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NOVEMBER 5, 1974
The meeting of the Beautification conunittee for the month of "....
November was called to order on November 5, 1974, at 9:30 A.M., in
the offices of the Director of Parks & Recreation, city Annex, at
10 South Missouri street, Clearwater, Florida.
Those present were: Albert P. Rogers, Chairman; Mrs. Mary E.
Stieneker, Miss Grace Smith, Mrs. Juanita Arlbrson, and Messrs:
Percy Powell, George Donatello, Arthur Kruse, Lester Dicus, Frank
Marchiselli, Donald B. Alexander, Russell L. Fourman, and Francis
Krame. Also present were: Messrs: Gil Whitton, Pinellas county
. Agricultural Agent; Tom Shepherd, Architect: Eddie C. Moore,
Director Parks & Recreation Department; Alan Smith, Parks Superintendent;
patrick Tracy, City Forester, and william Voght, city Nurserman.
The Minutes of the last meeting were approved as received by
mail this date.
Chairman Rogers presented new members to the Committee.
Mr. Percy E. .PewelJ.. who will represent the Do,,'mtown Development
Authority; Mr. Lester Dicus, who will represent the Senior citizens,
Inc., group, and Mr. Francis Krame, who will represent the Gulf-To-Bay
Motor Court Association. Their appointments made a full complement
for the Beautification committee Roster at this time.
Mr. Moore informed the committee it was hoped by next meeting
we would be able to meet in the new auditorium area of the City Annex
for more comfortable seating of the number of persons who attend.
Mr. Rogers reported on the Bench program. Benches onFt.Harrison
from City.to City Limits have been completed. The waterfront area has
been practically completed: a supply of slats are ordered to complete
this project.
Mr. Rogers stated he had received a letter from the st. Petersburg
Times concerning the Tree Give-Away Program scheduled to begin either
in April or May. A more definite date and infor.mation will be given
at. a future meeting. Due to the city's cooperation and donations
last year, a sizable number of trees were given away. It seems the
status will be the same this year. There will be approximately 3,200
trees to give away. The two distribution points will be the City of
clearwater'Nursery on North Saturn and the Recreation Department complex
at Largo. '
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Mr. Alexander reported on progress of the Edgewatcr Drive
Project und indicated necessary papers huve been filed with the County
and State. It was further stated Tony Shoemaker, of the city Manager's
office, would fly up to obtain permit papers once the state cabinet
had acted. Mrs. Anderson, representing the Edgewater Drive Association,
asked which agency of the county was involved as well as the State
agency. She was advised the County Staff Navigable Waters Boarn had
jurisdiction. Also, pollution Control in Tallahassee has acknowledged
receipt of all legal papers in proper order, submitted by Mr. NuX
Battle, city Engineer.
Further discussion ensued on the Edgewater project. Mr. Moore
stated Mr. Shepard had done some preliminary work on this project
although little could be done with landscaping until bulkhead lines
are established. Mr. Kruse and Mr. Alexander were asked, and agreed,
to serve as members within the committee to view l~. Shepard's pro-
posals and determine possible monetary values for any possible
future services. Mr. Moore reported that due to considerable 1974-75
budget cutbacks, a landscape architect is no longer budgeted. The
Citr Parks and Recreation Department must provide complete services
as an "in house" function of the Department. He explained further
the functions of the newly formed City Nursery Division, headed by
Mr. William Voght, and the coordination efforts of that Division
with the parks and Forestry Divisions. The Nursery is responsible
for irrigation, nursery and landscaping of city Projects.
The Beautification Committee members were invited to visit the
newly located city Nursery at 901 North Saturn, north of Drew Street.
plant donations have made it possible to landscape the Police and
Fire Stations projects as well as the Martin Luther King Center.
Mr. .voght explained that as it now stands with Nursery plant
materials and donated materials, it was literally impossible to make
layout landscape plans. At present it is based simply on what plant
material they have on hand or is currently donated for availability as
needed. The Committee was assured, however, that once landscaping of
the Edgewater Project can proceed, plant materials will be available.
The ,Forestry Division's tree spade is capable of expediting transplant-
ing processing,needs.
Crest Lake - Messrs. Alexander and Kruse reported this project
in abeyance due to lack of funds at this time. The consideration of
. possible Federal funds coming into the project next spring, depending
on how allotted, may help this project get going at least on a piece-
meal basis. Mr. Moore advised the Parks & Recreation Board have main-
tained a tremendous interest in Crest Lake, and at the last meeting
members were of the opinion that whenever funds could be spared, they
would like to upgrade Crest Lake. Interest hasn't dimmed - it is the
same old problem - money matters.
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Chairman Rogors reported on inspection of dock areas. All
are reported in good condition now with possible exception of the
Poole docks needing minor repair.
Mr. Tracy reported he was still pushing the Street Tree Program.
Mr. Voght reported the Stevenson Creek area would have more
perennial material planted in that area to assist in minimal mainten-
ance. The perennial hedge material will be planted the latter part
of November or first of December. Mr. Moore stressed high cost of
utilities as necessity for minimizing usage. One water meter on the
Causeway, for example had a monthly bill of $671. To water the Cause-
way as desired, the cost would run over $1,000 a month. Installation
of our own shallow well systems is being planned where possible.
A brief discussion was held concerning landscaping and water
problems of the City's inherited area on Intersection of Route 19
and 60.
Mr. Kruse opened a discussion on saving the large oaks in the
area through fertilization and feeder programs. Mr. Tracy stated
the city has initiated a program in this respect. An earth auger
for drilling holes for this purpose is on order. The city has also in
installed feeders at Maas and the new Garage Parking lots. Mr. Rogers
related the Realtor's Board had successfully used feeders in their
enlarged parking lot area.
Mr. Whitton, County Agricultural Agent, spoke
impending weekend's Rose Show of pinellas County.
Mr. Voght some important palm seeds from Australia
for growing in this,' area.
briefly on the
He also gave
for experimental use
Mr. Russell Fourman commented on his and the Goodwill's efforts
in the area to keep the city free of litter and donations material
left outside Goodwill boxes. A trailer has been installed at Searstown
area for larger items, and an individual is on duty to sort materials
'. Minutieeful to the Goodwill program.
.' Correction, Mrs. Stieneker, representing the Clea1'W&ter Garden Club,
12/4/ ' Miss Smith, representing the Clearwater Women's Club, inquired
74 about possible tree replacement for the foliage and tree loss being
taken out of the Highland Plaza Shopping area due to construction of
a new Savings and Loan in that area. Mr. Tracy said he had not seen
permits on,this yet and would look into the matter.
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There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 A.M.
Mr. Rogers advised the next meeting wou be held December 4.