06/06/1990 I.. ,,".',:1'" Proceedings of the Pension Advh;ory Committee Meeting of June 6, 1990. Page ' I l'resent: John Nicholson, Chairman Olcnn Perry, Mcmber H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Dircctor Nancy Degner, City Nursc Cindy ellman, Personnel Records Specialist Tom Colcman, Fire Captain Michael LaFollettc, Police Officer Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant The meeting was caUed to order at 9:32 A.M. ) ,/ ~ "r ',,"".-' Gtenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 16, 1990. duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. The motion was "~v. ,::'\ t;: ,.t:" '{,~~, ;;,.',1' fi' ('" , ~~,..: < ;P'; < 'f' ,',' ~~D:' .:' . I;:, c" ":'~, . , :~~ .fA Mr. Laursen suggested that Sgt. DeSantis have his attorney draft a proposal and submit this to :.l!._ the Committee at its next meeting on June 20, 1990. Mr. Nicholson discussed several different :';;; procedures used in the past. Sgt. DeSantis asked why the Committee was not copied with ~{;~', Mr. Laursen's memo of April 23rd to the Trustees. He was advised that this was supplied to the };':" ,Trustees for. informational purposes only since Sgt. DeSantis had appeared before the Trustees ,}~, ,that' week. Sgt. DeSantis felt this memo was very misleading. and it appeared as though the ~:,:~ ' Committee denied his request for an extension rather than just not granting it. Mr. Perry "," disagreed with Sgt. DeSantis. Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant, addressed the Committee to request another extension of the time in which to repay his pension monies. Sgt. DeSantis advised the Committee that his attorney had tried to contact the City Attorney on eight different occasions but none of the caUs were ever returned. He also stated the minutes of the April 18th meeting do not accurately reflect what transpired. Sgt. DeSantis was advised that the minutes were correct and the actual motion as made by Mr. Pudelski only granted a 45~day extension and an actual pn)'~back procedure was not established by the Committee. Mr. Nicholson suggested Sgt. DeSantis present a draft proposal to the Committee by June 20th if possible'. He advised Sgt. DeSantis to get copies of previous legal opinions concerning the pay ',:i' "back of pensions which may be helpful to him in drafting the proposal. '" "'.J'.. i~\' ", The Committee received 8 request for a ~l\ 'Michael LaFollette, Police Ofncer~ Police ;;" . ' Mr. LaFollette that no aotion can be taken if aU "f:, meetings are required before a decision is made. ~~'~'.. '.' job~connected disability pension from Department. Mr. Nicholson advised members are not present and at least two Discussion ensued as to whether or not to have two meetings in July since July 4th. the normal meeting day, is a holiday. It was decided that meetings in July will be held on July 11th and July 18th. Personnel is to notify everyone. !:i,' Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. LaFollette that the doctors' letters, need to state the nature of the ?.:,' "injury. the permanency of the injury, and that he cannot perform the duties of a Police ,ot:/ Officer. He also advised Mr. LaFollette that Worker1s Compensation will need to know if he has ~\.;:' reached maximum medical improvement and the percent of his disability. I \ I '\ I ,j ., I Procccdlngs of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of June 6, 1990. Page 2 Discussion ensued concerning whether or not Mr. LaFollette would be eligible for the 15% additional payment for his son who spends a lot of time with his father even though the mother hns custody. Mr. Laursen will requcst a legal opinion from the City Attorney as to whether he would be eligiblc. Thc next meeting will be held on June 20th and Mr. LaFollette will try to have the necessary information by thcn. No othcr Purchasing information Manager, was received from Jacqueline Purchasing Division. Su lek, former Assistant Mr. Nicholson asked if thcrc was any new information on Michael Dondaneau, Police Communications Operator, Police Department. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee he had spoken to Mr. Dandaneau's new attorney who could not be at this meeting due to a previous commitment. Letters were received from Dr. Matos and Dr. Balis. In addition, Mr. Dandancau was sent for an IME~ and this report from Dr. Sena was given to the Committee members. Discussion ensued as to whether or not this was are-injury. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that Mr. Dandaneau is still receiving Worker's Compensation which indicates that they are not questioning whether this is an on-the-job injury. No new information is needed, and the Committee will take action on Junc 20lh if aU membcrs arc prescnt. Mr. Laursen is to notifiy the attorney of the meeting date. Mr. Nicholson rcfcrenced a memo from Mr. Laursen concerning a changc in the effective date for the job-connected disability pension for Peter Fire, Pollee Officer, Police Department. Due to his decision to discontinue his Worker's Compensation sincc he did not want to do job searches as required by Worker's Compcnsation, Mr. Fire's pension will be effcctive on May 9. 1990, at the end of the day. The Committee considered the request of Fred Woodard, Firefighter, Fire Department, to receive a retroactive payment of the additional 15% allowcd for minor children who reside in thc home. Mr. Woodard's child, Nicki Necode Woodard. has resided in his home since 1985. When the child was born. the birth certificate listed someone else as the child's falher. Mr. Woodard has since had the birth certificate corrected to rcflect that he is the child's biological father. Glenn Perry moved that the 15% payment retroactive to the commencement date of the pension be approved. The motion 'was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. No new infonnation has been received on Deborah Patterson, Meter Reader I, Utilities Finance Division. The letters do not contain the necessary information. Mr. Laursen will write to Ms. Patterson advising her again to get new lctters from orthopedic specialists that state thc nature of the disability, the permanency of thc disability, and that she cannot perform the duties of her job. With rcspect to the rcquest of John Greiner, Survey Party Chief, Public Works De par t men t, the Committee members feel the letters received are too vague. Nancy Degner, City Nurse, advised the Committee that Mr. Greiner has an appointment with Dr. Sena on June ,8th. Mr. Laursen will writc to Mr. Greincr advising him the lettcrs rcceivcd arc too vague and suggesting that he attend a meeting to discuss this with the Committee. Mr. Nicholson asked Mr. Perry if he reviewcd the medical standards submittcd to thc Committee. Mr. Laursen wilJ advise the Committee when he receives a rcsponse from thc . ~:\:.) '. ;Y:' '~. {::. ' Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of June 6. 1990. Page 3 Walk-In Clinic with its recommendation concerning these medical standards. Mr. Lnursen will follow up to detcrmine lhc status. Mr. Nicholson would like to publish a new booklet with the current ordinance and incorporatc some of the changes that were suggested to the Trustess in June. 1987. Mr. Laursen advised the Committce that all this is part of the packct of material regarding thc medical standards. procedures. etc.. that was submitted to the Committee and the Trustees. Mr. Laursen will advise the Trustees at their next meeting that this is still pending. Mr. Nicholson advised the Committee that he was contacted by Dan Deignan. Assistant Director of Administrative Services/Financc Director. regarding Section 415 of the IRS Code. This matter was addressed by Mr. Nicholson at the last meeting and concerns the possibility of taxing public pension :,lans. No definitivc rcsponse from Mr. Dcignan has been received. With respect to the upcoming Pension Advisory Committee election, nominating forms and official ballots must be s~nt to all departments. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee the City Clerk is still waiting for appointments to the nominating committee. The IAFF will contact the City Clerk with the name of its nominee. and Mr. Perry will check on the CW A representative. Mr. Laursen suggested the fifth member of the committee be a non-union employee and the Committee had no objection to this suggestion. i I } l , The Walk-in Clinic sent a lettcr regarding Russcll Dunning, a new employee. According to this letter. Mr. Dunning has been cleared for full employment; but the decision as to his qualification for pension participation was left up to the Committee due to Mr. Dunning's history of hean problems, including a heart attack. Mr. Dunnning is a Maintenance Worker. Mr. Nicholson suggested this be tabled until a legal opinion is received. The Committee should not make a medical determination. Mr. Nicholson asked that Mr. Laursen request a legal opinoD as to whether or not a letter could be sent to Mr. Dunning advising him that should he become disabled in the future due to his heart problem. he would not be considered for a job-connected disability but for a non-job-connected disability. Glenn Perry read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan: Date of EJllployrnent Pension Eti~. Date Arthur Vonderau, Maint. Worker II Donald Greene, WWTP Operator Trainee Pub. Wks./Pub. Ser. Pub. Wks./WPC 5-21-90 6-4-90 5-21-90 2-22-90 Glenn Perry moved that the cmployee(s) listcd above be accepted into the Pension Plan. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Glenn Perry moved that Robert Blessing. Heavy Equipment Operator, Public Works/WPC, be accepted into membership with a letter being sent to him that it is on record that he has a high frequency hearing loss. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Glenn Perry moved that the meeting be adjournO'd. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M. The meeting reconvened at 10:51 A.M. : ~ ." " ~ ' ," < .". '/~. !t/:~~r~ 'Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of June 6. 1990. Page 4 I ! The Committee, questioned whether Steve Zimmerman had been terminated. Mr. Nicholson slepped ,down os, chairman ond moved that Mr. Zimmerman be sent a letter advising him that if he is reinstDted; the Committee will follow the guidelines exactly for reinstating him into the Pension' Plan which wlll be the date he is rehired or all or his past contributions will be repaid 'and the', Pension Advisory Committee wlll not quibble about past dates. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. Glenn Perry moved that, the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconaed by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:53 A.M. Respcctfuily submitted. ~~ H. Michael Laursen 'Personnel ,Director' and Seci'etary~ Pension Advisory Committee , , , " j " I. i 'J , ' , ", ~ . J \, " ,\ "\ , I '<1, ' j , " ,\ .J"' " ' ,\'.' .; "/",' ,) ", '! " " ! '1 "I ~ . ' ..,., ',\ "' I' , ! < '. .