November 3, 1976
The regular monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee was called to order
by Chairman Frank Krame at 9:30 A.M., November 3, 1976, at the City Hall Annex,
Clearwater, Florida.
Members of the Committee in attendance were: Mesdames Phyllis Phillips,
Mary E. Stieneker, Juanita Anderson and Messrs. Frank Krame, Arthur M. Kruse,
Lester Dicus, Frank Marchiselli, Albert P. Rogers, Donald Alexander and George A. Tice.
Also present were Alan Smith, Parks Superintendent, and William Voght, Nursery Superin-
The minutes of the October 6, 1976, meeting were approved as mailed. Mr. Krame
said he wanted to note that there were a lot of nice improvements in the north end of
Edgewater Drive. Mr. Voght reported the irrigation system in the second 600 feet will
be started shortly. All of the specimen plant material has been planted - 103 red
mangroves plus two bottle brush trees and four pine trees. Everyone agread that it
looks beautiful. Mrs. Anderson stated that the Edgewater Drive Association had several
items of interest regarding Edgewater Drive and the Pier. Mrs. Phillips recommended to
the Committee that Mrs. Anderson advise the Association to write a letter outlining
these items for consideration of the Beautification Committee.
Mr. Voght further advised that funds have been set aside in the amount of $6,000
to re-curb Edgewater Drive and will be contracted for by the Engineers. Mr. Voght said
we are coming to the tim~ where a selection of a "Welcome to Clearwater" sign for
Edgewater Drive should be made. He suggested that members of the Committee take a look
at the MCMullen Tennis Complex sign located at 1000 Edenv1lle Avenue which is rustic in
nature and may be apropos for Edgewater Drive. He asked that the Committee determine
the type of sign by the next Committee meeting as the project should be near completion
at that time.
Mr. Alexander reported that he had discussed the possible need of more rip rap
fill along Edgewater Drive with Mr. Tony Shoemaker who advised him that in the event
of erosion, the City would re-fill and recondition any affected areas along Edgewater.
Mr. Tice suggested a City employee, Andy Ni~holson, an outstanding marine biologist
and oceanographer, give us his input for protection of Edgewater Drive. Mr. Tice made
a motion as follows: 'The Beautification Committee desires a report from Andy Nicholson
as to the possible erosion that could be created along Edgewater Drive due to the
severe storm action and anything that he can ,advise us to improve the stability of
Edgewater Drive.' Motion seconded and carried.
Mr. Krame read a letter sent to Mrs. Rose Pfeifer, Chairman of the Downtown Re-
development Board, inviting her to attend today's meeting. He then stated she had de-
clined but would try to attend next month's meeting. Mr. Krame also advised the
Committee the Christmas lights will be installed November 15th and will be lighted by
December 1st. The Christmas tree at the bottom of the hill will be installed as in
previous years.
Mr. Rogers said that a donation of $500 from the Board of Realtors had been
delivered for beautification on'Edge~ater Drive Park, and he requested' the money be
used for irrigation and beautification of the Stevenson Creek area.
Discussion then centered around the new Resolu~ion forwarded to the Committee by
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Mr. Thomas Bustin,' City Attorney. The Committee, in general, felt that the old
Resolution prav1ded a bu:llt-1.n public relations system to tell various "service" clubs
within the City what the Committee :La doing in the way of beautification. And Mr.
Alaxander stated ~hat he could not understand the purpose in changing the Resolution
from the original Resolution that he had written. After further discussion, Mr. Rogers
made a motion that a committee of three be appointed to discuss this matter with Mr.
Floyd. The Committee approved the motion and selected Mr. Alexander. Mrs. Stieneker
and Mr. Rogers to meet with Mr. Floyd to discuss this matter.
The problem of a playground area for ch1.1dren in tbe Clearwater Beach Community
w:Bs then discussed. Manda lay , Clearwater Yacbt Club and Mandalay Towers Apartment
properties were all suggested as possible sites for a playground area. It was concluded
that there is an urgent need for something for children 1n the beach area.
Mr,'Tice then made a motion that Mr. Krame write a letter from the Beautification
Committee commending the City employees who are directly invol~ed with the continuing
beautification progress on Edgewater Dri~e for the outstanding work they have done.
The motion was carried with ,the stipulation that this commendation letter be sent to
tbeCity Manager, Mayor and Commissioner's offices with a copy to Mr. Eddie C. Moore,
, Director of Parks and:Re~reation, to be posted on the appropriate bulletin boards.
Mr. Tice moved the meeting be adjourned. seconded by Mrs. Phillips.
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