Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Mecting of June 20, 1990.
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John Nicholson, Chairman
Glenn Perry, Member
Tom Pudclski, Member
H. Michael Laursen. Personnel Director
Leo Schradcr, Risk Managcr
Cindy eHman. Pcrsonnel Records Specialist
Deborah Lally. Personnel Dcpartmenl
Joseph DeSantis. Police Scrgcant
Michacl LaFollette, Police Officcr
Richard Evans. District Chicf
The meeting was called to ordcr at 1: 16 P.M.
John, Nicholson questioned the status of thc procedures and guidelines. Mr. Laursen presented
to the members copies of the draft medical standards submilled by the Walk-In Clinic. He asked
the members to review them and provide to him any comments they may have. If they would
like to meet with the nurse or the Clinic, Mr. Laursen will arrange for such meeting.
With respect to the request of Michael Dandoneau, Police Communications Operator,
Police Department, for a job-connected disability pension, Mr. Nicholson asked if the
Committee was ready to take action on this matter. This matter had been considered at the last
meeting, and the infonnation submilled was detcnnined to be sufficient.
Tom Pudelski raised a question concerning whether Mr. Dandaneau's injury was job-connected
in that the doctor's report statcd Mr. Dandaneau had been improving when he was fe-injured
in an argument with his son.
Mr. Laursen reminded the Committee that they had a letter dated March 28. 1990, from Dr. Sena
who perfonned an independent medical examination on Mr. Dandaneau.
Tom Pudelski moved that Michael Dandaneau be granted a non-job-connected disability
pension. TIle Commhtee was reminded that Mr. Dandaneau was not eligible for this type of
pension since he was not employed for at least ten years.
Glenn Perry moved that Michael Dandaneau be granted a job-connected disability pension
effective on a date to be determined besed on Mr. Dandaneau's disability that resulted from
on-the-job circumstanccs which is described as a back injury. said disability making him
permanently unable to perform his job and documented by medical statements of
Dr. Joseph Sena. dated March 28. 1990; Dr. O. E. Matos, dated May 26, 1989; and Dr. Gene Balis,
dated March 13, 1989. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson.'
'Mr. Pudelski stated he was not certain this was a job-connected disability due to thc injury at
homc. Mr. Nicholson also stated he had a problem with this particular injury. Mr. Perry stated
that Mr. Dandancau is still receiving worker's compensation and the Committee should accept
this as a job-connected injury.
Mr. Laursen stated that Mr. Dandaneau had a local attorney who could come to the ne"t meeting
and address any questions the membcrs may have. Mr. Nicholson suggested this be tabled until
Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committec Mecling of June 20, 1990.
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the July 1 lth mceting and. thercfore. withdrew his second to the Mr. Perry's motion.
Mr. Perry's motion died for lack of a second. This will be brought up at the next meeting.
No new information was reccivcd from Jacqueline Sulck, former Assistant Purchasing
Manager, Purchasing Division. Mr. Nicholson asked that Mr. Laurscn writc hcr advising
her that if we do not hear from her within 30 days this matter is bcing dropped from the
agend a.
In regard to the request' of Deborah Patterson, Metcr Readcr I, Utilities Finance
~ivision. for a job~connected disability pension, she has hired an attorney and has bcen to scc
two different doctors. They arc wailing for the doctors' rcports.
With respect to the request of John Greiner,
De p D r t men t . a letter was rcceived from Dr.
chiropractors arc not acceptable.
The Committee considered thc rcquest for a job~connected disability pension from
Michael LaFollette, Police Officer, Police Department. Mr. Nicholson advised
Mr. LaFollette that no action would be taken since this is the first meeting at which all
members were present to considcr this matter. The Ictters rcceived arc direct and to the point.
Mr. LaFollette presented another letter from Dr. Steinman. The Committee will take action on
this matter at the July 11th meeting if all members are present.
Survey Party Chief,
J eserski. a 'chi ropractor.
Public Works
Letters from
Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant, Police Department. addressed the Committee
regarding his request for an extension of time to pay back his pension monies. The forty~five
day extension which was approved by the Committee expired today. Sgt. DeSantis stated his
attorney still has been trying to contact the City Attorney without a response.
Mr. Nicholson asked Sgt. DeSantis how much time he would need. It was suggested that
Sgt. DeSantis submit an agreement for the Committee's consideration. Since this has never
been done before, Sgt. DeSantis stated he did not know how much time he would need.
Mr. Nicholson stated he would have no problem with granting an extension provided
Sgt. DeSantis attempted to follow the procedures used in the past. Mr. Laursen stated that at the
last meeting he was requested to provide information to Sgt. DeSantis regarding the procedures
followed in the past but he has been able to find only one memorandum.
Mr. Nicholson asked Sgt. DeSantis if he could be present at the July 18th meeting to give the
Committee some direction on this matter and was advised that would be no problem. The
Committee agreed to grant another extension until July 18th.
Mr. Nicholson advised Sgt. DeSantis that contrary to Sgt. DeSantis' comment at the last meeting,
he did receive a copy of the memorandum that was sent to the Trustees for infonnational
purposes even though he was not listed on the memorandum as having been copied.
Sgt. DeSantis requested a tape and copy of the minutes of this meeting and the last.
In regard to Russell Dunning. a new employee, who was not approved at the last meeting
pending the requcst of a legal opinion concerning this employec's heart problem. Mr. Laursen
advised the Committee he had not written to the Legal Department yet to request such opinion.
Mr. Laursen had requested a legal opinion concerning the question raised at the last meeting
by Mr. LaFollette regarding his minor child who does not rcside with him all the time being
Proceedings of thc Pcnsion Advisory Committee Mecting of June 20. 1990.
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eligible for the 15% additional payment. No response from the Legal Department has been
Mr. Nicholson addressed a lener he received from Dan Deignan. Assistant Director of
Administrative ServicesfFinance Director, which made reference to a section in the "How Do I
Retire?" booklet that tclls employees what portion of thcir pcnsion is taxable. This section is
incorrect and should be changed whcn new books arc printed. In the meantime, it should bc
changed by adding a sticker to the book with the correct information.
Tom Pudelski moved that this change bc made and a sticker be added to the old books until such
time as the new books arc printed and the change can be incorporated. The motion was duly
seconded by Glenn Perry and carricd unanimously.
The Committee considered the request of George Mobley, Pollee Officer, Pollee
Department, for a job-connected disabiHty pension. Leo Schrader, Risk Manager, stated he
was not certain whethcr Mr. Mobley had reached MMI. Mr. Nicholson stated a lener should be
sent to Mr. Mobley advising him that he must reach MMI beforc he can submit his request for
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee it needed to make a final decision on this issue and establish
it as part of the Committee1s procedures that someone must reach MMI before applying for
pension. A lengthy discussion ensucd concerning this question. Cindy Climan statcd therc
have been instances where employees have not reached MMI but thc doctors indicated they
would never be able to return to their jobs. Mr. Pudelski statcd this raised a good point and the
inclusion of MMI may not be necessary. Further discussion ensued. Mr. Schrader will chcck
on whethcr Mr. Mobley has reached MMI.
The Committee considered the request of Jeanne M. Gates, Switchboard Operator, Public
Information Office, for a regular pension based on years of service. Tom Pudelski moved
that leanne M. Gates be granted a regular pension. The motion was duly seconded by
Glenn Pcrry and carricd unanimously.
Glenn Perry read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
Date of
Elif:. Date
Angela Hansen. Police Com. Operator
Glenn Perry moved that the employee(s) listed above be accepted into the Pension Plan. The
motion was duty seconded by Tom Pudclski and carried unanimously.
Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 6, 1990. The motion was duly
seconded by Tom Pudclski and carried unanimously.
Glenn Perry moved that the mecting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by
Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourncd at 2:10 P.M.
The meeting reconvened 'at 2: 11 P.M.
The Commince discussed the nominating commince for the upcoming election. Mr. Perry asked
if the members of this committee must be Pension Plan participants and was advised that they
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of Juno 20. 1990.
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should be. Thcunton rcprcsentDtlvc8 arc as follows: Ed Hooper-IAFP~ Kenneth Davenport-FOP
#I 1 0; and' Linda Mycrs-CW A. Mr. Laursen wilt contact Don Wicker to nnd out who the
representative will be for FOP #4 Dnd he will appoint someone to represent the non-union
OICllO ,Pcrry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by
John Nicholson and carried unanimously. The mecdng adjourned at 2~ 12 P.M.
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