04/04/1979 . & fit ':. ., "......., "r , :.' ~ I '~... . ., ~ " - BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE April 4, 1979 - The regular mon~hly meeting of the Beautification committee was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman, Bernard panush. Members in attendance were: Bernard panush, Phyllis Phillips, D.C. Snoyenboa, Al Price, Robert Thompson, Joanne Wolfe, Donald Alexander, Connie Lundeen, Virginia CUster and L.S. Sweat, Jr. James Martin, Jr. Was absent. Also in attendance were: Ream Wilson, Director, Parks and Recreation, Art Kruse, Chairman emerit.us and Bill Voght, Nursery Superintendent. Following a name correction in the minutes, the minutes were approved as sent. Chairman Panush introduced Mr. Art Kruse to the new members of the Committee. Mr. Kruse was celebratinc;r his ninetieth birthday. The Commi ttee extended birthday greetings to Mr. KruseJ and Mr. Wilson, .. Director of the Parks and Recreation Department presented Mr. Kruse. . with a letter ,thanking him for the contributions he has made to the'~ City of Clearwater. Mr. Sam Casella, quest speaker, representing the Downtown Develop- ment Board in~ormed the members that. after a year of study the Board was ready to sUbmit" a proposed ordinance to the City Commission with their recommendations as to zoning and future development for the Ci t;y. The Board recommends "multi-use" areas where the populace" could enjoy shops; living accommodations and natural beauty in one _ area. It is suggested there might be buildings which would have retail' shops on the first floor, offices on the second floor with .. liring accommodations above. One advantage of this type of building: would be to serve people Who wish to reduce the use of their auto- mobiles. Many people cannot: drive, or do not wish to do so. At the present: time Pinellas County is dependent upOn Che automobile, and Mr. Cosella said there must be provisions made for parking. Two parking garages are proposed - north and south of Cleveland Street in ~e vicinity of Garden Avenue. Estimated figures show a need for approximately 700 spaces north of Cleveland St. and 350 south of Cleveland St. These garag'es could be four to fi ve levels in height. In addition, improvement in mass transportation is needed, such as a new bus terminal with indoor facilities and parking above. A Traffic Engineering study of traffic patterns on,rCleveland Street is being done and should be finished in October. If these plans are a success, an additional 2000 downtown units would be available for i:he elderly, young families and working people. Addi t.ionally, the Board recognizes ~e problem of the Memorial Causeway in relation to traffic. There is a need for some type. of transit system to get tourist:s to and from Clearwater Beach from the downtown area. tfith . ,,' ". r, ;. .:.l;/....':~~:.L:.t,';.l _'~::,.::':,:,: '~. :., ,.' ". .' JIo' I I', ': '., ' .',' .." I Beautification Committee ,paqe. 2 '-.,} encouragement from the Downtown Development Board and the Chamber of , ~mmerce, many businessmen are now beginning to refurbish the outside of their shops. ,New facades ~e being constructed in alleyways as well. Mr. Cosella announced that this subject would be discussed with the City Commission on April 24, 1979. Mr. Bill Voght,. Nursery Superintendent, reported he and Mr. Russ Britton, Nurseryman, pre.ented a program on employment opportunities in Horti- culture and plant propagation to students in the Oak Grove Middle School. Mr. Voght felt that: t:he time allowed was inadequate to cover the material properly and suggested fut.ure presentations be given at the City Nursery. Mr. Wilson informed the Committee the lot at Hercules and Montclair is pari: of Charter Oaks being annexed to the City.' Mr.. Willard Stewart, Sani tat:ion Department, is cont.acting the new oWJ1efs 'to have the lot cleaned. A letter was read from the ci t:y Manager in response to the recommendation from Cerami t.tee members regarding lights at Christmastime on Mandalay Ave. A t:our of 'the local facilities is planned for Wednesday.. April 18, 1979 " . at 9:30 a.m. ,0 Mrs. Virginia Custer thanked Mr. WilSO: for arranging to have palm trees ".' ~~ted on Island Way thus enhancing the beauty of the area. ': ,Mr. Panush suggested Mr. Casella return as guest speaker at the May meeting ':,':.' 'and Mr. David Healy also be asked to attend from the Planning Department. ~; ,::> "These two men will be asked to compare the differences in their proposed , ordinances for downtown development. ,:;, ,,'Mr. Price made a motion the meeting be adjourned.. second by Mr. Snoyenbos. ':' " Motion carried. ........~~ . a:ard Panush. Chairman BP/meb * The next meeting of the Beauti~ica1:ion Committee will be held May 2, 1979. Speakers - Mr. David Healy, Planning Department Mr. Sam Casella, ~town Development Board ,..~ }J '. . ".. '~. (~,..; . ',. ..'1 "F ~-:.