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JULY 6, 1977
The regular monthly meeting of the Bcautificotion Committee
was called to order by,Chairman Frank Krame at 9:30 A.M., July 6,
1977, at the City Hall Annex, Clearwater.
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Members ..of the Committee in attendance were: Messrs. Frank,_.~y, (,./ J...,'~
Krame, Chairman. Lester Dicus, Frank Marchiselli. Hob McMichael, (,...,.1,,'
Gil Whitton, Russell L. Fourman, Richard Follett, Mrs. Juanita !dl_V".t....-l..;
Anderson, Mrs. Richard Phillips, and Mrs. Mary Stieneker. Also ' .Jr,
present were Mr. Eddie C. Moore. Mr. Alan Smith. Mr. Bill Voght, ,~.l/.r,.~
Mr. ,P a t Tr a c y, and Mr. L y n n A hi g rim . ~,/
Motion was made by Mr. Dicus, seconded by Mr. McMichael, the
minutes be approved as mailed.
Mr. Krame read a letter addressed to him from the Clearwater
Chamber of Commerce concerning the continued planting of annuals on
the Memorial Causeway. The Chamber would like to enlist,Committee
members who are interested in the Causeway to write to the City
Manager in order to have the annuals continued. Mr. Krame compli-
mented Mr. Moore and the Parks and Recreation Department for the
beautification of the Causeway.
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Chairman Krame referred to the article from the St. Petersburn
Times regarding the Teen Board of Durdines having a planting party
at the Clearwater Convalescent Center, 1270 Turner Street. He
reported he had written a letter addressed to the girls of the
Teen Board complimenting them for their fine project.
Mr. Krame reported the beautification of Edgewater Drive will
be completed by the Parks and Recreation Department as soon as
the Engineering Department has complcted delivery of riprap for
the breakwater~ Mr. Moore stated'he had requested Engineering
contact Parks and Recreation beforc delivering nny riprap in order
to assure the sprinkling systcm will not be disturbed. '
Chairman Krame informe,d the members that 11 "Welcome to Clear-
water" sign had been installed at the entrnnco to the City on Edge-
water Drive. 'rhc. sign wns'contrnctcd thl'uuuh ~H ('hn~l R. Touchton
and i sin a c cor d wit h the w 1 she s u f Mr. A 11)[! 1" I It u g (' r san d the Boa r d
of, Rea 1 tor s who h a v e don n t cd $ 5 00 tow n nl t h l! 1111 11 U l i, fie <l t ion 0 f
Edgewnter Drive. .
Mr. Krnme read a letter addrcsacd to Max Ullttlc. City Engineer,
from Assistant City Manager Mike pnrohy giving n breakdown of funds
available to complete thc Rdgcwntcr Drive BeautjfJI!ution Project
as follows: $27,000 for riprap, curbs, nnd gutter"; $4.375 for
Nursery beautifica,tion; Rnd $5)000 for n brca1C\H1lur.
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Mr. Krome stated the upcoming General Obligation Bond Issue
"contained four different parts to be considered by the voters. Of
the four, Parks Acquisition, Storm Drainage, Libraries, Cultural
Center,' Mr. Krame feels the Parks Acquisition is most important
in order to acquire enough parkland, to meet governmental standards
(one acre for every 100 residents). Mr. Krame stated brochures
describing the four parts of the Bond Issue will be enclosed with
the minutes to Committee members. Mr. Moore said the City is
instituting an instructional program on the Bond Issue consisting
of slide program and information which is available to civic
groups through the Planning Department. Mr. Moore stated that
any group interested in setting up the program should have a
representative contact the Planning Department.
Mr. Whitton inquired of members if any of the Tabebuia
chrysotricha seeds they planted have started coming up yet. A
few stated their seeds did not seem to be growing. Mr. Whitton
suggested the seeds could have been planted too deep and stated
on~~fourth of an inch was deep enough.
Mr. Kruse inquired if some sort of fertilization program
could be set up for existing oak trees in the City. He reported
the. trees at Prospect Towers have been trimmed and fertilized and
look. very nice. Mr. Lynn Ahlgrim. Assistant City Forester, said
at present the City docs not have the resources for a full scale
fertilization program of every tree in the City.
Mr. Gil Whitton presented a slide program of flowering trecs
in Florida which was very informative and enjoyed by 011 present.
Scime'of the trees shown and recommended for their hardiness and
beauty 'are the Royal Poinciana, Golden Raintree, several species
of Magnolia, Loquat, Jersulem Thorn, Rohenia (orchid tree). ,Jaca-
randa., and Tabebuia chrysotricha. Mr. Whitton showed slides of
'some trees such as the dogwood and redbud which do not do very
we~l in our climate b~cause of the need of cooler temperatures
'and shade.
Mrs. Anderson made a motion to adjourn which was seconded
by Mr. Marchis~lli.
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Frank Kram'e,.... Chairlllllll
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