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JUNE 4, 1975
The monthly meeting of the Beautificntion Committee ~as
called to order by Chairman Rogers on June 4, 1975 nt 9;40 A_M_
in the meeting room at the City Hnl1 Annex. 10 South Missouri
Avenue, Clenrwat~r, Florida.
Those in attendanc~ were: Chairman Albert Rogers, Miss Grace
Smith, Mrs. Raymond Sticneker. Mrs. Juanita Anderson, Messrs: Don
Alexander, Thomas G. ,Sllepnrd, Bob McMichael. Fronk Mnrchisclli,
Arthur Kruse, Lester Dicus, Prank Krome, RURsell Fouxmnn. Those
not in attendance were: Messrs: Oil Whitton. Ream Wilson, Larry
Lord. Alan 8mi th and Perc Powell ,a"o. rUoQ.tt.ar,r \,UtIoTS,U N
A typographical error of date of this meeting (June 5 instead
of June 4) was pointed out by M~. Alexander. Correction had been
m~de prior to meeting on Minutes Book. This noted, motion was
made by Mr. Fourman, seconded by Mr. Alexander. that minutes of
May 7, 1975 be approved. Motion carried.
Mr. Rogers informed the Committee he had received a letter from
City Manager PicQt Floyd of his reappointment' to serve rtnother term
on the Beautification Committee. Hcmbers expressed their approval
with expressions of commendations for Chairman Roger's fine leader-
shiP. participation and his contributions to the Committee through-
out his terms of office.
BENCH PROGRAM - Mr. Rogers repo~tcd a letter of appreciation
had been sen~ to the Board of Realtors for their donation of the
ten benches at the Crest Lake area site.
Mr. Krame reported new slats had been put on bench at Osceola
and Jones, northeast corner. and people in area quite pleased with
this improvement. Mr. Krame wished Division involved be thanked
for acting on this request mad~ at a prior meeting.
Mr. Rogers stated benches a~ the waterfront had been relocated,
and this part ,of the bench program was all in order. AJl that remains
to complete this area ia is sodding or rock fill of small strip of
City-owned land at the waterfront area, which should be completed
within next 30 days.
DREW-GREENWOOD INTERSECTION - Mr. Rogers reported (with photos
for the Committe's viewing) that within a week of the last me~ting
the State Department of Transportation had made the necessary widen-
ing and changes to correct a bad traffic situation in that area.
Other members of the Committee commented on the improvement and
elimination of the traffic hazard involved. Mr. Krame reported later
in the meeting his committee had contacted Keith Crawford and George
Selvia of the City's Traffic Engineering Department for assistance
on this) and n Mr. Bill Dasher of the Depnrtmcnt of Transportation
had cooperated admirably to see this project wan done nh~ad of
schedule. Chairman Rogers directed the Decrutnry to draft a letter
to Mr. Dasher, with copies to the Traffic Depnrtment, expressing
the Committee's appreciation for early action in this matter.
PLANTERS - CLEVELAND STREET - Renewed planters have been
placed in front of the Smoyer Building on Cleveland. Three more
were added in front of lot area where the old Woolworth Department
store was. Benches have also been realigned on downtwon Cleveland
Street. and Mr. Rogers complimented Nursery Division on work done.
Mr. Voght explained a watering trucK makes a routine wntc~in& route
twice a week along this street or wherever City plantcrn arc located.
~n extreme dry periods they arc serviced more often.
EDGEWATER DRIVE PROJECT - Don Alexander reported that on May 20
the application for fill on Edgewater Drive was approved and is to
go before the State Cabinet. Tallahassee, on June 20, for final
approval. Information relayed is this will be approved at that time.
Assistant City Manager Mike Parohy must be contacted with a design
proposal. Tom Shepard. Landscape Architect and member of the
Committee, will be working on the preliminary study. Tbe proposal
has to be approved and signed. Messrs. Shepard and Voght discussed
coordinating landscaping plans utilizing City Nursery materials
and the need for projection of plant materials needed well in
advance in that all inventories at the Nursery are constantly being
depleted with current projec~s. Mr. Shepard advised he would hope
to be able to present to the Committee by next meeting some of the
preliminary plans and proposal. The Committee discussed the
effective assistance Mayor Hougen and Tony Shoemaker had given to
assist on this project. The bulkhead area will have required fill.
Max Battle's Engineering Department will be working on this and
cooperating fully. Mrs. Anderson commented on the Edgewater Drive
Committee's recent meeting and also conveyed their members' interest
in having a pier in the area as good or better than one which was
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written sever~l letters to other municipal Parks and Recreation
Departments concerning their City golf courses. i.e. St. Petersburg)
Tamp~ and Sarasota, and is waiting for replies from all as well as
gathering reactions and information from various City offices con-
cerning development of a Northeast Golf course. Bill Stopher,
Utilities Director, very much in favor; the effluent from the N.E.
Sewage Branch plant can be well utilized in golf course areas.
Max Battle,has indicated his support as have environmental planners.
The Parks and Recreation Department has also put in for Capital
Improvement Fund program planning in event the City wishes to take
a different route in the development of a City Golf course other
than obtaining ,financing through revenue certificates. The Golf
Course Architect. Ron Garl. has submitted figures of what he will
do for $2)500 fee for preliminary survey including presentation on
a revenue producing basis. Mr. Moore will keep the Committee in-
,formed on this pr~ject.
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BEACH LITTERTNG - Mr. ROgC~B reported Crom n City Inter-Orfice
Memorandum that follow-up had been mode conccrnlnc Mr. Kramc'g last
meeting report on need for additional containern on the Bench arca.
Damaged ones had been replaced and others Get up where nceded.
Mr. Moore announced Project 13, Channel 13 TV, June 8, (Sunday), at
10:30 P.M. would have a presentation on the suhject of littering.
Bome of the information having been obtained from Cloarwater's Park
and Recreation Department. It was recommended the members of the
Committee might view this program if at all possible. The subject
of beach signs giving warnings of litterinG fines was briefly
TREE-FOR-FREE PROGRAM - Frank Mnrcllisclli reported the Trec-For-
Free Program wa s going-:On 'a s planned, Sa tu rt! n)'. Jun c 7. Thin
project sponsored by St. Petersburg Times in cooperation uith
Pinellas County, Clearwater Parks and Rccrc3tion Nursery Division
Board of Realtors and Garden Club members. will give away approxi-
mately 2500 trees beginning at 9 A.M. These trees will be divided
and dispensed to citizens at the Clearwater City Nursery and targo
Recreation Center. Coffee and doughnuts also to be served.
Mr. Rogers reported briefly on the recent Tree-For-iree
Committee's discussion of possibility of donation charge of $l~
due to increased costs and need for more material and planning
ahead for a larger program. After discussion, th~s was voted
down at that meeting.
Francis Krame reported this project was receiving much favorable
comment. He relayed the compliments of Hr. Tilley, Jewcler.y Company,
to be conveyed to those in charge of the project as being one of
,the nicest improvements in the downtown area in a long time. Mr.
. Moore stated the Parks and.Recreation Board had also been very
complimentary of this project and has asked him to pass this along
to the Nursery Division members involved, Mr. Moore alBo stated
th~t only $2.000 was spent on this project. A shallow well has
been utilized for the fountain. thereby no City water or expense
of water utilities is needed. Most of the landscaping has been
through donations of citizens. Mr. Kruse commented briefly that
the idea of a fountain was quite good; he was not all in accord
with the design for tha~ particular area; but did think the overall
idea was good. This subject was discussed to some extent. It
was concluded that a letter be drafted and directed to the City
Manager's office concerning this generally well accepted landscape
project for the City of Clearwater's continued beautification program.
KINGS HIGHWAY CENTER - Mr. Alexander inquired of Mr. Moore when
this center would be dedicated. Mr. Moore replied the exact date
was not yet known; it had been removed from current City Commission
agenda temporarily. However, programs were being started in co-
ordination with City summer programs during week of June 8th. The
parking lot was being revised to salvage some trees; sod and grassing
of areas near the building was being done. The balance of the land-
scaping will, come. af ter the parking lot areas are completed.
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S co U T It U TON 111 G n 1. A N D. - ^ fl r 0 p 0 B {\ 1 h 0 s bee n mad c tot he C i t Y
Commission to spend $15,000-$30,000 for rehabilitation of this
bUl1dinB. Various community orr.nnizAtiono would like to utilize
it for meetings. If this project continuos. 'the nenutification
Committee might work with the City nnd other orgnnizations on
beautification plans. The Committee will watch further develop-
ments on this.
OLD CITY AUDITORIUM SITE - Mr. Rogers inquired of Mr. Moore
what was on the boards concerning use or the old City Auditorium
site at Bayfront area. Mr. Moore stated due to the tremendous
interest now in tennis, expanding tennis co~rts in that ar.ea,
rebuilding old courts, and parkinc lots expansions with beautifica-
tion of the area being considered. Capital Improvement Funds have
.been applied for with G.O.B. assistance pluG a need for support of
citizens to get things done. Many residents of Island Estates
would like to have availability of tennis courts in that area.
Mr. Moore also commented he would like to see at least three courts
on Clearwater Be~ch also installed.
BYPASS ROAD & MINI PARK - Old Haven House Site - Brief input
on this subject is road contracts are out for bid; bids will be
made in June. More information may come after these plana are
fulfilled relative to beautification programming.
MUSEUM POSSIBILITIES - Messis. Marchiselli and Kruse commented
on proposed Bicentennial plans for the Seaorama Project. Mr. Kruse
,contributed the fact that highway chonges were planned which
might preclude a project of this continuing. The idea may be
attractive to people, but the matching funds of $125,000 is a big
pro j e ct. Un t i 1St ate d e c ide s jus t w her e t h i B s't r e e tis go in g, it
seemed rather impractical at this time to go ahead with it as a
major 'project. Some talk had been conveyed concerning an overhead
w'alkway in tbs t inter sec t ionl island area. whi ch to Mr. Kru se and
Mr~ Alexander would. not be very conducisve to the looks and view
in that area. The idea involved in bettering the traffic there
would not be enhanced by putting in an attraction at that point
which would cause more congestion. it would seem. Mr. Kruse
suggested this Committee should go on recoid to hold this in
abeyance for further consideration when we know more about it.
Someone from the Bicentennial Committee may come to our Committee
in the near future at which time we will learn more on this subject.
Mr.. Anderson commented that instead of a project such as Seaorama.
The Beautification Committee might be more interested in the
Historical facit of requirements of the Bicentennial program--for
example, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Ralph Reed have wonderful collections
on historical memorabilia which could be incorporated in a museum
in this area. in good location for better presentation. It was
suggested more be discussed on this at future meetings.
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GARDEN CLUB SILVER ANNIVERSARY - The subject of the Garden
Club'. recent celebration of their Silver Anniversary was brought
up by Mr. Kruse. The secretary was directed to draft 0 letter
from our Committee to this worthy club expressing appreciation
and congratulations for their efforts over the years.
Mr. Fourman commented. as representative of the Goodwill
Industries, upon a recent article in the news media concerning
litter around Goodwill boxes. It is Mr. Fourman's contention
these are matters of interest for the Beautification Committee
as well as landscaping. ~rces and plant materials in the area.
Efforts to educate the public are being made as far up as
Tallahassee State 9ffices to the local orca and to enforce laws
,prohibiting neglectful use of properties in which much of this
debris is left, cluttering City areas. Mr. Fourman also reported
briefly on his efforts to detc~mine water pollution in a ditch
a~e8,al~ng Sunset point. Mr. Fourman was referEed to the
Pinnel1as County Health Department for analysis of the water.
In closing. Mr. Rogers commented briefly, and showed some
clippings of pictures, on the Realtors Week Beautification
awards presentations during the past month's Realtors Week
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 A.M. with announcement
next'meeting to be on the scheduled first Wednesday of July
unless otherwise notified.
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Albert P. Roge
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