... '. .:, '~ .' . \'. . . ' , . ' , I ' ---...........-.- ...__ ____.._..>n-_~-,_. . .,.~ .........__._ __ .... ., Beautification Committee July 11, 1979 J -- The regular monthly meetinq of the Beautification ,Committee was called to order at 9130 a.m. by the Chairman. Bernard Panush. Members in attendance were: Bernard panush, Connie Lundeen, At Price, D.C. Snoyenboa, Phyllis Phillips, Robert:, Thompson, L.S. Sweat, Jr. and Virginia Custer. Joanne Wolfe, Donald Alexander and James A. Martin, Jr. were excused. Also in attendance were: Mr. Ream Wilson, Director. Parks and Re- creation, Mr. Art: Kruse, Chairman emeritus, and Mr. Bill Voght. Superintendent, Nursery Division. ' ,Minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent. Correspondence was read from Joanne Wolfe expressing regrets she would have to resign from the Committee due to working commi taenbJ. The Commi t1:ee members accepted her resignation with regrets and expressed the worthwhile, contributions Mrs~ Wolfe had made while a member of ~e Committee. :;~ : ,....,/ August 1, 1979, the Committee will present a Certificate of Recogni tion to Mr. Steve Gerakios for the cont.inuing work in beautification, both for Clearwater High School and the City of Clearwater. Max Battle, Director of Public Works, told the Committee some of ~e,exiBtinq problems which make his work difficult.Included are the numbers of projects to be completed, the lack of gas- oline and continuinq maintenance. Now that the Public Service Division is under the Public Works Department., Mr~ Battle said it will be easier to schedule the use of City equipment. He discussed the conditions at the No. Beach, the Memorial Cause- way and the drainage problems wi thin the Ci t.y . 'As budgeting remains a problem, several Committee members request.ed to see II. C.I.P. print out. Mr. Wilson will bring a copy to the next. meetin9'~ ,In response to the inquiry regarding the Norman Bie property, Mr.. Battle informed Mr. Wilson that Mr. Bie had submitted an application for a permit to construct a bulkhead on Cbe Bay- front.. If the application is approved. he int.ends to {'ush material in behind the bulkhead, and.if not approved be will have to remove the material from the site. There is nothinq the City can do at the present time to expedite the removal of the dirt and rubble.. Mr.. Wilson will look in1:o the matter further. ;~:t."',. ~~B ~~ ': ;' ..... ~. ,.Ir"j." . . I:~,:.",,~~~ ~:~l',.> "...' '" .Beau1:ificatioD' Commit:tee :t}.,:.;~::~ .,"'.. : . . ;;."". ~, .f ~ >... ' , :K\","", ..., " ;:. C", . ~. . ~k';;', , ~;}:,>,::::,," " ' I!li:(:~. ' , ~~r> " ~~::" " , t~,,;,::"':""':' fE/i;./;. >: . :.' ~ . .' . ~'i'i'''' ';,', ., , , ~\;;{::: ", , :~~ii;"'::"'. e, ~_.,' (. : ,', no, . ~>'- ',' .,., '.,\ \: /.:,~ .i ~'~'.~ . , , t:" . ,'" ," '-," c,', . " " !., . . , , ," " ' .' tl' '., l'. ~.' r," ., '.-' - .~. . ..~.[ i 'J:" , .. ..\ ";- , '" .~:}:: :. ,w Beautifigat:ion Committee July 11, 1979 Page 2 Mr. ,Bernard Panuah was reelected Chairman of the Corum! t.te for 1:110 c::osDing year. Thanking the Commi tte8 for the vote of con- fidenCfl, Mr. Panusb a~~epted the posit.ion. In reply 1:0 Mr. James Martin' IS question concerning 1:he odor at ~e Bayfront pumping st.ation near Pierce 100. ~e City is in ~e process of installing Griffin Pollut.ion Con~ol Eauip- men~ in,~e 'Clearwater Beach Sanitation Sewer Oolle~ion and Tranamission,System.wbidh will pOsitively control the odor. 'The"pumpinq station in' question is located below City Ball. The. system should be complet.ely operat.ional wi thin 'two or three months. '1'he"'meetinq was adjourned"at 10:55 a.M. '!1'ho~lIon, second by D.C. Snoyenbos. Motion made by Robe;X't: ;'~:- '1 . ~" "~'I ~(J;~iT;{":":?;"'\?1 ~~~ - '. " I ~$k,~',:-:,:,,',:, ':, . ,;'