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.. . During. the discussion. it was pointed out that the Department, through the
~t~;.~:L.;' . . '. recent addition of professional per6onllel, is now prepared to move forward.'
iY;':>>:~ ": '.' '..:' ~r'. Mi..chael K~nton, Urban Forester, gave a brief discussion of his functions
~5:<;:~:',.:"':' \.' '.including the Street Tree Planting Program. He outlined several of the prob-
~;:;::,':-. ; ,:, .,' ':.', l~ms of preservation and protecti.on, '
~i,(/,:..,:: .:. ,'.' The Chairman pointed out that an attempt will he made to correlate the City's
':Z;e'::':, , de~ign~tecl Bikeway plans with those recently announced by the County.
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The meeting opened at 2:00 P. 1,,1. in tlw North Confurunce Hoorn,
Members Pl'Cl:ient:
GUCr.l~l Pl'escmt:
. Mr. 'Arthul' l{ruse
. Mrs. Raymond Gordon
Mr. Larry W. Lord
Miss Grace Smith
Mr~ Russell Fourman
Mr. Donald Alexander, Chnil'1i:lan
Mrs. Scv.<.~y (for Mrs, AndeJ:son)
Mr. lBddic Moore
Mr. Rcarn WilHon
MI", Alnn 81'n1111
'MI". Mike Kcnton
Mr. Thomas Slwpal'd
The Chairman i.ntroduced Ml', Moore, Director of Parks t'l: Recreati on. Aftc:r
'intI' oducing mcmbt:r 5 of hi s staff, Mr. Moore prcncntcd a l'Cc.Oll1m ended li st: I
of park pr ojects in order of priority for the pn:paration of plans and design s
. 101' deyclopment for' public use~' They are:
1.' Kings Highway - 5 aCl'~.s
2. . Coachman and Old Coachman Roads - 16. 5 acres
'.3" 'Hal11eS Road - 14. acres,
Upon motion by Mrs. Gordon, seconded hy Mr. Fourman, thc Committee
. ."vot"ed. to suppor.t this proposal.
Iie:"alsorcported that the Managel' has given instructions to proceed wi th the
Entranceway Project.
. Mr.~ ..Krusc' outlined the progl'l7ss being made. wilh plaus fur trco.tmcnt of bi.gh-
"way.mcdians on Missour.i Avenue,
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~~;(~>:,' . ,," Thc Chairman reporled that the Real Estate Board is donating $850.
'..f:;:, Ci.ty to assist with the sprinkler system at St(!vcnson Creck Park.
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Miss Smith reported 011 the Womens' Club donation of $150, to the City for
to the .
; The 'meeting adjourned at 3:15 P. M.
D. B. Alexander. Chah'man
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