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The monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee was
cnlled to order at 9:30 A.M., September 3. 1975, at the City Hall
Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue. Clearwater, Florida.
ThoBe in attendance wcrc: Aibert Rogers, Chairman; Miss
Grace S~ith, Mrs. Mary E. Stieneker. Mr8, Juanita Anderson;
Hessrs: Howard Groth, Frank Kramc, Bob McMichael, Frank Marchisclli,
Donald Alexander, Lester Dicus and Russell Fourman. Also in attend-
ance were Messrs: ail Whitton, Eddie Moore, Alnn Smith nnd Patrick
Tracy. ' Those of the Committee who were absent were: Messrs:
A'[~hur Kruse. 'rom Shepard, Pore Powell and George Donatcllo,~ foUGST 1.l)1'l1~fb
A correction of the Minutes of the Meeting of August 6, 197
was pointed out by City Forester Patrick Tracy in that the trees
referred to as having been planted on Gulf-'l'o-Bay were not "oaks"
(Crest Lake Area), but "rosewood .It Correction noted; motion was
made by Mr. Fourman>> Seconded by Mr. Alexander. that the Minutes
be approved as mailed; motion carried.
Max Battle, City Engineer>> would in all probability be the one to
go to Tallahassee next Tuesday to obtain the Cabinet approved permit
to p~oceed on the EdgcwaterDrive Project.
whole area involved which had watering systems and landscaping
estbalished had been destroyed in the building processes of the
Clearwater Bank. Mr. Voght, Nursery Division, was looking into the
'matter; undoubtedly restoration of the triangles would be by 'the
Parks and Recreation Department if tIlls was to be undertaken. A
further report will be made on this next meetine.
reported he had requested preliminary plans and papers from Tom
,Sh_pard, made up while Mr. Shepard was in employ of the City. To
date", no' answer from Hr.. Shepard. These plans will greatly assist
:in further development of this area. Mr. Rogers stated he felt it
wa~'within the realm of the Beautifi~ation Committee that it request
by letter to Mr. Tom Shepard these paid-for services'resulting in
preiimiriary plans be requested directly from our Commit~ee to Hr.
Tom Shepard. This was placed in motion by Mr. Krame. seconded by
Mr. Alexander; motion carried unanimously that the se~retary draft
.said letter for Mr. Rogarts signature.
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Mr. Moore stated that while he was not at the lost m~eting,
he had ,carefully studied the discussion and suggestions put forth
in Committee meeting of the last month nnd was in accord with ideas
for using the area for beautification, landscaping and 011 areos
covered in the. discussion. As soon as the permit is recc:J.vcd and
the preliminary plans to work with, the project will he bogun in
necessary stages involved.
Mr. Juanita Anderson contributed she felt drainage should ba
seriously considered in regard to these plans and th~ off-shoot
problems which could develop for property owners in thi~ area. She
was assured the Engineering Department had studied these carefully
and this would be incorporated in the ,plans once the project got
undel: wa.y.
PIERCE 100 CITY-OWNED STRIP - Mr. Rogers reported tlle Enninecr's
offi6e is takinB steps to correct the erosion situation. Landscaping
was next in tl\e offing with consideration of plant~rs being installed
to make it an attractive spot.
KINGS HIGHWAY RECREATION CENTER - Mr. Moore stated there were
some problems of drainage yet in this aren; therefore the contractor
had discontinued further paving until this problem,was alleviated;
once that was done. paving would be complet~d, and, in turn. the
landscaping incorporated. It was added that this Recreation Center
has had full capacity programs instituted extremely well attended
de~pite ~hc unfinished parking area.
NORTHEAST GQI.F COURSE Pl.ANS - Nothing further to report of
sub~tance at this time. The Ciiy will try to continue to get local
support and looking into a City revenue producing golf course. It
is hoped after the 1975-76 City Budget has been established, a request
for fund~ out of revenue from Glen Oaks to contribute to continued
study of this project will be forthcoming. If area revenue funds
cannot be worked out, other State, County and Federal funding wrrl be
BUDGET APPROVAL -Reading of the Ordinance creating the Budget
for the City of Clearwater Fiscal Year 1975-76 will be presented
Thursday, September 4, at 12:30 P.M, In line with this subject,
Mr. Moore replied to Mr. Alexander's inquiry if there was specific
budgeting set aside for "beautification programs;" and the answer was
at,the present time probably only through the City Nursery Division's.
budget allocation, but as such no "Xli number of dollars are budgeted
for beautification per se.
BIKE TRAILS: Parks and Recreation Department (lre .\.;rorking with
,Traffic Engineering on this program. Involv~ment with'narrow streets,
cO.f\,tinuing routes, establishment of more sidewalks continuing on this
program. Mr. Moore showed the Committee a map of the existing bike
trails ,ramps, '''sidewalks presently. in and those to -be comp1et.ed on
this. program. '
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BENCHES - Mr. Rogers inquired about benches observed at bu~
s top sat G u I f - l' 0 - Bay, D r c w S t r e e t, t-' t. 11 0 r r i H 0 n, Sun set }J 0 in t, c t c .
It wos explained these bencheR arc being allocated by the Rus Transit
System; they arc simila~ in design to the City's, and their placement
Dssists greatly in the bench program the Committee Is always interested
in for the City.
TREE DONATIONS - Pat Tracy, City Forester, was asked how donations
of tree and plant material was coming in. lie replied it hod slowed
down considerably. A brief discussion followed of types of trees.
sizes, etc.. which make feasible transplanting possible with type of
equipment City has to work with to perform transplanting john.
SEEDLINGS FOR GIVE-AWAY PROGRAM 1976 - Mr. Moore raporced Massrs.
Tracy and Voght, Forestry and Nursary Divisions, reap~ctivcly, had
looked into the matter of saedlings, upkeep and plans for possible
use on a Give-Away program next year in connection with the St. Peters-
burg Times. It wns pointed out costs of potting. fertilization to
keep seedlings growing, utilization of space neeoed for basic Ci,ty
Nursery usage, and labor, and many other matters involved besides just
the minimal cost of the seedlings arc involved. Discussion fol1~wcd.
Messrs. Whitton and Rogers reiterated their opinions this program could
be successful with minimal chal.&ges without it being a completely give-
away type program due to today's costs, etc. Mr. Rogers stated the
St. Petersburg Times represcntativ~still purported the'idea of a
free-type program. It was suggested a number be established whereby
costs for soil, containers. f~rtilizntion, etc. could be established
so the full cost involved could come before such organizations as the
Real Estate Board and others wbo might contribute to this program.
This project will be further considered during future meetings.
WEED CUTTING PROGRAM SUGGESTED - Mr. Russell Fourman presented
'8 plan he had worked on for some time concerning an automatic weed
cutt,ing program for'.vacant lots privately owned in the City, suggesting
it become possible new ordinance, and asking if the Committee felt
this wa~ within the realm of its interests. He outlined a program of
cutting in areas, with owners of lots notified in advance that unless
their area was cut by a cereain date, City crews would go in and cut
samc, .andsaid property owner would be automatically assessed for the
service. He suggested voluntary personnel auld work with the City on
'this program and that costs involved would not cut into City budget
to any great extent and still benefit the looks of the City and eliminate
the need of private owners having to report neighbor property owners
for lot neglect. etc. A lengthy discussion ensued wherein the present,
City policy was explained, Several committee member~ agreed the lists
of lot owners whose lots needed cutting presented before the Commission
according to present procedure took up a great dea'l of :time and detail
and perhaps a change of ordinance or revision might be :taken into
,UNUSUAL TREE SPECIMENS IN AREA - Mr. Whitton said this was still
peing compiled, as time allowed.
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GARAGE SALES - Mr. Fourman introduced the subject of citizens
carrying on perpetual sales in front yards, near streets, and problems
involved. This Committee members agreed from recent information re-
ceived this matter was being looked into by other areas of the City
govern~ent at the present time.
proposed commercial business area busincssmen and establishments be
approached with large, easy-to-rend lettering in areas where search-
ing for numbers became a matter of traffic hazard. A brief discussion
DRAINAGE DITCH-Wecd-StaBnant Area East of Sunset Point Near
Pantry Pride Area: Mr. Fourman brought to the Committee's attention
this area, which though it had been brougllt to attention of some other
offices of the City. had continued to be neclccted. Mr. Fourman was
encouraged to pursue his endeavors with City authorities to get the
situation resolved if nt all possible.
SEA GRAPES - CAUSEWAY AREA - Mrs. Stieneker inquired of th~ Parks
Superintendent why the sea grapes on the Causcway had been trimmed
back so drastically. Mr. Smith replied the recent cleanup campaign
involved trimming and pruning which had not been done in some of the
plant material since the freeze of 1962. He assured Mrs. Stieneker
the sea grapes, valued by all, would come back to more fullness in
du~ time. It was conceded by many of the members the Causeway's
present appearance~ despite the absence of the popular annuals which
would enhance its beauty.as in the past, was in excellent condition
at this time. '
Mr. Marchise11i closed the meeting with the commendation to the
City Parks and Recreation Department as well as the Sanitation Depart-
'ment for, ,the present excellent overall status of tbe benches and
litter/waste containers upkeep and placement in the Beach area.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
10:3,0 A.M.
P. Rogers,