07/10/1974 ~., ". .. BEAUTIFICATION MINUTES July 10, 1974 ~ e, ~ The meeting of the Beautification Conunittee for the '~""-'" month of July was called to order in the Parks & Recrea- tion Office, 111 North Fort Harrison at 9:30 a.m. Present were Messrs. Al Rogers, Chairman: Donald Alexander, Frank Schebler, Russell Fourman. ail Whitton. Frank Marchiselli, Tom Shepard, Mrs. Mary Stieneker. Miss Grace E. Smith and Mrs. Juanita Anderson. Also present were Messrs. Eddie C. Moore, Ream Wilson, Alan Smitb, Patrick Tracy and William A. Voght. Those not attending were Messrs. Arthur Kruse, Robert McMichael, Larry Lord, Forrest E. Watson. Jr. and George A. Donatello. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as received by mail. The first item discussed was the Bench Program which is progressing satisfactorily. The benches on the beach have been reslatted. and the survey of the benches on the Causeway has been completed. They will have to be repainted which will be done during the month of July. . .'i~ ",:~ , , The removal of the 9alms by the City Forestry Division from the A. Waller Smith property next to Sandy's Book Store is almost completed. They are sable palms and will be out to good use in the City. Eddie C. Moore said that he would like to use some of the palms at the City Hall Annex, but there is no appropriation of funds for their upkeep in the future due to the high price of water. It was stated that the City will fill in the property where these trees are removed. <..' '). !' With regard to the Edgewater Drive Project, Max Battle was in Tallahassee last week and obtained information that the I.I.F. Board Permits are being processed after which they will go to Tom Shepard. There was a discussion on the use of ?otable water for this property and Gil Whitton men- tioned the ~ossibility of considering drip irrigation. Mr. Moore said the city is in the process of considering changes in irrigation. Chairman Rogers inauired about the availability ,of budget funds for the Edgewater Drive Program. Mr. Moore advised .that some of the monies have already been used for purchase of property and future funds may be en- dangered. However, it is felt that rubble may be used for the establishment of a bulkhead without use of too much money. It was suggested by'Mr. Alexander that a preliminary ~lan be submitted, so that things can get underway. Mr. Tom ." \, , ,\.. " " ", . , ,. . ",~I . ... ~;~; , " "~. c " ~ Minutes Page Two She~Brd did. at this point. submit a preliminary plan to the committee which he had drawn up as a Linear Neighbor- hood Park since there is no parking on Edgewater Drive. Mr. Gi1 Whitton stated that bulbs are available which are constantly blooming all year which could be incorporated in the Edgewater Drive project. Mrs. Mary Stieneker reported the Garden Club is dis- tributing cuttings, bulbs and plants on a monthly basis. A lecture is given from 9 - 9:30 a.m. every 4th Friday of each month, and the plants are given away outside - weather -permitting. Chairman Rogers referred information which he thought would be of interest to Patrick Tracy that he had received from Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer ser- vices on use of various trees in landscaping. ',) ":1)' .' t".-. c .... \ ;1 -,;. . Russell Fourman advised the Committee that he was working on a project to clean UP the pro~erty along Sunset Point Road and Highland Avenue. For the first time in four years, .they have gotten rid of weeds, snakes. etc. in that area. He said he thought two or three ~eople should be appointed to look after some of the older sections of Clear- water. He also mentioned we should get in touch with Dunedin regarding the beautification of properties between the two cities, and that we should work together on various projects. Chairma'n Rogers asked Mr. Fourman if he would be Chairman of a committee to keep the City clean as well as beautiful and that he would assist him if he would accept. Mr. Fourman agreed. There being no further business, the meeting was ad- journed at 10:30 a.m. with th~ advice that the next meeting would be on the first Wednesday in August unless otherwise notified. '."', . '.' ,\ ':,,-::,,- ~~ ,. . ~ ~. ~. ,