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JUly 5, 1978
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The regular monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee
was held at the City Hall Annex on July 5, 1978. Chairman
Frank Krame presided., Members in attendance were Bernard
panush, A.W. price, Phyllis Phillips, Juanita Anderson, and
Lee Sciarra. Absent Were: L. Dicus, A. Short, R. Thompson,
J. Kerr and D.C. Snoyenbos. Also in attendence were: Arthur
Kruse and William Voght.
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The entire meeting was devoted to a slide and lecture presen-
tation of the proposed Bayfront by Mr. Marc Tritschler,
Planning Analyst of the Planning Department. Mr. Tritschler
showed slides prepared from the drawings of the arChitectural
Department of the University of Florida. Several ideas from
these drawings were combined to add to a proposed Master plan
which was also discussed. Mr. Tritschler will c~mplete his
presentation at the AUgust meeting.
Following nominations for a new Chairman to replace Frank
Krame, whose term as Chairman expires July 1978, Mr. Bernard
panush was elected the new Chairman of the Beautification committee.
Mr. p~ush will assume Chairmanship ~t the August meeting.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent.
The meeting was adjourned.
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Frank Krame, Chairman
,The next meeting will be held on August 2, 1978 at the
city Hall Annex. Mayor Charles LeCher will be present
" \ ',to address the members. Mr. Ream Wilson, Director of
'parks and Recreation will be introduced to the members
of the Committee. Please make every effort to attend
this meeting..
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