05/03/1978 '.,'. ~>o... ,.' .. ~ : 'i'. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE May 3, 1978 j . . , \ . I ,/ ./ I I .I ", ~. . , .'........... : f ........ The regular monthly meeting of the Beautification committee was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman, Frank Krame, at the city Hall Annex, clearwater, Florida, on May 3, 1978. '" ~'. . Members of the committee in attendance were Mesar: Al W. Price, D.C. Snoyenbos, Frank Krame, Mrs. Juanita Anderson, Mrs. Phyllis phillips and Mrs. Blaise Sciarra. Also in attendance were: Eddie C. Moore, Art Kruse and Lynn Ahlgrim. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent. In response to the reccommendation sent to the city Manager, Tony Shoemaker, Mr. Krame read correspondence from Mr. Shoe- maker concerning the old pier at Edgewater Drive. Once a pier has ,been removed from its location, it is necessary to obtain special permits to rebuild: therefore, Mr. Shoemaker suggested repairs be made on the existing pier rather than eliminate it. .Mr. Krame spoke to Mr. Battle who advised Mr. Krame he would remove the dirt and sand piles on the causeway. On several occasions Mr. Krame visited Edgewater Drive and noted the trees are fine, grass cut and rip rap has held well. One area, Charles street, will be inspected by Mr. Battle to see if more rip rap is needed in that area to prevent further erosion. Signs have been erected at Clearwater Beach indicating the direction of the North and South beaches. ;'! Mr. Kruse inquired whether the committee would be able to see the. drawings of the proposed Bayfront plan. Mr. Krame will contact the person responsible for presenting these plans to the committee. " Discussion was held concerning the amount of traffic on the Memorial Causeway and the misuse of the auxillary road. It was suggested by this committee the auxiliary road be used for emergency travel only. t~;:': '~.( ...... f?,". ;(" '". :" ~.~ : ~ ,~. ,:-.', : ' 'r:i.:,'\(';:,::, ' ~})'~'~::,:~:,:',',,::"'::':' , ,,,,3!, ' .ii''''.'...., ~.4tA. ZA?t-e. ir;(:,;.:::" . ", , .'\ . ~t~!:;::: ..... ..' : I ,', }"~':i"" , ' .' ' , ~fi~,:?{;;::>~.~i'.,:,::';... . "':;.,' . .'. .... l'''O'''''''''' , ~y;p,::"~>:"';'" " ' ~~.,f"', '. ~~;:.::>.~. :' . , . . f't I I" " " . ,"'. · ~~':::~ ~.,. ~." . , \~6~i:::,\ :," , 'il,d.. \ ' ' . t.ij/;;,'::' , 't'd' ~t}~'~'<::'::' > l}/..~~9 . ' , : . ~. . J~::.;,;<'..: , ' -t;. ..(.1. ," . ii:;i: :":,',:,", ,', t,\, , '_'," ' , "~I' ',' PFt:::'.';,':" i~:;T'" . '~~:~<~:., :::...:'.' '.. . .-1;,',,- . , . , l{:i;;~r:. ..... : Page 2 Beautification May 3, 1978' commit.tee Mrs; Sciarra suggested .':p~aced,midwa.yover the a large fountain with colored water be causeway on the north side. A motion 'was made by Mr. price, second by Mr. Snoyeribos, the meet.~ng be adjourned. Motion carried. , ;:*:", Aside' 'from the areas alr~ady under discussion, , (i~e., crest Lake, "Memorial Causeway,: Edgewater Drive, etc.) it is suggested each, member, 'note, other" locatio~s ,in the 01 t.y where 'beautification' is 'needed and report' at the next meeting. , , 'I' . .. '/"' .,.." ..' ..,.. . , " , ."..'. .' ., . " 't .~:~. . 'T." ,)" '. , .'.' ," .. --/ ,,' , , ,'." ," ",',( " .' ~ T:; ._ . ;-,