OCTOBER 2, 1974
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The meeting of the Beautification committee for the month of
Ootober was called to order on october 2, at 9:40 a.m., in the
offices of the Director of Parks and Recreation, City Annex at
10 South Missouri Street, Clearwater, Florida.
Present were: Albert P. Rogers, Chairman: Mrs. Mary E.
Stieneker, Miss Grace Smith, Mrs. Juanita Anderson, and Messrs:
Russell L. Four.man, Arthur Kruse, Tom Shepard, Gil Whitton,
Frank Marchiselli, Ream Wilson, William Voght, Alan Smith, and
Patrick Tracy. Those absent were Messrs: Forrest Watson, Jr.,
Donald B. Alexander; Larry W. Lord, Robert McMichael, George A.
Donatello, and Eddie C. Moore.
Chair.man Rog~rs opened the meeting with information concern-
ing possible candidates to replace Mr. Schebler and Mr. Clark
Palmer. He stated tha:t a fr}11;lcisKr~me**"). . 317 Eldridge street,
telephone: 442-6042, was agreeable to be a candidate to represent
the Gulf-to-Bay Motor Court Association, and Mr. J. Lester Dicus,
1665 Cleveland Street, telephone: 446-7826, had consented to repre-
sent the Senior Citizens Group. Mr. Dicus could be recognized as
former Clearwater Postmaster, now retired. A name would be obtained,
probably within the ,week, to replace Mr. Lawrence for representation
of the Downtown D~velopment Authority. These three names will be
presented to the Mayor for recommendation and upon his acceptance,
this will give lO~ ~epresentation and roster again for the Beauti-
fication Committee.
Mr. Rogers then referred to a letter written by Mr. Dick
Anderson of the St. Petersburg Times inquiring when another Tree-
Give-Away Program might be held. After a brief discussion from
the floor, it was motioned and seconded that the committee recommend-
ed the closest Saturday to Arbor Day next spring to repeat this
program. Mr. Anderson will be contacted concerning meeting dates
to further discuss implementation of this program.
The next item on the Agenda was Mr. Rogers' report concerning
the BENCH PROGRAM. The Crest Lake area is now in good shape: re-
slatting has been done with balance of supply of slats available,
lacking only a few to complete the job. Approximately 100 feet
along Turner Street have had slats replaced and all repainted dark
green to match other benches in the area. Mr. Alan Smith, Parks
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** correction above: Mr. Francis Krame instead of Mrs.Frances Krome
correction IO/28/74
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Superintendent of the City, explained that the stockpile of slats
was now nil and other bench materials. Benches cost $30 a bencr,
and with inflation prices, slatted benches will cost three times as
much as they did and consideration is being given whether or not it
is worth continuing to keep the slat-type bench. Mr. Ream Wilson,
Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, along with Mr. Smith,
briefly discussed the possibilities of the City being able to
manufacture concrete benches in the future for comparatively low
cost with the plus-item of low maintenance costs involved. It is
hoped further infornlation on concrete benches wi II be available
at the next meeting. Rehabilitation would continue on benches that
were worthwhile: but gradual 'lgrouping" replacements with the con-
crete benches seem to be deemed advisable at this point in time.
Mr. Marchiselli of the Committee stated there are about 35 benches
in the Clearwater Beach area which need repainting. Conoensus of
choice of color in that area seems to be the lighter green being
used in some of the Clearwater areas. Mr. Rogers closed this subject
stating the City had and was certainly cooperating very satisfactorily
with the Bench Program, and all efforts were certainly appreciated
by the Committee.
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Damaged planters and fire damaged planters for street beautifi-
cation was next discussed. Mr. Voght of the new Nursery Division
of the City and Mr. Smith assured the Committee these six planters
would be replanted and renovated and replaced when manpower assistance
and materials could be Obtained. The three damaged by the fire near
the Smoyers Building would be temporarily taken from the site until
after demolition was carried out and further plans formulated in this
Mr. Rogers commented briefly on heresay possibilities of what
will be done after demolition of the fire-struck area in the
Clearwater Downtown block on C~eveland. It has been said some talk
is going on about a Mini-Mall--which would be of interest to the
Beautification Committee. Mr. Rogers remarked that in regard to
the Smoyer Building first, there were some question marks about what
will be rising from the ashes there. First, talk of the Mini-Mall.
Secondly, if a building is erected on the site, it would have to be
better than a one-story building to justify present-day building
values. parking would be a problem. The Mini-Mall would go through
from Cleveland to Park street and Cleveland to Laura Street with
parking in the rear. So it would seem lots of brainstorming of
ideas is going around. particularly discussion will be held at the
next Urban Development Meetings coming up, and Mr. Rogers promised
to keep the Committee informed on this subject.
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The subject of the EDGEWATER PROJECT arose when Mr. Rogers
advised that the Planning Division of Dunedin had been in contact
with him and is most interested in our progress and plans as the
extension of this type project is an integral part of their
Planning Department. Mr. Rogers has promised to keep them informed.
As to the Clearwater Edgewater Project, Mr. Rogers stated he had
been in Mr. Max Battle's office (Engineering Dept.) quite frequently
the last two weeks--and the Ma~or had been in touch with Tallahassee
and it seems we were not going ahead as fast as we had thought we
would be at the last meeting, unfortunately. Mr. Tony Shoemaker from
. the City Manager's office is to go to Tallahassee next week and
prime objective is to try to sidestep the six agencies it has been
recently intimated this project must go through to get the go-ahead.
Mr. Tom Shephard informed the Committee that he was no longer
retained by the City of Clearwa.ter in capacity of Landscape Architect.
Mr. Ream Wilson explained muoh of this had been due to the drastic
budget cuts. After a brief discussion concerning the preliminary
study and plans Mr. Shephard had made while acting for the City, he
agreed to turn over the preliminary plans to the committee for future
use and consideration.
Mr. Arthur Kruse took up the discussion at this point stating
it seemed same exception could be made in connection with Mr.
Shepard and the work done to date on this program. Mrs. Anderson,
representing the Edgewater Drive Project, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Kruse,
as well as Mr. Wilson, agreed this was a very long standing Project
which needed to have fulfillment and perhaps the next ,best step was
to take the matter and put it into the hands of the City Manager's
office by meeting or letter or best action deemed necessary. Mr.
Rogers asked Mr. Kruse if he would be willing to go along in this
matter: he agreed, and Mr. Rogers said he was quite willing to assist
in any way whatsoever. Mrs. Anderson was asked to convey to the
Edgewater Drive project committee what the Beautification Committees
actions and results have been to date. It was agreed by all, as
well as Mrs. Anderson, that this was a long-enduring project which
needed to be culminated as soon as possible with the best assistance
available coming from city and Government ~uthorities if at all
Mr. william Voght explained briefly what the status was of the
new Nursery Division of the city--its beginning processes of organiza-
tion and some future plans which he would be able to more firmly base
a report upon at a later meeting.
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Mr. Gil Whitton, County Agent, was asked and affirmed that
at long last some seeds had arrived from Australia. During this
point in the meeting, Mr. Fourman presented a card picturing
planting material which did not obstruct viewing in beach and
causeway areas and which are inexpensive to plant. He felt these
were worthwhile considering for projects such as Edgewater--not
just trees and other greenery, but two to three feet type plantings.
The postcard of a Laguna Beach, California area was passed among
the members to view.
Mr. Fourman also reported on the work being done in his area
of Highland and Sunset Point. He had been in contact with some
property owners in the area who had been most cooperative in clean-
ing out ditches and cutting down weeds. He stated he would further
work on this matter. His point was that "beautification" of a
City was keeping it clean and neat as well as thinking in terms of
. planting materials and "greenery".
Mr. Fourman also requested of the Committee that he be allowed
to read a draft of an announcement he had prepared representing
the views of Goodwill Industries, himself, as well as merchants
in the area, in which his main point was to request citizens put
only items that would fit into the Goodwill receptacles, and all
other larger items which have been so prevelant of late--Ieaned or
dumped or placed in areas around the boxes--should be directed for
home pick-up by Goodwill, and any other items that the donor gives
which could be categorized as "scrap" material, the City should be
called for appointments to pick up--which they will do. Mr. Fourman
said this announcement will be put into the hands of many organiza-
tions, up on bulletin boards in laundramats, etc. Mr. Rogers
commended Mr. Fourman on his fine efforts to assist the City of
Clearwater and the Beautification committee as well.
There being no further matters to be brought before the
Committee, Mr. Rogers adjourned the meeting at ~O:20 A.M., advising
the next meeting would be held the first Wednesday of November
(November '6, 1974).
Albert P. Rogers,