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MAY 7, 1975
The monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee was
called to order by Chairman Albert Rogers on l>lay 7, 1975 at 9: 40 A.M.,
in the meeting room at the City Hall Annex, 10 South Missouri Avenue,
Clearwater, Florida.
Those in attendanoe were: Chairman Albart,Rogers, Miss Graoe
Smith, Mrs. Raymond Stiencker, Hrs. Juanita Anderson, Nessrs: Don .'
Alexander, Russ Fourman, Frank Krame, Lester Dicus, Art Krusc~A~~2n~)~~~,~~
and Gil lvhitton. Also present were: Messrs. Eddie Moore, Alan
Smith, Patrick Tracy and william Voght, of the Parks and Recreation
Department, City of Clearwater. Those not in attendance were
Messrs: Ream Wilson, George Donatello, Forrest Watson, Jr.,
Larry Lord, Bob NcMichae1, Tom Shepard and Perc Powell.
Motion was made by Mr. Dicus, seconded by Mr. Krame, that
the minutes of the April 2, 1975 meeting be approved as received
by mail. Motion carried unanimously.
Since there were numerous items on the agenda, enumeration
of same with brief comments will be made as follows:
BENCH PROG~1 - Chairman Rogers reported all plaques were
put on the ten benches which were donated 'by the Board of Realtors.
Isolated bench problems and the l>l~ndalay Boulevard bench project
were discussed briefly with the Chairman's assurance this project
will move along sl~wly but surely, as it has done in the past.
Mr. Fourman had been in contact with the Traffic Department.
Mr. Selvia of that Department had been contacted. A plan is on
the boards to widen the intersection 100 ft. to zero, straightening
process, a State Road project which is to be followed through hope-
fully by August, 1975. Meanwhile, white painting of curbing has
been done, and it is hoped signs will be erected soon warning drivers
of this traffic hazardous area.
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, PLANTERS ON CLEVELAND - Mr. Voght, Nursery Superintendent,
reported an overall program on this subject was going into effect'
as soon as major landscaping projects were completed; principal
.' planters would be taken care of \"i thin the week.
LETTERS FROM THE COMMITTEE: Mr. Rogers reported the following,
'letters were sent out as per discussion during the last Beautification
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1) Letter of thanks and appreciation has been sent to
Mr. Hayward Meyer and Mr. Brady of Brady Construction
for donation 'of 8 palms recently utilized in the city's
Beautification program during Bicentennial celebration
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2) Letter of commendation to students of The Children's
Place for their endeavors in City's beautification
program during Bicentennial celebration year.
1) Cecil Henderson, Assistant City Engineer and Assistant
Director of Public Works, letter to Mr. Rogers, April 2,
1975, was reviewed. Bessrs. Henderson and Tony Shoemaker
met with biologist, Allen Burdette, at the Edgewatcr
Drive site. His report will go to Tallahassee to
Board of Internal Improvement. It is hoped this matter
will be passed upon approximately June 20th in Tallahassee.
EDGEt'lATER PROJECT - MORE DET1\ILS - 1\ discussion ensued concern-
ing Mr. Alexander's recent meeting with Mayor Cazares on this
matter, briefing him on this project and the Beautification
Committee's endeavors and hopes concerning this subject. 'The
City Manager's office is still to be pursued regarding hiring of
a landscape architect to assist not only in rnatte~ such as the
Edgewater Project, but overall City assistance on various projects.
The committee as a whole agreed it was most necessary that a
definite plan for the Edgewater Drive Project be drawn up and made
available for presentation at the earliest possible date. Someone
was 9ping to have to be employed to deliver this plan at a proper
time. Mr. Rogers, Mr. Alexander and others of the committee agreed
to go ~rom this meeting to the City Manager's office to try to con-
vey the urgent necessity of obtaining planning assistance.
repor,ted this matter had been brought before the City Commissioners
a bit prematurely since all input and information desired concern-
~ing Golf Courses had not been completed to date. There is also
the prominent possibility Pinellas County School Board might enter
into negotiations for some of this area, which would directly affect
planning for a Par 72 golf course in that area which could be
self-sufficiently operated for the community as has been proven
with the City-owned Glen Oaks Golf Club. Further,investigation,
reports, facts and figures would have to be obtained. It is of
interest to the Beautification Committee that an area such as this
be used effectively and beneficially for the community in terms
of ecological and financial benefits. Further updating on this
subject will be forthcoming.
were made concerning recent newspaper report on City areas approved
by City Commission for further'development and open for contracts for
new construction. Those areas being developed are new tennis courts
(sport which has become of prime popularity now), basketball courts,
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"TREE FOR FREEn PROGRAf\ol - Members of the Beautification Conunittee
who participated in a recent meeting with St. Petersburg Times,
Pinellas County, Largo and newspaper people concerning this program
were Mrs. ,Stieneker, Messrs. Marchiselli, Voght, Tracy and McMichael.
The program date has been set for June 7th, between 9 and 11 A.M.
The City of Clearwater will donate 700 seedlings;St.Petersburg Times 1800,
~ total of 2500 offerings to be given away to date. The main crux
'of the discussion at subject meeting was concensus of opinion this was
insufficient supply to meet the demand. Feelers were put out for
organizations that may assist in donating more seedlings and some
recommendations made--none of which met with any overall enthusiasm.
The major point put across was this program should have some planning
well in advance--the possibilities of selling the seedlings rather
than giveaway, using these earned funds to assist in next year's
program was purported by Messrs. Whitton, Tracy and Voght and others
of the Committee. Another meeting of the committee involved in this
year's program will be held prior to the Beautification Committee's
next meeting wherein a report with more hopeful results can be made
and future planning for next year be advanced at that time.
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and recreation buildings. ArenD concerned: McMullen Park; Valencia
Park: Wood Valley: Del Ore Park. Mr. Moore explained locations of
these areas which will have much needed continued dcvclopmcmt.
MINI PARK AT OTJD HAVEN nOUSF: SITE - Construction going 011; they
are letting bids on this, bUt nothing further has been investigated
in connection with the beautification plans. Mr. Krame visited the
site prior to the meeting and commented that mostly processes of
basic construction had been observed.
SANITATION - Copies of Mr. Powell's letter to utilities Director
Stopher 't/hichHfcllowCld a March corom! ttec meeting, was distributed
and read. Mr. Fourman con~cnted on his contacts ,~ith the Sanitation
Department. A discussion headed by Gil Whitton on best plastic
bags to use in event this became a desired requirement ensued.
Utilities Department investigation usefulness of this plan with
other cities ".,'as in process. Hopefully a report will come forth
in the near future.
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Mrs. Stieneker and Messrs. Kruse and Marchiselli commented on recent
meetings of a newly formed committee which had met initially to be
updated on needs and plans a Bicentennial-committed community must
follow.'. A discussion was held on the requirements of historical,
future and Bicentennial Year events for the yearfs celebration. Mr.
Whitton discussed possibilities of Ralph Reed's lifelong endeavors
going into the history of Clearwater and utilizing his efforts on
this. Mr. Kruse and Mrs. Stieneker reported the Bicentennial1s
prime subject for future planning with regards to the Seaorama Project
on Clearwater Beach. A further report to the committee will be made
after the next meeting of the Bicentennial Comrnitt~e.
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1) Discussion of the Sunshine Law being taken into consideration
in government areas of City, State, County and State Legis-
lature at this time.
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, ,'The'hour growing late, Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting
, <at ,11: 00 A.M., advising next meeting will be held on regularly
',scheduled date, first Wednesday in June (June If, 1975), 9:30 A.M.
at the City Hall Annex meeting room.,
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Newspaper articlo concerning area on Clearwater Beach
which does not lend to beautification nor safety to
citizons of that community. It1s need for clean up or
clear out orders from proper authorities.
Mr. Rrame'roported for Mr. Powell and himself assigned
committeo task of, looking into the Clear\olater Beach
,littering problem. Mr. Krame reported his observations,
a count of trash receptacles and use of same along with
suggested needs in some areas for better positioned
receptacles. Mr. Naore commented for his Department
which services tho Beach area, picking up trash seven
days a week. Discussion followed. . possible conclusions:
Signs be put mora prevalently around and/or added to
present Beach Regulations Signs in at least six-inch (611)
lettering, i.e. NO LITTERING - and amounts up to maximum
fine listed: policing of area; picking up viOlators, taking
them into court, fining them and advertising through
papers action taken in order to impress upon community as
well as visitors this area will not tolerate littering
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