10/05/1977 J\r~;<~., :,,' ',"i:;j/!;,i' '. ..~, ',~,. .. " ;e ~ "',,J .', . ;: 0.....' ,', I' )", . ,:\: ~, .;,' ~. '! \ '. ,',,1: '. ""'. , . :;J.'.Lo. "':.''':/''.l?~'.':: BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE J October 5, 1977 The regular monthly meeting of the Beautificotion Committce"....wn....' called to order by Chairman Frank Krame at 9:30 8.m. on October 5, 1977. at the City Hall Annex. Clearwater. Members of the Committee in attendance were: Messrs. Frank Krame, Chairman, Al W. Price. Donald B. Alexander, James J. Short and Albert ...... P. Rogers. Also present were: Mrs. Phyllis Phillips and Mrs. Juanita Anderson. Present from the Parks and Recreation Department were Robert Marek. Patrick Tracy and Alan Smith. Absent were Mr. Richard Follett. Mr. Hil Morris and Mr. J. Lester Dicus. Meeting was called to order by Mr. Krame and Mr. Alexander moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as mailed, second by Mrs. Phillips. Mr. Krame announced the names of our three new members, Mr. James Short. Mr. Al Price and Mr. Hil Morris. He also announced that we have three members retiring, namely, Mrs. Raymond Stieneker who served four years. Mr. Donald Alexander who served eight years and Mr. Arthur Kruse who has served sixteen years. On Thursday. October 6. 1977. the City Commission will recognize them at the Commission meeting for serving so ,faithfully. ;j:' ,> ': ,. , t. ~ , " ',: :' / :J " J.; . Mr. Krame read an appreciation letter sent to Mrs. Walter Opitz for her donation of trees. .'.!: .... " ' I', At the last meeting Mr. William Voght, Nursery Superintendent. told us that the City was putting in a berm at Crest Lake Park. Mr. Krame said he walked through and he felt it was accomplishing the purpose of cutting the noise down from the traffic. Mr. Marek, Nursery Foreman. noted it is very effective in sight. sound and for a picnic area in the sout.heast section. The fountain has been removed, and we have a bid from,a fountain company to put in a new'fountain at Crest Lake Park. In time. it will be replaced. Mr. Alexander recommended the Beautifica- tion Committee be given a chance to view one of like design after the selection has been made, since the design of structure should be excel- lent because the public expects perfection. Mr. Krame feels the berm serves another purpose by ~eeping motorists from being distracted from what is going on in the park as they are dr,iving. .... , , .:1 1,'/ , .. ~, '.:: :' ~ Mr. Krame has been out to Edgewater Drive, and the grass is cut and the shrubs are trimmed at the north end which looks very nice. At the ,last, meeting there was some discussion that the grass was turning brown. however. as the Nursery Superintendent said. they were watering and only time would prove it was coming along fine. . ':"'1 ;:{r '" . .. .. 'i,;~!~ :~l~,:~~" .;:~: : , " ",.,/,.;. , " '\):; '~w: \,~,:{: ::}F: " I . ~ ::': l:':~,:, G " I ~: ':, ! ~.~'=. There was much discussion on the piled concrete for the erosion control and why it wasn't being placed. However. the engineers were out yesterday. the equipment moves in today so this, tOOt will be underway. 'l'.~~:' : . ~ I, I ',:\, :. ~(:~:;~ ~ ~: ~. f ';>1.~:: t~ .... ";',~;t ~:~. :;tt, -: : '.~. " ;;~':,~..; '" !.I;,:O~., < ,',' i '. .' ',;~~:~~.:V' " I:,;"~ '1/," 'I ': ':,'" ',",.." :'...,-: ;.), " " ". ':;:'::';':;:"r~:>~"~" j{',,", ~,\, ',:," :7.1,'; "" :.~I,:,;',.' ",'., .:::[",,:',,1, ",\:,',', :~,"" I~,:,'."':,:,', :,:,,':, ". ,:' ;i':.':",::.'.,',',," "::",:,~ '" ...,:" .,: '",:; ',', . '" ~:,"; :,,"',:; '::.',:" :.,,:.1,., ::"~":'" '" '" ',",", :,;}I""'I","';""",:,,,' ",: '.,',: ,: ",;, ":c')'/~':)'ii:rt)~t:"~:(;:o:;~:>; '.; .. :~ c'. .,'ii' , '" ':I"':""'''''f ., ....:p ", , "'" 'L\, "1., I.i ", ": : '::i{:::'~:~ :')'J~?rB~:'}"::~f);!~t!:)};"]~; >::.' ", "',,! "J,{ 'C" ..,';, .',:::"':";'...,\J':";',~ "'> :, " . "f , ,', ' , .,' : '" ,; ,,: I ;'" ' .': :" "" " ' :'- J'., ' , . ' " '" , .. ", '.. I,. I. ;:~',',':' !":' I' ',\:, ",,<' \;,' " , ", :", ':. ,;.. , "~ " ", {',.. :,; ':." " '.\.'" I " .". .., j .<: _,f. ~ ,,", <I,:", ',' . .,", ... I~ , . . .j\.....:..:1', . :", 'J." :;,1 . ','" ':. . ~ " I" 'j: ~ :, . '. " . ',': ,\. , . "j " , " /." " J.t. ',', ;'f ::. '. ~ ' ,,' :...(!! '~. , " , '" ,."> .i;., .. ~/ .. , , " :' , ,,:] ',. , 'I": :.\ . '. ~I, . ,', :~.~... .:. "\.+ '.cO ~, < ~ c.... , ;. ". . - 2 - Mrs. Anderson remarked that Thursday nLght. October 6. will be the meeting of the Edgewater Drive Association. Bnd she was most pleased to have something definite to tell them. Mrs. Andcxson also raised the question of when the benches would be installed nnd was informed by Mr. Marek they cannot be installed until the equipment is completely done. The benches will be the last th1ng done. Mr. Rogers questioned when the redwood posts would be ordered and placed at the'Clearwater Shuffleboard Court, and Mr. Marek advised the crew 10 putting them,in today and removing the old concrete posta. Mr. Price inquired as to the function of the Beautification Committee and was advised that it is an advisory board. Mr. Rogers asked what has happened to the Jaycee proposal on benches1 Mr. Alexander said he understood that it was disapproved by the Sign Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Mr. Krame asked the Parks Superintendent. Mr. Smith, to replace the top slat on the bench on the west side of Fort Harrison at Sunburst. Mr. Rogers, said he believes the slats should be replaced and repainted in,one,automatic operation. Mrs. Phillips sited the bench outside of ,,' the, Ci ty Hall Annex as despera tely in need of repair. '<, 1;:(., , Mr. Price raised the question of overgrown vacant lots and how the f\G\,', City notifies the property owner who in turn has thirty days to .clean i~<~:W:" ,: :up ,the site or they would hire a contractor to do the work and bill the 6~/)<, ',':,':-',', owner~ He was advised it is necessary to notify the Sanitation Depart- i~:;;;,;:',,:, ":.,:':': ment that this c.ondition exists and then they will start the chain of ~:~};.:':~:\..: ' .,~ events. ",J/~ ; ~i"" ,'. f~~:::;/>,':',:',',:' "'Hr.'A~~~'a~::~S B:~~~~e~a~:. a motion that the meeting be adjourned and 't: . I : Uf . .,;. ~. . ~:(~ _.':,::; l :t. . . .. . .... - .'~, .J --J/ ,/. "'~7""-"" ~ '/"'1-1t""Jl'A~ /' !-//t'l.:"t1t.-c---- Frank Krame~ C~airman . " .,.\ .\ ;f\