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Hall Annex,
DECEMBER 7, 1977
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The regular monthly meeting of the Beautification
was held at 9:30 a.m. on December 7, 1977, ot the City
Clearwater, Florida.
Members of the Commi~~ee present were Mr. Frank Krome, Chair-
man, Mr. Lester Dicus, Mrs. Juanita Anderson, Mrs. Lee Sciarra,
Mrs. Phyllis Phillips, Hr. D. C. Snoyenbos, and Hr. Hi1 Horris.
Also present were Mr. Eddie C. Moore, Mr. Bill Voght, and Mr. Pat
Motion by Mr. Dicus, second by Mrs. Anderson, that the minutes
for the meeting for the montb of November be approved as received
in the mail. Motion carried.
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Chairman Krame stated progress is again being made on the Edge-
water Drive Project. Mr. Krame checked with Mr. Jesse Jackson of
Public Service and was informed the placement of riprap should be
completed within ten days. Upon completion, the Nursery Division
and Forestry Division will finish the landscaping of this project.
Mrs. .Anderson stated her appreciation to the City of Clearwater
for the beautification to Edgewater Drive and also for putting a
check on the erosion problem.
Mr. Krame read a portion of a letter addressed to new members
stating the responsibilities of Be~utification Committee members.
Motion by Mr. Dicus, second by Mrs. Sciarra, the Beautification
Committee officially thank al~ City officials for the cooperation
and help received during the past year. Motion carried.
Mr. Morris inquired if Chairman Krame had been in contact
with Ms. Sallie Parks concerning the City of Clearwater's Artist-
in-Residence Roger Bansemer's painting of murals on City buildings.
Mr. Krame has not received any information as yet, and Mrs. Sciarra
stated she would contact Ms. Parks and make a report for the next
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Mr. Bill Voght, Nursery Superintendent, stated there are several
landscaping projects in progress at this time utilizing CETA person-
nel, a federally funded program. On Sand Key, from the entrance to
the City tO,the toll gate, many palms have been planted through
donations of U. S. Steel, Corporation, by the Forestry Division.
Beds and irrigation system have been established at the north end
of Sand Key. After the first of the year, plans are to landscape
the Manda1ay Triangle working in cooperation with the Traffic
Engineering Department to avoid any sight hazards.
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Phase I of the Crest Lake beautification project should be
completed by the end of January. Fill dirt, 4,400 cubic yards,
has been delivered, and as soon 8S the irrigation system i8 in-
stalled this week, 50,000 square feet of sod will be placed. Ten
picnic tables will be installed in the southeast section of the
park, and Mr. Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director,
will select playground equipment for tbe southwest section of the
Phase 2 of the Crest Lake project is in question at this time.
CETA personnel will be available until September, 1978, but there
1s a question of whether to install a parking area or extend
beautification to the west side of the park. The decision will
be made by the City Commission.
Other landscape projects include Fire Station 07, McMullen
tennis courts, and the Bayfront area.
Mr. Dicus inquired if an attempt had been made to establish
mangrove along Edgewater Drive. Pat Tracy, City Forester, stated
mangrove had been planted at the north and south ends of the Drive,
but due to the tremendous wave action, they had not taken root.
However, the Forestry Division will keep trying to establish
Mr. Tracy asked Committee members for their views on the
.present Street Tree Program. He stated at present the City plants
trees on City 'rig~t-of-way, a portion of land between the street
and sidewalk) at the request of residents at a sharing .cost of
$15.00. The City is proposing this planting be moved to five feet
from the sidewalk onto private property, so 8S to not interfere
with City utilities on rights-of-way. The resident would then
take complete responsibility of tree maintenance, whereas p1ant-
iogs on City right-of-way would require the Forestry Division
maintain trees. Mr. Tracy is in favor of retaining City right-
of-way planting stating the Forestry Division tries to interfere
with utilities as little as possible. After discussion, Mrs.
Sciarra made motion, second by Mr. Snoyenbos, to retain City
right-of-way planting with an amendment ,to kcep the Street Tree
Program even should the City Commission propose planting on privatc
property. Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. Morris, second by Mrs. Phillips, the meeting
be adj~urned. Motion carried.
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