11/02/1977 \ () t/ BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE fa November 2, 1917 The regular ~onthly meeting of the Beautification Committee ~BB held at 9:30 a_m. on November 2, 1977, at tbe City Hall Annex, Clearwater. Menbers of tbe Committee in attendance were: Messrs. Frank Krame, Hil Morris, Jim Short, Bernard Panusb, Al Price, Gi1 Whitton and Arthur Kruse and Mrs_ Juanita Anderson and Mrs. Phyllis Phillips. Also present were Mr_ Willia~ A. Voght, Nursery Superintendent, and Mr. Albert Rogers. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Krame. Mr. Whitton made a motion that the ~inutes of the last meeting be approved as mailed and Mrs. Anderson seconded it--motion carried. Mr. Krame introduced Mr. panusb, our newest member, and announced tbat Mr. Follett resigned. He then introduced M&. Sallie Parks, Executive Direetor of the Pinellas County Arts Council. Ms. Parks is working with Roger Bansemer, the Artist-in-Residence for the C~ty of Clearwater, re- garding a mural that will be done on one of the buildings in the City. The Committee enthusiastically endorsed the mural. There is some progress being made on Edgewater Drive. The slow pace '~s due to the availaBility of the equipment. The Electrical Department .owns' the equipment and can only use it on Edgewater Drive when it iGn' t :,ueeded for an emergency job. Mrs... Anderson attended the Edgewater Drive A6sociat~on meeting at the Roberts Cafeteria, and the Mayor talked with them and Andy Nicbolson showed slides of.Edgewater Drive beautification. The redwood posts that the real estate board donated are installed at the Shuffleboard Club. Mr. Rogers was instrumental in this project. There ~s a need for five more posts installed at the same location because people can still drive through and are tearing up the sod. Mr. Morris inquired about a place to park 80 that people can take pictures of the new sign denoting your arrival in Clearwater on Edgewater Drive w~th the bay in the background.~ He was informed there will be no stopping once the curbing is installed. Parking must be done along one of the side streets. Hr. Price inquired about the park next to tbe firehouse on Mandalay Avenue having playground facilities. It was decided by the committee that a recommendation would be made at the next meeting after the committee has had a chance to consider the best suggestion. Hrs_ Anderson moved the meeting be adjourned, second by Mr. Panush, motion carried. .;.. () ~!:n uN /~.rJ!L( -Frank Xrame~ Chairman