03/07/1979 ~ ~ 1"'}' o , ::) '~' , . :1, .' ...._.,.,.u. _. ~..,.,., .... .__ . BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE March 7, 1979 ,v" The regular meeting of the Beautification committee of the City of Clearwater was called to order at the City Ball Annex at 9:30 a.m. by chairman Bernard panush. Members in attendance were: Bernard panush, chairman, D. C. Snoyenbos, Al Price, Robert Thompson, Don Alexander, James Martin, Jr., L. S. SWeat, Jr., Phyllis Phillips, Connie Lundeen and Virqinia CUster. Mrs. Joanne Wolfe was excused. Also in at.tendance were: Alan Smith, parks Superintendent, Ream Wilson, Director, Mike Campbell, !and Resources Specialist, Art Kader, Asst. Director, Bill Voght, Nursery Superint.endent., Juanita Anderson and Keith Crawford, Director of Traffic Enqineering. /~ " Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as sent. Chairman panush introduced Mr. Keith crawford, speaker, who informed the members of the Beautification committee as to the responsibilities of the Traffic Engineering Department in the city. Mr. crawford in- dicated reasons why the Christmas decorations were still not complete- ly removed was lack of manpower and equipment. priorit.y lists are established and followed for jobs in the city. Mr. Crawford noted the extreme shortage of personnel (electricians) to handle the amo'unt of work to be done. Thirty fi ve employees in the entire Department handle all problems connected with traffic signals, sound systems, lift: stations, sewage plants, electrical workings of the Clearwater Pass Bridge and sprinkling systems. The Department also handles the crane used for setting sewer pipes and poles at ball fields. In addition, hunclreds of man hours are expended installing and removing Christmas deco:rations in the city. Following Mr. craw- fora I s talk, questions were raised as to the feas.ibility of putting up street lights similar to those installed' in Miami and Tampa. Mr. crawfor~ will forward appropriate information as to the cost to the Committee at a later date. A discussion followed concerning the lack of Christmas tree lights on Mandalay Avenue at Clearwater Beach. Questions posed to Mr. Crawford asked: IS the recommendation made to the City Commission to include certain areas in the lighting of cer- tain streets at christmas? When are new lights and materials pur- chased? Are there times when Traffic Engineering has "slack timesn? Since there is a storage problem, are inventories taken on a regular basis to dispose of unused lights and decorations? Mr. James Martin, Jr. made the following recommendation be sent to the City' Manager. Recommended: NECESSARY BRACKETS AND CONNECTIONS BE INSTALLED BY THE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FROM MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER TO BAYMONT ON' MANDAIAY AVENUE SO T1:lAT CHRISTMAS LIGHTS CAN BE HUNG IN THIS SECTION FOR TBE COMING cmuSTMAS SEASON. Following a report on the Dog Ordinance from Mrs. Wolfe, the matter was deferred until October when more information woulq be available f:rom Mr. .Kenneth Miller and Dr. D. c. Lindblom, Dir. county Dog Control. ,. . ~ :.,. ",',lija '. ..,. , , ;.. . ,..(~~, , '.-/ ., " . , .. Beautification Committee Ma.1:ch 7, 1979 Page 2 Bill Voght." Nursery Supe:intendent, and Russ Briti:on, Nurseryman, from the City Nursery will present a program on City Beautification and plant propagation 1:0 two Science classes at: Oak Grove Middle School on Thursday, lUrch 15, 1979. Mr. Voght. will report. t.o Mrs. Wolfe on the presentation. Kennedy Middle School declined any activiey due to laCk of interest.. Mr. Snoyen])os, Chairman of the sub-comrni1::tee on "dumpsters'. reported he had talked with the Sanitation Department.. Dumpsters are rented by users which acccunts for the various sizes of dumpster.s. Servcie is difficult when parking regulations are not observed, but generally the dumpsters are cleaned periodically and small amounts of damage can be repaired by the men driving the uucks. R.estau:ant dumpsters are emptied daily except. Sunday. There are two dumpsters along the Marina labeled for fish. I~ is suqqested these dumpsters be placed in a more suitable place.a1on~ the Marina. Hr. Sweat spoke briefly on the Tree Ordinance. Be will report in detail a1: the n~ meeting. The new Lot Clearing Ordinance passed the first: reading by the Ci ty COmmission. ReqaD:'dinq the conditions of i:he lot on Hercules and Montclair Ave.: Mr. Wilson will discuss this at ne~ meeting. Mrs. Juanita Anderson, representing Edgewater Drive Association, told Committee lUeDIbers of sand blowing into the houses. Mr. Voght said the irriqat:j.on sysi:em had. been finished and was awaiting- electrical hook- up. Mr. Alexander said be fe1.t: it imperative the curbing be put in ~ediately, unless the Department of Transportation will be repaving in the near future. Mr. Alexander had obtained a copy of the MacNEIL/LEHRER Report entitled "MAIN STREET VS. THE MALLS". As s.oon as permission can be obt.ained from the radio station, copies will be mailed to Co~ittee members. Mrs. CUster reported her contact with City Attorney,Tom Bustin, re- sulted in the information that since so few people had ever complained abou1: handbill distribution on lawns and cars there be no change made. Mr. Al price made a mo1:ion the meeting be Mr. Alexander. Motion carried. '.......~ ~ ___/i ~ adjourned, second by , ........-, r ~,.... .:;'7 " l ' ,. .-:' --..... ...... ... ae~ard panu'sh, Chairman