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Those present ware: Albert Rogers, Chairman: Mrs. Juanitu
Anderson, .Miss Grace Smith, l1rs. Mary Stieneker; Messrs: Russell
L.. Fourman, Arthur lCruse, Lester Dicus, Perc 1'o\1ell, FrDnk Krarne,
Donald Alexander t Bob MoMichael, Fran): lv1archiselli, and Gil
Whitton. Also present were: Messrs: Eddie Moore, Director of
clearwater parks & Recreation: Ream Wilson, Assistant Director;
Alan Smith, Parks Superintendent; Patrick Tracy, City Forester;
and Willi~m Voght, Nursery Superintendent. Those not present
were: Messrs: Forrest E. ~1atson, Jr., George Donatello and
Larry Lord.1 {JY'I,-S-L-Vtu.t.e1?.. '
Motion was made by Mr. Alexander, seconded by 1~. Whitton,
. that the minutes of the January 8, 1975 meeting ba approved as
received py mail. Motion carried.
Mr. Rogers conunented on several matters relevent to the
last meeting as follows:
. A. letter of appreciation was sent ,:0 the Clearwater-Largo...
Dunedin Board of Realtors, Inc., for thE! donation of the holly
~rees planted in stevenson pa~~.
The large tree donation reported at: last meeting was checked
into by. Mr. RogersD Mr. Fulford was cOl\tacted, but it WuS de-
termined he wished to sell the trees to the city rather than
donate them; so the matter has been dropped.
Mr. J. Lester Dicus completed filling the unexpired term
'of Mr. Frank Schebler on the Beautification committee as of
.January 6.. Mayor Everett Hougen has written Mr. Dicus that the
City, COItunission unanimously approved his reappointment for a
full-two-y~ar ternl running until January 6, 1977. Mr. Rogers
..' ~xpressed his and the conunittc IS appreciatiqn to 1-1r. Dicus for
., . his. acceptan<?e . of this appointment 4>
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Mr. .Rogers reported the committee appointe~ at last meet-,,
ing consisting of Mr. Kruse, Mr. Alexander and himself, proceeded
after that meeting to the City Manager's office. There they met
with Mayor Everett Hougan and Cecil Henderson of the Engineer's
office. Mayor Hougen made a direct call to Hr. Nay Landrum in
'Tallahassee in roferenca to the problem of progress of our appli-
cation to fill the area for beautification adjacent to Edgewater
Drive. He followed up with a letter to Mr. Hormon W. Shields, .
Executive Director of the Department of Natura~ Resources, re-
questing results from the Water & Navigation Board. Mr. Rogers
read this .letter to the Committee.
Mr. Rogers reported all bench ends at North Fort Harrison
have bean replaced. The Causeway looks sharp.
New planters have been installed at the foot of the
Memorial Causeway. Also, two planters are going back in front
of the renovated Smoyer Building, and this will improve cleveland
Street in that area considerably.
. Mr. Voght reports that with the completion of the Fire
. Station landscaping, they will replant garden spots at Stevenson
Creek Park.
. The Bait House dock at the foot of pierce Street is being
reinforced with new pilings to support ,the dock. They are
'improving the appearance by removing thb old floating platform..
.There has been one more request to complete that development on
the waterfront. At the foot of the bridge there is an area
.. .. approximately 20 feet by 150 feet ill de]; th where seawall gave
. " way~ now reconstructed, which needs lancscaping. Mr. Voght will
be 'looking into this matter.
'. Mr. l<rame remarked that the shrubbEry-traffic hazard problem
at the southwest corner of ~1yrtle and Grand central Streets has
been efficiently taken care of since it was brought up at the last
meeting. He wished tharu~s e~'pressed to those who had been rc-
'.sponsible. This matter, which was ono of two points of discussion,
had been forwarded to Mr. Keith crawford, Traffic Engineer, follow-
ing the last meeting. Also regarding the traffic hazard job at
Drew..and Greem.,ood, Mr. Crawford promptly relayed this complaint
to the District Traffic Operations Engineer.in Barto\~. plans for
minor.construction worle which would help eliminate this problem
,.' .' . will be referred to the Department of Transportation. .
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Mr. Powell took up the motion he presented at the last meeting
concerning garbage-trash collections in the city and suggosted
possible referendum procedure. A discussion followed. Mr. Moore
explained the Director of utilities Department, Mr. Bill Stopher,
would be the one to handle the problem. He further explained that
t~e procedure of curbside picltup was necessitated as an economy
move by the city. Mr. Wilson said where someone cannot taka garbage
to the front curbside, they could call Sanitation Department, and
they will pick it up for them in backyard areas. Mr. Dicus and
others reported they had noticed improvement in the handling of
their trash cans and lids since the last meeting. Mrs. Anderson
commented ane felt the Department did a good job in picking up
p~les of trash at curbside in her area. Mr. Powell stated the
committee seemed to be missing the point -- that we do not like
to see ~hat we see every day on our curbs and streets. Mr. Rogers
inquired if it was the concensus of the committee to contact Mr.
Stopher to see if there might 'be a chance to ~prove what is pro-
cedure now and/or look more close1y into the matter with him.
Mr. Powell was asked to Chqir a committee with Mr. Dicus and Mr.
Krame. All agreed to do so. They will report to the Committee
next month on results of their investigation. Mr. Fourman explained
he had contacted Mr. McClendon of the Sanitation Division and had
correspondence concerning this matter with other cities within the
state and other states. The use of heavier plastic bags for pic)~ing
.uP garbage and trash has gradually become a requirement in some
c~ties facilitating faster, more efficient and economical costs to
the property owners as \>le11 as the city, ','ith better service from
. employees. Discussion closed ''lith afores::',id Committee standing ?l-s
,,'appointed for further' investigation with city Utilities personnel.
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Mr. Kruse and Mr. Alexander reported they had a brief discussion
at the City Manager's office concerning hiring a landscape architect.
No decision had been reached at that time ond northing further to
report at time of meeting.
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Mr. Dicus reported he had noted city crews cleaning up Crest
Lake par]~ and commented favorable on this action.
There was further discussion by Mr. Rogers on the reslatting
of all but four or five benches on the Edge\~atcr Drive stretch.
Both Mr. Rogers and Mr. Marchiselli stated the beach benches are in
poor paint condition, especially near the bus stop across from the
.chamber of Commerce as well as along Manda~ay 'Boulevard. ~tt. Alan
Smith, Parks Superintendant, explained labor problems concerning the
painting and replacing of slats on benches in the overall city area.
The site around Seaorama,is'to be redeveloped-this year, so replace-
ment and work on benches there would not be feasible. Mr. Roge+s,
Mr. ,Hoore and Mr. Smith will be in further discussion concerning the
bench program.
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Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Gil Whitton, County Agricultural
Director, discussed the attributes of the lovely Pinellas County
Anderson Park, and the very apparent evidence of benefits from
working from a landscape architect's plans which is being adapted
on all new projects in this park area. Mrs. Anderson stated after
a period of a year it is apparent this is pnying off with .fireplace
areas and all facilities well located. Mr. Whitton explained
landscaping has utilized plant materials which practically take care
of themselves. J?arking facilities and a pavil'.ion are in future
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Mr. Kruse stated he had attended a Commission meeting during
which a request was prese~ted to use coachman park for a political
jamboree. .He was assured there would be members of the Police
Department there for proper jurisdiction to see nothing was damaged
as there are beautiful roses and Rlants in that area. Mr. Kruse
remarked a crowd like that could do damage in this respect. ~tt.
Moore explained such groups (political or religious) had to go to
the City Commission for approval to use city Facilities; once granted,
the Parks & Recreation Department did insist they leave the, park or
facility as they found it, and organizations are told where they
have to be in the area so plant materials and landscaping will not
be damaged.
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Mr. Tracy and Mr. Whitton commented on the forthcoming event
.of proclaiming a very large camphor tree on U.S.19 and Route 60
as a "Champion Tl'ee," which is quite rare and of significance toa
community. The <:eremony will take place February 20th at 3.P.M.,
and the City' commission is to reply as to which dignitaries besides
Mayor Hougen will be on hand for the ceremony.
An enthusiastic discussion was held with Mr. Whitton's leading
the conversation concerning the number of unusual trees and shrubs
of unusual size and variety we have in the Clearwater area. They
are of considerable interest to people who come here as visitors as
'well as to residents. It was concensus of opinion that unusual
trees, their names. (botanical & conunon), locations, times of year of
bloom, and some background information should be compiled (even if
in mimeograph form) and given to such organizations as the Chamber
of "Commerce to"hand out to interested visitors and residents --
perhaps developing this more in .the future with color type brochures.
Mr. \'1hitton st'ated a boolt was currently being compiled by Jim Griffin
on unusual trees in Florida, and some Clearwater trees would be
included in this book. It was decided to look further into this
" matter.
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Mr. RrUBO brought up tho subject of "dead wood," which '
concarnod rnodiann on Gulf-To-Bay at the entrance into the City.
Explanations wero modo why palms had died due to the way medians
hedbeon constructod ovor str.oot pavement materials. palm trees
can no longQr be rcplncod in such areas according to State law.
Low lovel plant mntcrinlo ara requirod. On medians involving
Stato Department of Trnnaportntion, we are greatly limited by
their requiromonts of plant materials and to dnte State assistance
has been at a minimum.
Problems of wnt9r costs, getting shallow wells and irrigation
systems arc mounting_ with increased co~ts, the situation is
coming to a point of crieis. Parks and Recreation Department
representati~es will meet with Utilitios Director, Mr. Stopher,
t~ go into thin very serious situation.
Mr. Rogers asked what was tho status'of the Skycrest Nursery
si~uation. He was informed an extension of time had been given to
remove the materials.. There is an excellent but very large holly
tree specimen which the City very much wishes to be able to trans-
plant even if it will entail using outside rental equipment for
such' transfer. An inventory has been taken, and a clip board is
ltept at the Nursery to keep constant track of materials taken and
information for Mr. Metz' tax information requirements.
There being no further reports, the meeting, \'las adj ourned at
'10:20 A.M., with the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Harch 5.
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Albert P.' Rogers~
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