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CITY OF GJ.d:;^HW1\T.~:R
13EAUTIl"'lCATtON CO}.lllvHTTE1~
MINU j H..')
'1'UIJUdilYt JanUil1"y 1:;, 1')70
Mc.rnbejrs Prl\Scmt:
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Ml'. . DOli Alc:-:andcl', Cha; l'rnan
Jvlrs. Hobcl't Bakel' I . Chnn:ilwl' of Gun1l1H!l'cn f~ Cleal'wo.tcr GUl'den (;)nb
, . .
. Mr s.. . n', G. Rogel'H 1 Clearwat ,:::r Worrlonl H Clnb
Mr s. .OH Vt~r' A lj(h~ 1'1) nn, J];d gl;WU 1.11 l' J) r J 'Ie J\:, S oci at i 011
Mi-''" Fred I<Ol~OSY t DOWl1to\'.'11 i\ IH;ociaLiollof Cl c<~l'wi1ter, Inc.
. Mr. ,Au!:,lin 'Whitney, . ClCr\rWGl,tl~l' Oeach Ast;oC'.in.ti.oll
.tvI1' 1 Arthur Kr\lHl~, City (.If. Clcal'watert Flol"ida
~ " c ,
. :M.~ '~t.StierhcimJ City Manager ,.
Guest Spealwr: 1\h-. Lane .Mal' ahan, Pl'ofes etonnl Landscape' l\rch~ teet..
Sarasota, Flm:i.da.'
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~lcarwater has,' as pointed out by Mr. Mal'shall on rnaps prcpared for the meeting,
n1any natul'&.! features whichmal~~ it \"~l.""y bGd.utiful <ll'u:l ullicl".l(~, i. (::~'~ th~ DhlHs
. overlooldng Cle::Q..r\vater Harbor. These Bluffs, as written in his report, arc crovmed
~y large and uniquely handsorne !=>aks of several viu'ieties, . He stated that this unique
~>:(. .~ ecological feature is Clearwater 1 s Gcnius Loci, which was termed in the Eighteenth
'.. .', j Cc'nt'ury as the essential clements in a sccne--an unusual tree, ;1 handsome pi{~cc of
~~'::.:e1~ . ::. ~culptul'e, an uI1I,lsual building, or a village n,cst1cd in the disto.nt hillside. He Bt~\tcd
~:~.\)~' . that the City should considel~ buying this ce:rtain area, which would p.lay an essential
::~", '.. J.~ole in ,thci~ b,qautificationprograrn. Nahu'al ,regctation is also nn essential, unique
r:/.'~'::',.. point in.beautification. .
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'1'ho H.l'H1; rn\~(\1:jrlf: (,f Ow City 01: C:k;ll'Wdtl!r 1:.,\~n\tl:Jiic:ltif)n (.ornrnittt!(. \\ft1f; c,llk,;; It:
(Il'th'r by Ch:lirrnnll, Unn AJc~;;mder, un TllI.~l.1rJi'lV, .f:'..1\I.l1l1'V I:i, 1970 at ?:Ol.i p.. in, j,',
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41-\,;) "I....."'1'"'trl"'l f...1'!..,tf..f.p.~,f..f~ ,.r-'\..........~" -:t"li",rl f'11r'\1. (~:'H T~.! It ",~t..,. ,'It'....'~nu.t.'1'... i!".(.l....-'Ir~~.u~ "'~ .ii
llHnnbc{' n tH'c:went.
Thu fi)'ljl order or businl.'p~{ l.'uport.lJcl un was 1ho H.e~;oluthm, which creatod lhl! Citr
o( Clctll'wat e l' Be ilutHic at; on Conn n ittc~ l,l. MI',.t\ hJ.;';:\ll Ii I.H' rI il:;r~ I.lG B C'll Hlt..l ReG (!ht1.t un
with the m(~l'nb~)~s and I-ltrltcd tiler dutinn 01" t.hn BC'HlttiCkalion Cumrnitt(~{~1 in 1'1l1ft.lll,I'.'
to the RC50111tiOIl.
The qnestion \,'an l'a.i.tiC~d on ho\',' tl(tcn th(~ .n1~Hlltific;ltiOl1. Cornrnitt0.(l should me <::1. and
wht~t: 1.iml': of day wl)ultl be th(1 bUl-!t fO'!" r.tll Conllni.tt~~l! n'\(lrnhe1'3. Il'Nan (-ltp~urd by <-,i!.
present !"l..~t Wedncsdar W<LB the hc's\. clay,' in which all Comll1iUlJtI mr:::rnh(~l':; idt i'boy
could he p'rescnt, and it wan Gcdd{',d that Ow l"'llCctlngfl wi.ll he G~l11,,~d only WhOi Hun" J
is specific bt::;dncf;s to be disC'.~uJ!.;..:-d. Mcmb01's will be nOl'if.ie{l well in adl/alH~e of
the n1cc~ting (lah!!:J ..~l1d tin1cH,
l\1r. Lane l'vlarshall, Profc!:)!1iollal LanrlHcape Architect of Stll'asota, Fla., WiJS intrl.l-
ducedlo the Committee ml11nb(~r s by Mr. A lc:-:anut-,l' . M1', !vJal' shall was invited t(;
the meeting to speak on an UI"ban BI;!autHication Pl'og1'i.~m, whi.ch. he has p1"epa1: (Ki for '
the City Commis~ioll of the City of ClearwahlT, I-liB ))J'ograrn deals with thel.mhuIi(.e-
. . ,
'U'lcnt of al'chite.cttll'al appearance, n.ppropriate hmdscnpe t1."(::atrllcnt of parks, higll"';:~Y:;.
and other open spaces, periodic c1can"up c;::tmpnigllB Lmd othcJ.' similar nctivities,
.Mr. Marshall began his program by passin!; out hooklets, which he and his al>soci.,.\.tl:~B
have prepared for the City of Clearwater, enti.tlcdJ l1Urhan Beautification i A Rc\"iew
, and."Analysisll, and asked tha.t each Committee rncn'lbcl' review tl1is and receive
. . suggestions hom their specific group members, and l"eport back to t.he Benutifica.tl<::oll
.Committee on their comments,
At this point, .Mr. Ma.rshall extended his thanks lo 111'. AlexLLnc!Cl' for bis invitation
,.to this meeting and for his help in getting his report ol'ganizcd,
Mr. Marshall pointed out that many people ofte.n confuse "urban beautification" with
'''urban aes~betics, II Ur.ban beautification, plays a major 1'010 in what a community
looks like. He stated that urban beautiJicati on cnC~~11rHlS 50S all those areas ,;..ithin
. the limits of the City of Clearwater, as well as some isolated il~"eaS that may
eventually become a part of the metropolitan area,:
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Page Z
Mr. Marshall Wtmt 011 from iJWt'C to '.:x.pln';.n tlH; ll1.hill'l B~~i\I.1Lifka,timl l"\.\\H.Hn. ~
pl' ogl'nn1 r cqui.l' el1lt)l\h... _ T1H\ (')1 Ii n~ c nnmll111 i 1 Y l"r\Ilt;t b..!ll ~'.f.i.t .(1' U rH tll e be:""! ttl.i. 'il..~<.l ti on
prograln. One f:h oulcl llotS)hmd tUG nl.llGh time Oil onu Hi"Lldfic. area; insL.ead.. you
should go into all i.l'l.~ilU (If tlw Cit.y, Ih!HUlificatiolJ, he sla.ted. in not juut 1'1 :l.l1ting
. of tl'(H~S; clc. ,. it lTluot involvu action by utlHlt' nO~l1:dll, g)'OII/W, tl1cGity ComrniBsion,
. ctc., Lo support \:h'1 b(',i.\\1tHictltion pl.'og):al'n. '.
Ml'. MaJ~l;Ihall uXpl~-\incd thnt: it C0!1U1\lWity 1l111Gl ho wHlil"~g 1'l) Hpend more 10); urban
beautification thaI'. it has in the paBt, whicb i!j tho main portioll that qun.lHicH for
matchil"'l",;, grant funds. The B~antiHG;,d.ion rnu~t include WOJ'k in all foul' r.atc,~o1'icfl.
( Par]~s, Public A I.'CaB) StrG\.~l:; and Hii:l1\va y"!;!) Hi;"ltori.c ;',nd Public Buildings)
The pt'ogr;:un shall be revicwed by th(~ CitylH PlatlninG D(~p;:u.'trncnt and mu.~t be
consistent wilh the l:omprchcnsive planning.
Mr. Marshall cA'"Plaincd that thn way your C0ll1n1ittec may want to approach your
beautification p:tog:l'am mLl.Y not be' Llw logi cro.l \Vtly. Thcl'(~ is a logical way of how to
go about it, f()~.e.>:alTIplc) t:u"c eacb median)' do t.ha.t. O1H~ right--don1t dt) too many of.
them atollcc. Let the people vi.5uali:::;(~ what iB being donc--go {rom otart to finish
,~n etlch project.
EveJ:Y community has the same p:l'oblcm; ef>entially one of labor. You have the
sufficient funds, but you can1t find the pc:r:sonllel to \VOl:k Lor you. BcautiHcntioo.
Mr. ~a1"shall stated) must not be one of planting alone. You rnust find wayu to reduce'.'
the lnaintenance costs. Plant material must be carefully selected. Sometimes, it
',ismixed impropel:ly. .You should never l'nix two plants of cHff.erent varieties. They
'.will cr.catc extra maintenan.ce; i. e. ) Seminole Boat Launching Area is a good example
6ftbis.' Too many different types of plants create more. m,aintcnance than is realized..
.. l~rig'ation ,systems are. very important also.' This could save on money, if the
. , personnela~'e not available; 'to get some type of an irrigation systl.~m started.
, .
:Record-keeping is another vc.~'Y impol'tant role in beatltiHca1.ion. Especially when
you are dealing with a governmental agency) a good cOl"l1prchensive record-keeping
'program is'.'belpful in evel' y way, For e,.ample, records showing what you .fer:tilized,
"whenit ,vas fertilized, graph~ etc.~.) telling when this was last cut or when it is 'to be
cut again. Manatee County, for example, spends 10 cents (10f) for each dollar) on
maintenance and replacement value.
'\,.' On the subject of signD) 111'. lv1ar.shall suggested that sign competition) conducted
F:..,r:,> through schools, art classes) etc. should be recognized. We should tt"y to get
.V'~,~":'" ' .,.'everybody. involved. The most practical appl'oitch to sign ordinances is to rewritc,
;\:':" ';";' ':. . :.. .the, sign ordinance every year, strengthening it each time. It may take a longer time)
~1i.;i0,:':,; :.',.:b'ut..this is the most legitimate way to do it. Only "poin:t o( sale" signs shoul~ be I..\sed,
~.;.;.,;;., '. '. . however.' .
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This pl'ogrOl'n 5tl'ongly Ul't:l!~; il \n~',~ pl'ub~'.:t.i(Jll vnliJl:tnct:. S~t1:af:l()til haA !'llc.~nt1}7
Wrl.ttlm OJh~ ",l1i,(;h i!5 not "y1.~~ appl'c)\'I:d ,1Hlt ill :,Oll1(~ ph,CC~, tho t"n.:cs al'(~ no imJol't,3.nt
to thu ccol(llcW Ot ll'.e ;:\I.'C..l thai th~y ;'\ltluh\ nut \'it.' cl(~tjtl'f)yed, With good lcgiti.:-natc
tiit.l~ planning, this can hl> d01\i:,
St:t'cct',side bUilutiIicatiJJl1 is ah,o :.I.n irn;Jol.'l.,lnt pal:t. .F.:ach p),O}h~I'ty owner it->
aSlH:HISed fl.lr the arnonnt of feot eHJY h;wo.: Oil the }ltl'IH~t, but: lhiB can be included
,in the program.
In gene.'..:.... dil.icUfHl101'1, Ivll'fi. Am!t'1::3IHl Bpnl~(l on Edg(~,.v:;ltel' Drivl~J saying that a
fc'\v years ago, the Association Wl'ole to I.ho St;~te 1\oad D(:pa1'trnent and thl~Y had
no .appropriations to put in n. new bridge o'''(~r St''?,\'(:nr:.on' B Crock.
Ml:; Alexa.nder e:-::pl.'l1SSud thnlllw to !vrl' , 1vlal":Jhr.Jl [oJ.' being present at the B(~autifica-
iion Comrnittee nweLing ari'd (l.f.ib~d lJlI~ HOil.l:d l11Cmh(~l" [, to take the booklets h;)1110 \vith
thelU, prc~ent then"l to their cJl'g~mi~,lti\)nS I <11\d di sett:.; H tlw(n ~',rith theil' membel"!;.
Mr. Stierhciln, the C~ty Mann,gel't 8dd".:d at thin time, that the lvfayor and COlnl11is sion '.
and'hilnr.cH are com,l1'1itted to ac:th'cl y and vigo:\,()\\gly bl1pPf.lrt a Beautification program
hi the City. . There is' always a <tucsti 011 of p:dol'i.tb~r;, but too often Bcul.ltification is
:.at'.thc: loVl part of the totem polo. . Mr. Sti\~l'hcim rcpol'tr!d that from what he could
see>> t~'c' pl'ogramand boolr,let prepared by ,Mr, Mal' shall looks good and can serve as
'. goals. and obj ectives in the budget.
Mrs~ Baker asked.the.question of whethl~r we could gut into these shoppillg centers
. '
in Clearwate'l~. Mr. Marshall exphincd that it is only dOll~ on public property, but you
, . can involve other public agencies in your program.
Hun is only ,available for public propertyc. They al'e very tight right now>> but it would
be. worthwhifc, however, to submit an aplJUcation. A vai1ability of funds is greater in
, 'the underprivileged ~reas and in open spaces. (Bluffs, l!tc,)
. .
.You can, 'he stated>> acquire the land anr.l develop it. for a(:quhition. The application
. . ;' to HUD must show what}s being dOlle through o1.h(~r organizations, civic gl'oupS,
, . merchants, business grol1ps, ctc.
Mrs. Baker spoke on the programs in which the Cleal'watcr Garden Club has 'applic9.
for help ,in ~cr\'ic(~ station a:~"Ce.S, etc, <"nd thl?! arnouniR they Ihave received iron1 tbese
progra.ms. "
. 'J
The coordination of those prugrams must be cool~dil"H.ltod by a Fedel'a! Agency, such
. as your Cit.y's Parks Department, Mr. Ma:rshvJl stated.
'I'he meeting was adjourned at"',3:55 p. )11.
, ,
Respectfully Submitted,
. "
Donald B. Al c:-:nndel' I Chairll'Htn