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Mr. Nicholson noted for the record that Capt. Kaminskas and Lt. Sibbert were present to discuss
Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant, Pollee Department. relative to his request for a
job-connected disability. They appeared at the request of the Committee. Sgt. Githens and
, ' Lt. Hardman who also had been requested to appear met with Mr. Laursen and advised him they
t: " had no real contact with Sgt. DeSantis in any supervisory capacity. Mr. Nicholson also stated
';,~.~ that this was an informal "hearing" but acknowledged that William Sizemore, Esq., was present
....'> '. to represent the interests of Capt. Kaminskas and Lt. Sibbert.
;~-:':,', "
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\~~{;., .
.~~\:: Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. Kwall that this must be considered at at least two meetings and all
~:!... members must be present to vote on disability pensions. Mr. Kwall asked how Mr. Pudelski
'~i:<, would make a decision since he, was not present to hear' what the police officers had to say.
l-*~:<,' 'Mr. Kwall commented that this could go on indefinitely if every time there was n meeting one
i[~;::;:,' . :' of the members chose nOl \0 be present.
~y,':', Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. Kwall that no decision would be made today due to the fact the
\:" Commiuee had just received this report and had not had time to review it and the third member
~i< .. 'was not present. Mr. Kwall questioned why the parties were there when, in his opinion, it was
:~C. stated at the last meeting that a decision would be made on this today provided the IME report
(t~:" ,was received. Mr. Nicholson stated that this meeting was for the purpose of talking to
{~.; : Sg1. DeSantis. supervisors in an effort to help reach a decision in this matter. The Committee
,:,,: never indicated at the last meeting that a final decision would be made today. Further decision
I' ,
.X,:, ensued' concerning this point.
f',' ,
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~(" Mr: McCrae asked that the Committee take a break to review the report and then make a
.y:{.<,'" decision. Mr. Nicholson again advised him that no decision would be made today and couldn.t
l~be since all members were not present. Mr. Kwall asked if il was a written policy that all
'1~)..;. '
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory CommiUee Meeting of September 19, 1990.
Page 1
John Nicholson. Chairman
O!enn Perry, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Deborah Lally) Personnel Department
Nancy Degner, City Nurse
Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney
Willlnm Sizemore. Esq. (Thompson, Sizemore & Gonzalez)
Ray Kaminsklls, Police Captain
Wayne Sibbcrt. Police Lieutenant
Joseph DeSantis. Police Sergeant
Louis Kwall, Attomey for Joseph DeSantis
Richard McCrea. Attorney for Joseph DeSantis
The meeting was called to order at 9:31 A.M.
Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 15, 1990. The motion was
duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried ~nanimously.
Prior to the meeting, Louis Kwan, attorney for Sgt. DeSantis, presented to the Committee a copy
of the independent medical examination (IME) report from Dr. Alfred Fireman who was one of
the four doctors whose names had been given to Sgt. DeSantis. Mr. Kwall stated he had just
received the letter yesterday and it was similar to lhe other two submitted.
Proceedings of lhe Pension Advisory Commiuee Meeting of September 19. 1990.
Page 2
members must be present. Mr. Nicholson advised him that the Committee passed a motion to
this effect several years I1go. Mr. Sizemore asked that the, parties proceed since Mr. Kwall could
argue his point all day and the Committee's decision not to vote on this today would remain the
same. Mr. Perry suggested this matter be continued to the next meeting when all members
were present to hear from the pollee officers.
Mr. Laursen placed a call \0 Mr. Pudelski to see if he was coming to the meeting and suggested
the Committee proceed with the agenda until a response was received.
With respect to Michael Dundaneau, Police Com munlcatlons Operator, Police
Department, no responses from his other two doctors have been received.
In regard to the request of Deborah Patterson, Meter Reader I, Utilities Finance
Division. for a Job-connected disability pension, nothing new was received.
Whh respect to the request of John Greiner, Survey Party Chief, Public Works
Dc part In en t. for a job-connected disability pension, a letter was received from Dr. Harris.
Mr. Nicholson suggested they hold off on this until after the DeSantis matter was finished.
The Committee considered the request of Francis J. Prloli, Jr., Police Sergeant, Police
De par t men t, for n pension based on years of service. His date of hire and pension
participation date were April 12, 1971.
Glenn Perry moved to approve the request of Francis J. PrioH, Jr., for a regular pension based
on years of service. The motion was duly seconded by lohn Nicholson and carried
The Committee was informed that Mr. Pudelski would not be able to attend the meeting since his
wife was ill and he had to take her to the hospital. Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Perry agreed to
continue this mauer until the meeting of October 3, 1990. Mr. KwaU stated for the record his
objection to the delay in light of the fact it was his feeling that Mr. Pudelski should not be
voting on this due to what transpired at the last meeting.
Mr. Nicholson asked Mr. Kwal1 if he received a copy of the minutes of the last meeting wherein
Mr. Pudelski addressed the accusations made by Mr. Kwall. Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. Kwall
that according to Mr Pudelski the comments were taken out of context.
Capt. Kamil!snks stated he and Lt. Sibbert would be present on October 3, 1990, if there calendars
The letter received from Dr. Harris relative to John Greiner addressed a1'l the concerns of the
Committee. However, no decision could be made since all members were not present. A
decision will be made on this at the next meeting.
Mr. Nicholson Slated he received a memo from Linda Myers showing the list of nominees for
:; the Pension Advisory Committee. He also received memos from two employees who withdrew
there names from nomination. One employee was Mr. Perry and the other was Earl Sanford.
Mr. Laursen told Mr. Perry he was sorry to see him withdraw because he did a good job while
on the Committee. Mr. Perry said he was sorry also but sometimes one's principles get in the
Proceedings of the Pension Advisory CommiUee Meeting of September 19. 1990.
Page 3
Nothing has been done with respect to the guidelines and procedures. Mr. Laursen advised .he
Committee that another meeting with the Walk-In Clinic is scheduled for October ,. 1990. at
10:00 a.m. to finish reviewing the standards. Mr. Laursen also stated he has not had an
opportunity to rewrite the guidelines as the' Committee requested due to other pressing matters.
Mr. Laursen asked that the Committee nttcnd the meeting with the Walk-In Clinic if possible.
The meeting recessed from 10:01 A.M. to 10:17 A.M.
Glenn Perry read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
Date of
Genevieve Dollar. Personnel Assistant
William laroszek. Microcomputer App. Spec.
EsteHo Breto. Planner I
Raymond Daniels. Maintenance Worker I
Carolyn Wilson. Staff Assistant I
Douglas Blackwell, Pol. Com. Oper. Trainee
Raymond ScoUt Recreation Leader
Dolores HoCert Staff Assistant I
Planning & Dev.
Parks & Rec./Nur.
Pub. Wks./WPC
Parks & Rec.fRec.
Pub. Wks,/Gas
Elii'- Date
':"i .
,....:' .
\~~: +
\jj~:' ..
'\;:' " Mr. Nicholson said he received an agenda item from Dan Deignan. Assistant Director of
r;O Administrative ServicesjFinancc Director, requesting approval Crom the Trustees to hire an
'~~':':, additional equity manager (Callan Associates). This mattcr was heard by the Trustees on
~{: . September 17th.
..);,+:': :,
~l" ,
t'~ ~:..
ll~~(;:' Olenn Perry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by
';0~;J" lohn Nicholson and carried unanimousl The meeting adjourned at 10:24 A.M.
~;:~:: '
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Olenn Perry moved that the employee(s) listed above be accepted into the Pension Plan.
motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
Mr. 'Nicholson suggested the Committee review the questions they would like to ask
Capt. . Kaminskas and Lt. Sibberl. He stated there were programs, such as the Employee
Assistance Program. available for employees to help them resolve problems that arise at work.
There also is a grievance procedure available for such things.
H. Michael rsen
Personnel Di ector
Secretary. Pension