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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of July 18, 1990.
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John Nicholson, Chairman
Glenn Perry, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Cindy Cllman, Personnel Records Specialist
Deborah Lally, Personnel Department
John Greiner, Survey Parly Chief
George Mobley, Police Officer
Peter Fire, FOP # 1 0 President
Joseph DeSantis, Police Scrgennt
The meeting was called to order at 9:31 A.M.
A meeting will be held. on July 24, 1990, with the Walk-In Clinic regarding the medical
standards. John Nicholson advised Mike Laursen he would not be able to attcnd the meeting.
Glenn Perry said he would be prescnt.
With respect to Michael Dnndaneau, Police CommunIcations Operator, Police
Department, Mr. Laursen wrotc to the thrce doctors as requested by the Committee at its last
meeting. We are awaiting a response.
Mr. Nicholson asked Mr. Laursen to get an opJDlon from Miles Lancc, Assistant City Attorncy, as
to whether the Committee cnn deny a disability because of the incident at home if the original
injury was job.connected.
No new information was received from Jacqueline Sulek, former Assistant Purchasing
Manager, Purchasing Division. (Per the Committee's decision at the June 20, 1990,
meeting, this matter is being removed from the agenda.)
In regard to the request of Deborah Patterson, Metcr Reader I, Utilitics Finance
Divlsion\ for a job.connected disability pension, Mr. Perry spoke to Ms. Patterson who advised
him that she was still waiting for the doctors' reports.
John Greiner, Survey Party Chief, Public Works Department, appeared before the '.
Committee to address any questions it had concerning his request for a job-conneclcd disability
pension. Mr. Nicholson asked him about his injury. Mr. Greiner has been working light duty
with the Public Information Office but is finding this difficult due to the physical limitations
placed on him. He advised the Committee that the Engineering Division is trying to find some
light duty assignment (answering phonc, filing,' etc.) for him until the pension qucstion is
Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. Greiner that the letters from Dr. Harris" and Dr. Logue ore not
specific enough as to the permanency of the injury. Therc is no question that he is disabled or
that it is job-connected. Mr. Nicholson asked if ,Mr. Greiner was planning to have surgery, and
Mr. Greiner advised him that he has mixed fcelings about it. However, there is a new
procedure which would relieve the pain but would not repair the damage.
Mr. Nicholson told Mr. Greiner that a decision cannot be made unless all three members are
present and it will be necessary to get other letters from the doctors clarifying the question of
the permanency of the injury. Until sueh time, no action can be taken.
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Comn\IUcc Meeting of July 18, 1990.
Page 2
Georae Mobley, Pollee Officer, I)ollce Deportment, who has submitted a request for a
job-connected dlsablUty pension. npPcL\red bcfore the Committee. Mr. Nicholson advised him
that his letters were fine but no action would be tnkcn since all members were not present and
the request must be considered nt two meetings~ Mr. Nicholson stated the Committee would take
action on August 1st if aU members arc present.
Joseph DeSantis, Pollee SerGeant, Police Deportment, appeared before the Committee.
He withdrew his previous request to buy back his pension participation and submittcd to the
Committec a request for a job-connected disability pcnsion. Sgt. DeSantis advised the Committee
members that the doctors' reports contained in their packets are the only copies. He asked that
this infonnation bc kept strictly confidentiaL 5gt. DeSantis statcd there were two letters from
Dr. Skotko in the packet-one from 1986 which stated he was fine and could work as a Police
Officer and a more recent letter. He advised the Committce that in 1986 this doctor was chosen
by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and not by him. Sgt. DeSantis informed thc
Committee that his formal resignation was being presented to S!d Klein~ Police Chief, via the
chain of command at 10:30 A.M.
Mr. Nicholson advised Sgt. DeSantis that the Committee would try to keep this information
confidential. Sgt. DeSantis stated he has reviewed the Personnel Department files of other
Police Officers, who requested disability pensions on the same basis and found nothing in the
files referring to their condition. Cindy Climan stated that all information regarding pensions
would be in the Payroll Division files. Mr. Nicholson stated that if this is subject to the
Sunshine Law or the Freedom of lnfonnation Act. it may be considered public infonnation and
must be released if someone asks for it. Sgt DeSantis stated the only ones with knowledge of
this request were those in the room. his doctors. and his attorney.
Sgt. DeSantis asked for a copy of the tape and minutes.
Mr. Nicholson asked whether Sgt. DeSantis' pension would be computed on his salary since last
April when he returned or from his original date of hire. Mr. Laursen said it would be based
on his salary since last April.
Mr. Nicholson asked how much Sgt. DeSantis took out when he removed his monies.
Mr. Laursen stated the original computation was for about $12,000.00. including interest.
Mr. Nicholson asked if there was any way the Pension Plan could recover this money, and
Mr. Laursen stated he did not think that was possible.
The meeting recessed from 10:02 A.M.to 10:16 A.M..
Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 11. 1990. The motion was
duly seconded by John Nicholson. Mr. Nicholson stated for the record that these minutes
reflect that Mr. Lance advised the Committee it had the discretion to determine whether
Mr. Dandaneau's injury was stilI job-connected and could' decide if he would have improved
enough to return to work if the independent incident had not occurred. Therefore.
Mr. ,Laursen does not need to request the opinion on this subject. The motion was carried
Mr. Perry raised a question about the pension physical of an employee in the Parks and
Recreation Department. This employee was hired in August of 1989 as a temporary and had a
'physical; in January, 1990. when the employee he replaccd returned to work, he was
terminated; three weeks later he was hired as a seasonal employee; on June 4, 1990. be was
hired as a permanent employee. This employee was told he did not need to have another
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of July 18. t 990.
Page 3
physical. Mr. Perry asked if the physical from 1989 could be used. Mr. Laursen stated the
Committee's practice has been to accept the physical if it is not more than a year old. This
employee's name Is Richard Estes. and Ms. Climan will ask the City Nurse to send his physical
over for the next meeting.
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that the City Clerk verified with the Trustees at the last
meeting that the cost of the election will be paid by the Pension Fund. The Clerk has reccivcd
the mailing labels and is waiting for some response from the Nominating Committee as to
whether or not it wants to meet.
Olenn Porry rend thc name(s) of the rolJowing employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
Date of
EH e. Dat~
Steven DeSimone, Gas Disl. Pipcfittcr Helper Pub. Wks./Gas
Richard Follett. Senior Planner Planning & Dev.
7- t 6-90
Olenn f>>erry, moved that the employee(s) listed above be accepted into the Pension Plan. The
motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
Glenn }>crry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by
lohn Nicholson and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 A.M.
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