08/07/1974 , . ~, "., ~ I " ~ ' " , " .' '. ' , :'. ,..',,' ',.' ' , .,' ' . , t. . BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES August 7, 1974 ~ ~ The meeting of the Beautification committee for the month of August, 1974, was called to order in the new offices of the Parks and Recreation Department located at 10 South Missouri in the former Montgomery Ward Complex. The meeting began at 9:45 A.M. Present were: Messrs: Albert P. Rogers, Chairman; Russell L. Fourman; Donald B. Alexander.; Frank Marchiselli, Tom Shepardr Miss Grace E. Smith; Mrs. Mary"E_ Stieneker: Mrs. Juanita,Anderson, and Messrs: George Oonatello: Bob McMichael, Eddie Moore, Alan Smith: PatriCk Tracy and William Voght. Those not in attendance were: Messrs: Arthur M. Kruse, Larry W. Lord, Frank Schebler and Forrest E. Watson, Jr. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as received by mail. :.~ .~) The first item on the agenda was a letter of resignation of Mr. Frank J. Schebler, read by Chairman Rogers. Motion was made and unanimously carried to accept Mr. Schebler's resignation with regrets. The secretary was instructed to write him a letter accepting said resignation with regrets. Mr. Rogers stated later in the meeting that a name would be presented to the Mayor for Mr. Schebler's re- placement. The Bench Program was the next matter of discussion. Chairman Rogers expresssed his congratulations to the city Parks and Recreation Department for work well done in making fine headway on this project. . It was reported all benches on the Causeway had been reslatted and the appearances in all areas serviced greatly improved. It was stated some surplus slats are available for use. A brief discussion ensued concern;ng further reslatting of benches on Cleveland Street and future possibilities of some areas having concrete benching done. The bus station site benches have been serviced; and progress going along nicely on this progr~. e Chairman Rogers next showed members of the COlnmittee pictures of the 29 beautiful sable palms which Mr. A. Waller Smith has donated to the City. City Forester patrick Tracy stated the palms were now in the city Nursery awaiting future resetting. It was reiterated from past meeting discussions, the possibili-ties of the sable palms usefulness being served in replanting at the new city Hall Annex or utilizing them at the Edgewater Drive Project sites. Mr. Tracy also advised that a letter of thanks had been written and sent to Mr. Smith. Chairman Rogers estimated the present market value of this gift of sable palms to be approximately $2,000.00. . . , . '..,.,- e' ,~ .J The next sUbject of discussion was the Edgewater Drive project. ,It was reported that Mr. Clutter with the Federal Board of Engineers had given assurances that papers are going through in Tallahassee' on this project and would probably be submitted at the September Cabinet meeting. It was discussed that when Max Battle, city Engineer, returned to Clearwater, matters concerning acquiring more rubble for fill, dirt distribution and inspections would be further attended to by him. Mrs. Anderson commented on how badly the area looks at the present stage, and read from a May article of the Clearwater Sun. Others of the committee agreed there was pressure from the Public to prove a definite plan was established to show the good intentions and work of the Committee, and that processing was under way. Mr. Shepard and Mr. Alexander pointed out that deeds had been turned over on the land, lines have been established, engineering design has already been done and the property has been staked out with red flags. Planting and preliminary plans as well as bench plans have also been done in drawing plan form. Mr. Shepard stated he felt the preliminary draft should be submitted for public Notice even if the project could only be done in sections. Mr. Moore discussed limitations of the \ Parks and Recreation Department were due to shortages in personnel and lack of funding coming up in the next year's budget. It was pointed out that initial steps had to be taken in the way of grading and fill work before actual planting could be accomplished or landscape work begun and time could be on the project's side in that respect. Mr. Rogers closed the subject by stating he thought the project matters to date had been fully covered and no doubt we could have more definite answers by the next meeting. .,.1. : " The Chairman then asked for any other reports of interest to the Committee. i,' :1 Mr. Tracy stated two more palms had been donated t~~~e city. . t:>-~ ~ ~ Lb- ...opvu~.1f11Y~ Mr. Fourman stated mernber~~ie ~~4an' and himself had formed ~ clean-up and weeding party in the Sunset Point Road and Highland Avenue area -- approximately 200 feet of property in that area. Mr. Rogers commended Mr. Fourman on taking this project upon himself in his individual interest of community beautification as well as interest in 91ean-up projects in a commercial area of that part of the City. Mr. Shepard inquired of Mr. Moore the progr~ss being made on various park projects of the City i.e., McMullen Park, Kings" Highway, Moccasin Lake, crest Lake and the Marina area. Mr. Moore reported the McMullen Park area had been up to City Hall for sometime. ''':' . ~ i . , " . ;:~:' . , " " c: ~ , I.. ~:~, ' c'> ..- . , . . I " ~ ,., . , " '.' 2 - -;' ~c '\: " r..... " ". " .'.. ' .' n' ". . , :...~ , .}~,~ :' .,.. ' " . I'<.a ~r::':~. c:..':' ~ ',. :"f', 'J:... ~~,~:' : ~'.~' ,. , .~:" : J':,' ,.' , .';C.::"jT . i~: 1"-, ~ .~.. ,J i~~:L<' " i;", ~ . " .,/" <' f.~:~,~'.' : '....T. ~,;<..~. . '~; , ~ . , :;.~,: : , ' " ..I . . "'.1' He also stated that due to budget and personnel cutbacks, projects th~t were not already under way had to be stopped or put "on hold" ~ith pos.sibil.ities of some assistance coming out of G.O.B. on some park projects. He reported that Kinqs Highway bids had been 'opened and would take effect any time nOW1 they had just finished mowing the area: some t.rees would have to be removed, but the . .project is about ready to continue.. The Marina project is more ,or less .uon hold": however Bill Birchfield, Harbormaster and . . 'Director of Marine Division, was working on it at this time and some .a~enues .such'as revenue certificates could be investigated to " '" 'proceed fUrther on this project.. :1' .; ~ ' " : , ' ~ .,.1 ~~...;, ; ,.; .. , ~ j. '(>:.;' . .; '. There 'being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at k''r.:':'. '.':-,::"'. '10:'301 A.M. with the advice from Chairman Rogers the next meeting the first Wednesday in September unless otherwise (,;'.'.,,: .', ::. . : . ~,uld . be . held ..,',. , ',' t' fi 'd ;:,~\~,',''". '. 'o' ,:' .:no. 1. e. ~j~;t/;:.!:'. '. . "",.,.;B., , ,. ~~';'::,'<:' ..:" :?,"~"::\".:.";:":';'" '. ~~!.';', .':'" . ....." ' -( ~", ~ .~.:': ) ,\.,:',. .,., . .' ":-i ~ ' " . (to;: ..". 8/14/74 '1';1,,, " , M;!\',' . ...... '. !;~;:": " t,:'<,'. . ft{.-:,:,:.:l ": .:~ ~;\r:,:.;:.,~.' .":. , .' ~~\{( '.. .,. . J~~').,<,,~ ~:(:~.:~.':: ~?/:~.(~: . ~:.~;;:: "~" , ~:~'. .',.. ~i.<, . W.ld).,..., ..' . fitf,I,E,:!:,.;.:'.. . ~. , '. . ,'I::; ',. . ' ~' .\ ..f ., . " , . . 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