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June 5, 1.974
The meeting of the Beautification Committee for the
month of June was called to order in the Parks & Recreation
Office, 111 North Fort Harrison at 9:30 a.m. Present were
Messrs. Al Rogers. Chairmany Donald Alexander, Frank Schebler,
Bob McMichael. Russell Pourman, Gil Whitton, Larry Lord,
Mrs. Mary Stieneker, Mrs. Juanita Anderson and Mrs. Grace E.
Smith. Also present were Messrs. Pat Tracy, William Voght.
Art Mulholland, Ream Wilson and Eddie C. Moore. Those not
attending were Messrs. Arthur Kruse, Tom Shepard, Frank
Marchiselli, Forrest E. Watson, Jr. and George A. Donatello.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as received
by mail.
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The first item on the Agenda was the success of the
Tree-Give-Away Program by t.he St.. Petersburg Times which
was held on May 18th at 9 a.m. at the new city Nursery.
The program was given very good publicity by the newspapers
and double the variety of trees were given away in compari-
son to last year. It was well regulated and everyone's
cooperation was greatly appreciated. It might possibly be-
come an annual affair.
The bench program is progressing very nicely. Frank
Marchiselli is very active in this project. The 24 benches
on the Causeway have been reslatted. and the benches on
Cleveland street were previously painted a Chartreuse green.
Mr. Moore stated that he felt it would be too costly to
have the entire bench repainted, and that. it would be easier
just to repaint the slats. It was decided to proceed' each
month with various phases of painting.
A brief discussion was held with regard to the condi-
tion of the docks. It was stated that they were in ~retty
good sha13e with"! the exception of the replacement of a few
boards. It was mentioned that the Charles St. pier needs
to be replaced, but this cannot be taken care of right now.
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Action needs to be taken on the condition of Edgewater
Drive and this matter is being handled by Mr. Rogers and
Mr. Don Alexander in coo~eration with Mike Paroby. There
was a suggestion that the curb should be made higher along
Edgewater Drive so that cars can't park up on the grass.
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Paqe Two
Mr. William Voght was introduced as our nurseryman,
and the Beautification Committee was invited to attend the
opening ceremony of the new City Nursery. No date has been
set for that however.
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It. was reported that a Hold Harmless ~aragraph has
, been added to the Tree Donation Form and all other forms
are to be discarded.
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Gil Whitten mentioned that we should try to maintain
the palm trees we have in the cit.y. He has noticed there
are some which should be treated. He is a member of the
American HOrticulturist Society and ~ointed out that there
is an interesting article in their magazine "Why Green
Turns Brown" which he feels would be beneficial for the
members to read. He has been in the importing business
for a number of years and is expecting a shipment of seeds
from Australia which he will share. He feels some of these
would be, .good to grow. here. He also has other contacts from
other countries for trees which he is tryinq to obtain.
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.Larry Lord mentioned that Crest Lake is maintained'. well,
but that there should be more parking space available and
further improvement B made. It was then brought out that.
.there'is a plan, but at the moment it is inoperable because
t.he money. is not available. Mr. Lord also felt that some-'
thing ~hould be done with the southside of the Causeway.
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'There being no further business, the meeting was ad-
journed at 10:30 a.m.
Albert P.. Roger , Chairman
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