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September 7, 1977
The regular monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee was
called to order by Chairman Frank Krame at 9:30 A.M. on September 7,
1977, at the City Hall Annex) Clearwater.
Members of the Committee in attendance were: Messrs. Frank Krame,
Chairman, Donald Alexander, Hil Morris, Albert P. Rogers, Lester Dicus,
Frank Marchiselli, Arthur Kruse and Gll Whitton; Mrs. Juanita Anderson
and Mrs. Mary Stieneker. Also present were: Mr. Eddie Moore, Mr. Alan
Smith, Mr. Patrick Tracy and Mr. William Voght from the Parks and Recrea-
tion Department. Absent were Mrs. Phyllis Phillips, Messrs. Richard
Follett, Al W. Price and Mr. James Short.
Mr. Alexander moved that a correction be made to the August minutes
since Mr. John Wyllys' name had been misspelled. Minutes will be appro-
priately corrected and were, therefore, approved.
Mr. 'Xrame reported that Mr. Frank Marchiselli and Mr. Robert McMichael
have retired from the Beautification Committee 'and were given awards by the
City Commission. He also noted that Mr. Fourman had resigned for health
reasons and a letter thanking him for his faithful service was sent to him
from the Committee. All three will be missed. Mr. Hil Morris, Mr. Al
,',-- Price and Mr. James Short are new appointees to the Beautification Committee.
::;,0160, Mrs. Phyllis Phillips was re-appointed. ,
At our last meeting Mr. Rogers suggested a letter be sent to the
,Chamber of Commerce recognizing their awarding of plaques. There are seven
~plaques given each month for landscaping beautification and they are recog-
nizing restaurants, hospitals, recreation facilities, etc. The letter was
:sent to show them our appreciation of the fine job they are doing.
Mr. Krame made two trips to City Hall Annex to talk to Mr. Max Battle
about delivering rip rap which is being stored at the South end of Edgewater
Drive where the pieces of equipment to place it are located. Mr. Whitton
'said they have a pile of concrete that is huge. Mr. Dicus said unless some-
,thing permanent is done, there won't be any road. Mr. Battle is going to
:get a crane with and 80 foot boom, and they will try and swing the boom to
:place it. Mrs. Anderson said Granada and Charles Streets have the worst
,erosion. Mr. Alexander asked who is going to place the rip rap and when?
Mr. Moore indicated the crane to be used is under the supervision of Mr.
. Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director. Mr. Rogers stated arrangements
should be made to utilize curbing from the Greenwood Avenue project. Mr.
MooTe reported discarded curbing at Wood Drive and Greenwood Avenue is to be
,used at Edgewater Drive.
Mr. Rogers inquired if posts for the roadway at the Shuffleboard Club
, have been acquired. Mr. Moore reported extra posts are needed and) there-
(, l#h~ore, extra funding is required - the $250 donated will have to be supple-
/:" vented by about $200. Mr. Moore said requisition of the posts will be done
(~, before the next meeting.
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Mr. Tracy said the City received a si~eab1e donation of 32 Saba1
palms, 4 Pindo palms and 1 Pittosporum from Mrs. Walter Opitz of Belleair
Beach. He suggested a letter be sent from the Beautification Committee
to commend Mrs. Opitz for her generosity.
Mr. Voght said he has been authorized twenty-three workers under the
~; ,.,CETA program, and they will be working at Crest Lake. Sand Key and Clear-
"water Bay area. Presently. they are at Crest Lake starting Phase! of the
>>: .
0~~'Lane Marshall Plan of constructing berm and will be instituting irrigation
",' shortly. Approximately 100 Phoenix canariensis have been planted from
:' , Ci ty boundary to the to 11 s tn tion on Sand Key. U. S. Steel has a1Go
40nated 100 sabal p1ams for installation along Sand Key Drive. Mr. Hil
;" ,Morris expressed appreciation for the tree and shrubbery plantings on Sand
" 'Key. F~fty feet on each side of the road is being beautified at Sand Key.
Mr. Dicus asked if there were plans for restoring the fountain at
Crest Lake. Mr. Moore stated the fountain is inoperable and should be
replaced rather than repaired. The City Commission will have to decide.,
There are no plans or, allocations to replace it. Mr. Voght assured the
Committee we,will grade the Cleveland Street entrance, sod with grass and
replace shrubs along the sidewalk while the present work crew is in the
par k .'
,', '/-::~ Mr. Gil Whitton said he had been invited to Palmerston University in
". ".'i...ew Zealand In August, 1978, and is looking for money to support hiE trip.
;,~,:R~ will be doing a paper on plants from New Zealand that could grow in
o 'Florida, 'since they enjoy about the same climate as we do. He is presently
;:,:.: wOTking on the. grant for travel to New Zealand. Plants surveyed and
~:~6at~logu~d will be introduced for the benefit of the entire,state of Florida.
Mr. Arthur Kruse reported as of October 1 he wil1'no longer be a member
,; ,of the Beautification. Committee since his term will expire. He suggested
;~:.,th~re be a closer relationship between this Committee and the Clearwater
'darden Club, as ,it was in the pa~t. Mrs. Stieneker reported the Clearwater
~'~ Gar4en Club is presen~ly planting trees at Eisenhower School as a contin-
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, uing,project. Classes in horticulture are offered by the Garden Club.
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Mr. 'Alexander moved the meeting be adjourned. second by Mr. Dicus.
Motion. carried.
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Frank frame, Chairman
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