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March 5, 1975
The monthly meeting of the Beautification Committee was called
to order by Chairman Albert Rogers on M~rch 5, 1975, at 9:30 A.M.,
in the meeting room at City Unil l\nnox, 10 South Missouri Avenue,
Clearwater, Florida.
Those present were: Albert Rogers, Chairman; Mrs. Juanita
Anderson, Miss Grace Smith, Mr~. Mary Stieneker; Messrs: Russell L.
Fourman, Arthur Kruse, Lester Dicus, Perc Powell, Frank Krame,
Donald Alexander, Bob McMichaol, Prank Marchiselli and Tom Shepard.
Also present were: Messrs: Ream Wilson, Alan Smith and William
Voght. Those not present were: Ncssrs: Eddie C. Moore, Patrick
Tracy, Larry Lord, Forrest Watson, George Donatello and Gil Whitton.
Motion was made by and seconded that the Minutes of the
February 5, 1975 meeting be approved as received by mail. Motion
The first item on the agenda was the visit Don Alexander and
Chairman Al Rogers made to the Mayor's office with regard to
completion of legal matters on Edgewater Drive. Don Alexander
reported that Mr. Rogers and he went to the City Attorney's office
to move the papers along from here to Tallahassee. The legal
papers are all completed except for being reviewed by the Legal
Department, and they will, then be sent to Tallahassee. They have
to. be checked for change of title and then can be given their
stamp of approval. Mr. Rogers said he would stop in the City
Attorney's office to find out what the situation is now, this date.
, " The new mayor, Mayor Cazares, has reported to the newspapers
;that the Edgewater Beautification Program is proceeding, and he
will gi.ve it his complete attention.
Bill Voght reported that he will be putting in Ligustrum at
Stevenson Creek Park. They have some large Ligustrum available
which he would like to run along the inside of the fence line at
approximately 50-feet intervals. If it meets with approval, they
will put them in. Chairman Rogers said that whatever Bill Voght
thinks is best to put in is all right with him: however, just be
sure the sprinkler system will reach the plants. There was a
discussion regarding the fact whether the sprinkler system will
reach or not. Mr. Rogers said he thought it reached as far as
.the oak trees. He said the news on the' progress of this project
is very encouraging and will get publicity when it is finished.
Mr. Rogers complimented Bill Voght on the fine job that was done
at the Fire and Police Stations.
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. A report was rend by t-\r.. Powoll on tho 9arbl1go and trash
problems. A copy of thiu report ill attl1chod horeto. Mr. Rogers
asked if there wero any auvgontiof18. Mr. rowell said he thought
the plastic garbage ba9 D would npofHl up pickups and take care of
a lot of the present problomu. Mr. rowoll will report on further
action at the next meatiny.
Mr. Rogers asked whother thero was nny news with regard to
the landscape architect. Nr. ^loxl1ndor reported he did not have
any further news. Mike Paroby wna to bo at this meeting to report,
and since he did not attend thero'wao no information available.
Mr. Rogers said he would Boe if they could get any news on the
progress of this matter.
It was reported by Mr. Rogers that n plaque was awarded and
placed on the giant camphor tree on Route 19 during a ceremony
last week. Gil Whitton will follow up and see if there are any
more such trees.
Mr. Rogers mentioned that Realtor Week is to be April 20-26.
The Board has allocated $350 for beautification, and Mr. Rogers
would like to get approval of the realtors for this money to be
used for new benches on the walkway around Crest Lake. The replace-
ment figure for these benches would be approximately $35 to $40
each. He feels he could get approval for ten new benches to be
put around Crest Lake.
Mr. Wilson said he talked with Mr. Moore and he would prefer
new benches rather than get~ing into painting these benches which
look in poor condition now. rlr. Rogers mentioned he would discuss
this, further with Mr. Moore.
Alan Smith said that St. Petersburg has benches which are
cemented into the ground and that he would prefer the cement
benches Which are practically maintenance free. ~!r. Rogers said
they are, of course, open for suggestions. He asked Mr. Smith
to get information on these benches. Mr. Wilson pointed out it
would be a good idea to get pictures on the three different types
of'benches and to contact St. Petersburg for information on their
Mr. Rogers reported the Dait Dock at the foot of the hill
across from Pierce 100 has been repaired and put into presentable
. condition. He mentioned the City-owned property by the sidewalk
needs .to be sodded. Bill Voght said he doubted very much that
he would be able to maintain sod out there due to a water problem.
Mr. Rogers said if Bill Voght runs into a problem, he might be able
to ge~ help for him. Grading is about 90% done, and the benches
have to be moved.
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Mr. Wilson reported on Kings lIighway, which i:; a 5-acre park.
He has talked with the contractor and architect who expect comple-
tion by April 1st. The immediate area is scheduled to be graded
within the next few weeks. Bill Voght will do the landscaping,
and then the parking lot will be done. The building will be com-
pleted before the parking lot is finished. There will be a dedica-
tion of the building, and the Beautification Committee will be
Mr. Wilson mentioned that the Boy Scouts will not,.be using
this new Kings Highway Center. They will use the old Boy Scout
Hut which is going to be renovated. The $20,000 destined for that
project has been transferred to Kings Highway Center.
Mr. Rogers reported the sewer and water lines have been
installed in the Bay and Haven area. Everything has been cleared
and construction work will proceed. A question was posed as to
whether a park section will be in this area. will it fall to the
City to take care of this site? Mr. Wilson said they haven't
been notified whether this will be under the Parks and Recreation
It has been reported by the St. Petersburg Times there will
be another tree giveaway. The city's Nursery and crews will
cooperate as u~ual. Mr. Rogers asked Bob McMichael to serve
'with Bill Voght and Pat Tracy in order to coordinate this project.
They will hold a special meeting for this purpose. The Garden
Club will also be in on the project. As yet, the date has not
been set. Bill Voght said that Pat Tracy is working on trees
to be given away.
Mr. Rogers pointed out that there '<Jas some difficulty in
finding the entrance to McMullen Booth Park. Mr. Wilson said
there will be a sign put up on Haines Road when it will be available
for use.
. Mr. Kruse reported that he spoke to Mike Paroby with regard
to'"Lane l>1arshall' s contract for Crest Lake. He mentioned there may
be some Federal monies available later on, and said this matter
should not be allowed to get stale. He feels the contract should
be signed, sealed and delivered. He thought Mike Paroby should
be contacted about this. Don Alexander reported it was to be put
on the "back'burner" until after election. Mr. Kruse said this
should be pursued before summer in case they can get the Federal
Mrs. Anderson wondered if there were any plans for a bicentennial
celebration. Mr. Rogers said there is a committee, but there hasn't
been anything ,done on it.
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.' Mr. Rogers inquired about the fountain at Crest Lake. Alan
Smlth said they dian't know what was going to be done about it
. since t.here is a good amount of money involved. , The Electric
Department is taking care of it, and Mr. Wilson will check on
what the stat~s quo of this matter is.
Bill Voght reported they are starting to grade Court and Haven,
and he feels this is an area which should be given special treat-.
ment.. ,Mr. Rogers suggested that civic clubs possibly could be '
approached for .some help.
c. . The' .Conunittee requested a list of. Parks properties to review,
and same will be distributed at next Committee meeting in ,April.
, ,
. There being no further reports, the meeting was adjourned
; at.. 10: 20 A. M., with the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday,
April' 2'; 1975.
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Albert P. Rogers,
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