10/17/1990 Proceedings of thc Pcnslon Advisnry Coml1liltec Mccting of October 17, 1990. Page .i~, '" ~ ~. ~ .{, , l' {,:,' ~ Prescnt: ;r Glenn Perry, Mcmber ". Tom Pudelskl, Member J H. Michael Laurscn, Personnel Director Dcborah Lally, Personnel Department Nancy Degner, City Nurse The meeting was called to order at 9:35 A.M. J' Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 3, 1990. duty seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously. The motion was Secretary Michael Laursen advised the Committec there were no new developments in the status of the procedures. The final drnrt or the medical standards has not been received from the Walk-In Clinic. He has not had a chance to work on the Committee's procedures. . In regard to the request of Deborah Pattersont Meter Render I, Utilities Finance DIvision, for a job-connected disability pension, a letter from Dr. Marlinez was received. No action can. be taken' because all members arc not presenl. There is another letter in Ms. Patterson's file from Dr. Babcock who is a neurosurgeon. This matter will be discussed at ,the next meeting when nil members arc present. ):: ~ With respect to the job-connected disability requesl of Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant, \' r"-,,,Police Depa,rtmcnt, the Committee received a copy of a memo from Mr. Laursen to the City , Attorney asking if tile CommiUee was governed by the "sunshine law" and whether or not , .. there was a, violation of the law when the CommiUee discussed its possible action during a ,recess. Anolher memo was received from Mr. Laursen referencing lhe City Auorney's opinion , ,that the Committee docs fnll under the "sunshine law" and a violation did occur. This matter will be beard again by the Committee when all members arc present. Mr. Pudelski apoligized 1. >; " on behalC of the Commillee for any inconvenience this has caused' Sgl. DeSantis. ~~{:::::':' i.1he Committee receIved a request from Mnrk Cote, Maintenance Worker II, Parks & 0~~<' Recreation Department. for a job.connected disability pension. No tellers from his doctors t.~~;;' "'" have been received so no action can be taken. 'i/:':"'," , , ';~~(' , .' ~ The Committee also received two other memos from Mr. Laursen. One was a request that lhe )1'/':., ',Committee consider using one memo for all new employees being accepted into the Pension 'Y~:::~," ',Plan rather than a separale one for each. This suggeslion was made by the City Clerk. '>}' "," ~SX:~": 'Glenn Perry moved to approve the n'cw forml\l as submiued by Mr. Laursen in his memo. The '1/i';, motion was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously. ~'.;' 4' . l~~~/:'."" The olher is a copy of a memo sent to Miles Lancc. Assistant City Attorney, asking for an ','i,,:,:::<' interpretation of SecHon 2-48 of the Pension Plan. A question arose at the last meeting as to ; :fj~~:" whether or not an employee would bc eligible for a job-connected disability pension if he had ;~,.;i)l/'len years of service but not len years of pension participation. A response has not yet been ~li>:" . received. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that Mr. Lance would respond as quickly as '~f~}:' possible since this relates to Joseph DeSantis. As soon as nn answer is received, it will be ";/.~'f' ;' forwarded to the Commiuee. ~; ,,) " r,t;,>:,:u' 't.". , '~ifL,',' " ".~,?\~.:c"~:": \ ;, I . ~ ", .~ ~'{{ :.. {,c;, < " t!~: ~{~ I~.j "'. ~!r' . it~' ~~.i,:: Jlrocecdings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting or October 17. 1990. "\:J: M;/:~ ~y, "(" The meeting recessed from 9:42 A.M. to 9:45 A.M. t(':, . The Committee discussed the matt~r of the conduct of Individun!s attending meetings. and safely .,~:<!,' of others present due to the occnslonnl connlc! of views that anses. 1\1r. Pudelski mdicated he ~~:;'. would contact the Police Department relative Co resolving concerns of this matter. {r:;<" ' ~~> T, . Xj~;-:' . ~0,i'>: ~~~}: '; ~1('.. .~~~I~~.L < ,~" ' 'r-il}, . .:t....-\, ~ l:r..~ ::;~~ :,," ~'t\~,:,~ " " , , ~~:.> . ~~":.' ;p.' uj,' " . '-:,.; . :.. .!~.: . ". c1i,7" . ~~>', Mr. Perry thanked the Committee for allowing him to work with it for the past 2 112 years and ,f~",:", stated he' hopes the new' member does a good job. Mr. Pudelski stated the Committee hated to see :F< ,:. . ~r. Perry. leave. ~r. Laursen thanked Mr. perrr on ,be~alf of the staff that has worked with *,;,::,,:. ',' 11lm. for hiS cooperation and efforts and the good Job he did. ~t:...>.:.. > '. t,'\, " Glenn Perry moved 'that the meeting be adjourned. The mOlion was duly seconded by {t~:~O.", ,Tom Pudelski and ,carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:48 A.M. fa'" 11 b' ~;t: ' , ,Rcspectfu y su mltled, ~',... ' ' ~i~\,:.' li;.' ," 'r~" ,( , ' , ~<;"~'" ~ ...~<;~ ,. . . .:.. . ~ ,", .~~~('..:::' H., Michael', aursen ~fk-;:':"", Personnel Dire~t9r and \ff[,' ",:. Secretary, PenSIOn Advisory CommiUee ~;';i, "'" ~l~;>', ~:~,~??; , ~~;;l(', ~i#~'// ~ ~:'":"'~.;".', ,~i;.,. , oL/' , '~~{:':> ,: . -"/", " "!':;::, ~ ""'c)....c ",' 1 , ,I Page 2 Olenn Perry read the name(s) of (he following cmployee(s) to be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan: Date of Employment Pension Elie-. Date Michael Mendez. Police Recruit 1 Catherine. Flaherty. Police Recruit I Michael Kochom. Police Officer ~ol ice Pol ice Pol ice 9-24-90 9-24-90 9-24-90 9-24-90 9-24-90 9-24-90 Glenn Perry moved that the employee(s) listed above be accepted into the Per:.sion Plan. moHon' was duly seconded by Tom Pudclski and carried unanimously. The: J \ I i~ ,,~. '" t~" ., "t': ,1{,. 1 t) I, .n ',\ 'c ..,....'.: ~~r~\~~(::.~,>::~~...::I:'~;:.(::. ,: ::':'.-1.~?~~ ~'l' } 1..' + . '1 .. ... \..1hr li~~") .' .,'A ~h\',.,; ..': ..