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June 1, 1917
The regula~ monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee was called
to order by Chairman Frank Kraae at 9:30 A.M., June 1, 1971, at the City Hall
Annex, Cl'!arwa ter .
Members of the Committee in attendance were: Mrs. Juanita Anderson,
Messrs. FranK Krame, Russell Fourman, Lester Dicus, Bob McMichael, Donald
Alexander, Frank Marchiae11i and Gi1 Whitton. Also present were Eddie C.
Moore, Lynn Ahlgrim and William Voght. Mr. Arthur Kruse was not present;
however, hts absence was excused due to illness.
A motion was made by ~~. Alexander and seconded by Mr. Marchiaelli to
ammend the previous month's minutes to include the following detailed account
by Mr. Fourman: uIn tbe April meeting Don Simpson, President of the Beach
Association. was present asking the City to aid in beautifying Mandalay and a
few signs as'direction to tourist. Nothing definite was granted or promised in
discussion. Later, Mr. Fourman was invited to be the guest of the Beach Associa-
tion meeting and in said meeting was asked by Mr. Simpson to be co-ordinator
delegate between City officials and tile Beach Association. Mr. Fourman arranged
such meeting within a few days. Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer) Eddie Moore)
Parks Director, Stu Williams, Sign Inspector, Don Simpson, and associates of the
Beach Association attended the meeting on site and reached an agreeable, workable
plan. Direction signs will be placed on west end of Causeway and the word
"Welcome" at the end of Highway 60. Mr. Krams. oeing Chairman of the >>eautifica-
tion Committee, was also invited. Regarding the follow up, Mr. Simpson was
advised to keep in touch with the Traffic Engineer, as said signs must be cleared
through the State Highway Deparbnent."
Mr. Krame distributed copies of the new Ordinance to all present, and made
mention of the fact that Mr. Rogers and Mr. Tice will be missed from the Beautifi-
cation Committee.
We had a one minute standing silent" tribute to Mrs. Audrey Patouillet. a
leading Clearwater citizen, who passed away suddenly last month.
Mr. Voght reported the Tree Give Away was a success as always, and the actual
distributing of the trees went 'very fast with plenty of volunteers from the" Beauti-
fication Committee also; namely, Frank Marchiselli. Albert Rogers, Bob MCMichael
and Frank. ~ame.
Mr. Krame showed an article from the St. Petersburg T~es regarding the recent
planting party by the Teen Board of Burdines at the Clearwater Convalescent Center,
1270 Turner Street. Fourteen girls, representing seven area high schools, weeded
and fertilized a rose garden andaeated a garden of plants and flowers for tbe
pleasure of the center's residents, who can enjoy the view from the screened porch.
Potted plants in hanging baskets were hung in the back porch to brighten this area.
Mr. Gil Whitton made a motion and Mr. Alexander seconded it that we send the Teen
Board a letter of thanks and commendation for helping to beautify Clearwater area.
Mr. Alexander said Edgewater Drive work has been approved in an amDlendment to
the Edgewater Drive Beautification Project budgee There is now $35)525 available
for this project. This will include Engineering (Rip-Rap, Curbs, Gutters), Nursery
(Beautification) and Breakwater.
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Hr. Gil Whitton said Jack Holmes of Jack Balmes Nursery in Tampa, has
given him thousands of Tabebuia Chrysotricha seeds for distribution. This tree
1s native to Australia, blooms every spring and is very hardy. It 'blooms without
leaves and wUl take about three years to ,bloom. There is one located at the
corner of Sunset Point Road and MCMullen Street. Mr. Whitton will' be happy to
send twelve seeds to anyone who sends a self-addressed, stamped envelope to him.
Mr. Whitton would like to'sce more flowering trees planted and blooming in
Clearwater since we'have many beautiful trees but few flowering ones. There are
'about twenty-five different species that could be planted. He suggested instead
of the. tree 8ive~away program, a discounted flowering tree sale by coordinBting
all of the local nurseries and stores that sell trees on one given day. This, was
, tried in another Florida city' and results were fantasti.c.' Mr. Whitton will show "
slides of flowering t~ees at our July 6 meeting.
, " Mr. Alexander moved we adj oum Bnd Mr. Marchiselli seconded it.
, ,Frank, !Crame, Chairman. ' , :
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