07/02/1975 ,\0 -- / BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING ./ , , JULY 2, 1975' ,/ / , ./ 'I" ,,{ The monthly meeting of the, Beautification Committee was called to order at 9:40 A.M. in the meeting room at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue, Clearwater, Florida. Those in 'attendance were: Albert Rogers, Chairman; Miss Grace Smith. Mrs. R. H. Stieneker, Mrs. Juanita Anderson, Messrs: Arthur Kruse, RUBsell Fourman, Tom Shepard, Frank Marchisclli, Lester Dicus, Don Alexander and Frank Krame. Also in attendance were Messrs: Eddie Moore, the City's new A~sistant City Forester Mr. Lynn Ahlgrim, Alan Smith, and Bill Voght. Those not in attendance were: Messrs: Gil Whitton, Ream Wilson, Howard Groth, Forrest Watson, George Donatello, Bob McMichael, Patrick Tracy and Perc Powell. Motion was made by Mr. Dicus. seconded by Mr. Krnme, that the minutes of the June 4, 1975 meeting be approved as received. Motion carried unanimously. "0 .':. ' . I " " , Chairman Rogers advised the Committee Mr. Howard Groth had been appointed by letter of the Acting ~ity Manager, Anthony L. Shoemaker, June 12, 1975, replacing Larry Lord in representation of the Junior Chamber of Commerce on the Beautification Committee. Unfortunately, due to other commitments, Mr. Groth was unable to attenl; this meeting. Mr. Rogers enumerated letters that had been mailed ~.hich the Committee had recommended be sent at the last meeting, :..e.: Letter to City Manager Picot B. Floyd commending metlbers of the Parks & Recreation Department Nursery Di,.ision for the beautification project recently completlld at Court and Ft. Harrison ~treets. Leiter of congratulations and commendation to Clearwater Garden Club upon their Silver Anniversary celebration. Letter of appreciation to Mr. William Dasher, Department of Transportation~ with copy to Keith Crawford, Clearwater Traffic Engineer, on corrective work completed at the Drew and Greenwood Streets intersection. Chairman Rogers report~d the Tree-For-Frce Proeram of June 7th had proven quite successful for the third year presentation. He had color photos to show to the Committee of the event. It was reported all areas of the program ran quite smoothly and the 2,800 trees proved adequate for this y~ar's give-away. Mr. Anderson of the St~ Petersburg Times had, written a letter to Mr. Rogers commend- ing all participants in the program. -1- r,,' , . ~. . ',~;;-, . .~ i j , p" ' , :/',>.., ' :1/1, " , '.; :'~l~ r. ,~ 1- " ;, )l', " ~,:'. . " ' '/( ,),',~';' f' , ~lj; ,. '. ~ ' }\'" ," .~. . Chairman Rogers also reported to the Committee. on the following: 1) Joe Chiapctta, a former Clearwater Golf Pro, had offered donations of cacti and cocos plumaa palms to the City. Forestry Dep~r~mcnt and Nursery have been contacted. Unfortuna~ely, size of the cncti and SpoctOR plus the large, t~cea involved and limited equipment, made the items unacceptable; howover, the Parks and Recreation Department recently wrote a letter of appreciation [or his donation offer to Mr. Chiapetto. 2) Gil Whitton, who was unable to attend the meeting, had informed Mr. Rogers he had more information on additional commemorative trees to be selected in this orca and would be reporting on this at the next meeting. 3) Planters along Cleveland are looking nice nnd well cn~ed for by the City's watering truck. Relocation of planters have been made and that area looking agrecablr attractive. 4) Bench' Program is in present good stead, with only one or two small spots to be worked on. 5) Brief comment was made on the by-pass by the old Haven Rouse. Mr. Voght informed 'the Committee the land involved surrounding the by-pass will be under domain of the County. 6) ,Mr. Krame presented a letter from Mike Paroby, Assistant City Manager, in answer to Mr. Pere Powell's letter con- cerning comments and suggestions on littering. Mr. Paroby explained the staff involved in the City's pick up and trash program of this type, and explained other litter problems relating to those in residentsil areas' private yards were in the domain of the property owners involved. The Committee accepted the letter "as rend. JmGEWATER DRIVE PROJECT - 'rhe City Manager's office checked '~ith offices in Tallahassee to see whether approved report would be on the Cabinet Metting Agenda in Tallahassee this month. One small snag, c;ame up in that the State was waiting for assurance that all property rieided for the bulkhead line had been deeded correctly. Mrs~',Anderson and Mr. Dicus had received letter (certified ma~l) just ,prior to this meeting giving assurance of no question now of ownership; however, in accordance with procedure, u 30-day period of public advertiGing would have to be accomplished before culmination of full 'approval. It was the' concensus of opinion of those mainly involved in tbe City Hall meetings that this program was well on its way to hoped for approval and continuation of the project. Mr. Tom Shepard, landscape architect reported he had submitted the proposal made for this projec~ over a month ago, but to that time had not heard from 'Mr. Paroby. f r, I ' I I I oj .' -2- ." '."~ '.,1 :. >'~--~1 ;'. '-" ~ :~. J ,.... ;\"C'Q,:r: . ...:If...l ~ '.. '.'.,\ ,.", ~' ~;~.: ~.'. ;, . ~ l .; 1-, ~... ' . j;.... -, ..;.~: ." -' , . ' I . 'I il Mr. Don Ale~nndar, having bc~n on n month's trip to C~li(orni~, was unable to give {1 further report on statua of hiring of ~ City J~ and Be ape Arc hit c ct. U C W B 9 to f 0 fro m t h i B m c. c tin B toe i t y liD, 11 to check upon any up-dated input,and will report to membc~9 ~t the next meeting. ) NORTHEAST GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT - Mr. Moore reported ha had talked with, Golf Course. Architect Ron' Gn-.:l ngnin concerning further possibilities in regard to this development. They are presently investigating and obtaining information concerning Federal grants which involves matching funds from municipal, state and county areos, all of which must, in turn, be channeled through State offices. It is hoped further information will come along on this during the ensuing month. CITY NURSERY - Mr. Frank Krame reported to the Committee he had availed himself of an invitation from Mr. Voght and Mr. Russ Britton of the City Nursery to visit and had come away much impressed with the entire operation. He commented he had visited numerous municipal nurseries in the country and could say this was the neatest, best organized one he had seen. He suggested others of the Committee should go out to see it. Mr. Voght again extended a cordial invitation to each and everyone, stating Mr. Russ Britton liked nothing better than to guide interested parties through this area. A brief discussion ensued concerning Nursery personnells interest- ing and talented work on cemclt lettering formed with, sparkling green stone elements (obtainec ftom nearby Tarpon Springs sources) worked into the cement. Thes( cement-sparkled element letters will form "Welcome to Clearwater II \,'hi~h will be par t of t 11.e beau tif iea t ion project to be implemented at \'he'eastern approach to Clearwater off Courtney Campbell Causeway. Chairman Rogers commented on the beautification in progress where City Hall Annex Parking Lot has been extended for parking of City vehicles. The Nursery Division has utili?ed donated materials for shrubbery and tree screening in this area. , Mr. Voght reported transfer of the Skycrest Nursery inventoried plant materials had been completed. A letter from the City Parks and Recreation Department has been sent to Mr. Metz' development 'corporation as promised>> giving them figures for tax deduction purposes of estimated value of the material>> which came to about $22~000. The Committee members and Messrs. Moore and Voght agreed this was a con- siderable donation and one the City would well utilize. " "Mr. Moore spoke bric~ly about the Harbor Oaks Association. Bay Drive area. stating citizens had come forth recently making donation of $1.400 in the refurbishing processes of medians recently under construct~on in that area. While the contractors had replaced some 'materials>> it had become apparent to the property owners in the area more plant materials would be needed. The City is to install deep well systems to assist in irrigating' this area. The point to be drawn from this report is that citizens of areas such as Harbor Oaks seem willing to contribute to continued beautification of their areas and ~:..,'. . ", <~ . .' ", '.' ..... ,.~ , . " r~ '.1'--, c, . . I '.. J :'~~:. \~ ~/c'.:. ;;>:0'''; ',,: " ~\ .~. {i,I,' . ~~.~~. '. , ~),., t.;I'j , (;:, ',." l' '" . , ~:.-.' , ."'. ~j:;:,. . . . . . ~ those contributions of concerned City property owners should be highly comm~nded. Mr. Rogers suggested a letter be scnt to the Harbor Oaks Association commending them on their continued interest and contribution to beautification of the medians. Hr. Fourman reported he had been in touch with Mr. Sullivan of the Sanitation Department concerning trash containers and pick up of City garbage aud trash situntion which has been n recent topic of discussion and meetings through efforts of the Beautification Committee members. There will be n leaflet encloBure with this month's bills concerning the City's Sanitation Department procedures and encouraging uBage of plastic bags as much as possible, without making definite demands or rulings on this practise. Areas of the City Parks and Recreation Department concerned with beautification and projects being worked on or completed were reviewed briefly by Mr. Moorc. as follows: Kings Highway Center - Now opened, serving public with numerous classes and programs, and response'has been quite tremendous thus far. Beautification of the area and preservation of the nice stand of trees--utilizing this area for future picnic grounds--and maintain- ing the excellent tree specimens in that area have been dealt with most specifically. PaVing of the parking lot area now in process; ~when completed, further sodding and beautification can be implemented. , Valencia Park (North Hercules Area) - Tennis courts going in nov, sodding and landscaping will be worked on upon completion of the courts with basic groundwork development. Del Oro Park - (McMullen Road North of Hwy. 60) - ~~is area has great potential for a recreational facility and bea'ltification area in that part of the City. Work is being done on t~nnis courts. basketball courts, handball courts; and area playground equipment has been installed. This area has great potential for containment of the natural beauty and setting. . Mr. Marchiselli reported the work done on Clearwater Beach was quite satisfactory. The new containers are most accept~ble with " "Don't Be A Litter Bug," painted on them. Mr. Moore stated extra crews will be working every day on the beach during the Fourth of July weekend when tremendous influx of visitors and beach crowds are expected. Mr. Arthur Kruse opened a discussion on the medians on Gulf-To- Bay and the sad state of ~alm trees once planted and still left in some of the median areas. . Due to concrete, pave~ent conditions. filling in and trying to establish p~ant material had proven a disaster. Mr~ Moore informed the Committee these medians are under the control of the Department of Transportation, and under DOT regu- lations trees cannot be replaced. (Many were lost in the frceze of 1962.) The City Parks and Recreation Department) however, have recently used chemical sprays to kill weeds and curbers have been us~d to cut and improve thc straggly looks in some areas. This is about as for as City auspices can go'; but City would maintain them as aforementioned as much as possible. -4- ~~~ ~.i~\~: ,.\ i ~. t, 1l1.~ ~..... h~:t. r ~'Lj L-~I:,<" \:, '.. \ '. " V. . '\ t.~.. u ~ t-...,. , ~ ~~t';.I:L \. I, 'II! ' ~~~.~/. ,\:' . ' ~..'f'l/ ~j""~, ~t~;>:,\: \i " J; ,'r'\"" h .' ('''I l' ". j~yl,. 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Rogers nnd Voght diocluBsed the. plans :datermine appropriate type of 8r~und cover to '8~~11 aren. City-owned, at the foot of Pierce plating this small project in thJ near future. " the City has to be applied in the 100. hopefully com- ,,; . ',',:,."l Albert P. Ro Chairma .. . ;., -.1, " '. '., l< ,.' '. ..; /. .~ ~c. ,', ~ :., . "; , ..' '" -t. / . ,.", ';" 1-'1- .. '. : ..... .,.~ . . '. ~t ',( F ,} .c,.... . '. t, , , ;',:: ';i,'i} " . ,. t r <.~.:~t :"d ,:,,::::\::~ . c; ~.:~!,~.:; ] :,':,';:,1 ! :. -): . \~'.- ", ~ \:~~~ '.' :' ::;: \ r~ ','~: '}l.'j ."T.,: " ",,",, <. I ,', . "./" .., . ~ .1 . .. ' i( , "f. ~. -; . " . .~. '::. ,,> ., '.", .'~ .', '.~: ~~ :::/,::J , ~:i "." ,. "', 'I i. :. ~+' ; " ',,'\ " ' . ~. , " ;, ,\ . I.:,,~ " ;:1 , .I ".'\ . ~ or:, ~ '"," ~ " ,.' I , ~ :'.; ; ~ ", ~\':,' . . ~. > : I (, .' . ~ . 1 :':''>\-; .:,", L " :', i~-'I ,,' ,'" ~.. : ' . ,~. ~ ,< , ' ~'.'/ :'~'~'" F,' ::' "~'... , . 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