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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting or February 7. 1990.
Page 1
John Nicholson, Chairman
Tom Pudelskl, Member
Glenn Perry, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Deborah Lally, Personnel Department
Nancy Degner, CUy Nurse
Cindy Cllman, Personnel Records Specialist
Robert Gundel, Fleet Maintenance
Edward Voltand, Former Building & Maintenance Supt.
Alexis Simpkin, Police Officer
Henry Kohout, Police Officer
Peter Flro, FOP #10 PresIdent
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M.
Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of January 17, 1990. The moUon was duly seconded by
Tom Pudolski and carried unanimously.
No new Information has been received on Michael Dandaneau, Police Communications Operator,
Police Department. The Committee requested that a letter be sent to Mr. Dandaneau advising him that If
no Information Is received within one month the Committee will no longer consider his request.
No new Information has been received on Jacqueline SulekJ former Assistant Purchasing
Manager. Purchasing Division.
Albert Gryncewlcz, Accounting Clerk II, Purchasing Division, was approved by the Trustees at
. their meeting of January 29, 1990.
The Committee again considered the request of Alexis Simpkin, Pollee Officer, Police
. Department~ for a job-connected disability pension based on a knee Injury she Incurred while on duty.
Per memos from Police Chief Sid Klein, Officer Simpkin has been reassigned to light duty working In the
detecl1ve bureau. However, she must climb stairs which causes pain In her knee.
Tom Pudelskl moved that Alexis Simpkin be granted a job-connected disability pension effective on a date to
be determined based on her dIsability that resulted from on-the-lob circumstances which Is described as a
knee injury, said disablllty making her permanently unable to perform her job and documented by medical
statements of Dr. Harry Steinman, dated October 16, 1989, and Dr. Paul F. Wallace, dated November 2,
1989. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
The request of the Committee to adopt new election procedures which would provide that the Pension
Advisory Committee election be handled by the City Clerk was presented to the Trustees at their last
meeting. The procedures' were approved, and the eiectlon will be handled through a mall ballot. The City
Clerk will determine If this wlll be done through interoffice mall or outside mall.
DiscussIon ensued con~ernlng the Interest&mount to be paid by Joseph DeSantis, Pollee Sergeant,
Pollce Department, on the monies he must pay back to the Pension Fund. Mr. Nicholson, who was not
present at the last meeting at whIch Sgt. DeSantis appeared, stated It was his recollection that Sgt. DeSantis
w~s advised he would be treated like Officer Kettell and be charged 12% Interest. Mr. Pudelskl advised
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Proceedings of the PensIon AdvIsory CommlUoo Meellng or February 7, 1990.
Page 2
Mr. Nicholson that Sgt DeSantis made 0 point at tho last mooting of staling this case Is nol similar to
Officer Kettell's. However, neither Mr. Pudelskl nor Mr. Perry had any objection with chargIng
Sgt. DeSantis 12% Interest.
Glenn Perry moved that 12% be set as the rate of Interest for the money to be paid back. The moUon was
duly seconded by Tom Pudelskl.
Secretary Laursen asked If a time limitation should be added to the moUon.
Mr. Perry amended his motion to Include that the money must be paid back within 60 days. The motion as
amended was duly seconded by Tom Pudelskl and carried unanImously.
The Committee consIdered the request of Deborah Patterson. Meter Reader I. Utilities
Department, for a Job-connected disability pensIon. Mr. Nicholson referred to two letters from the
doctor which state she has reached maximum medical Improvement (MMI). Nancy Degnert City Nurs9t
advised the Committee that Ms. Patterson Is scheduled for an MRI on February 19, 1990.
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that Ms. pattersonts letters Bre not from specialists In the area of her
dlsabtllty. Mr. NIcholson asked that Ms. Patterson be advised that her letters are not acceptable and she
will need to see two doctors who are specialists. The Committee also needs to know If she has reached MMI.
This matter was deferred until the next meeting. Mr. Laursen will send Ms. Patterson a letter.
The Committee considered the request of Edward Volland. Building & Maintenance
Superintendent. Building & Maintenance DivIsion, for a job-connected dIsability pension.
Mr. Volland had submitted letters from Dr. Kedan and Dr. Smitherman. Mr. Volland addressed the
Committee stating his reasons for requesting a job.connected dlsablllty pension. Mr. Volland stated his
medIcal condltlons, which Include hIgh blood pressure, an ulcer, and chest paIns, are caused by stress. A
lengthy discussion ensued.
Tom Pudelskf moved that thIs matter be tabled until the next meeting until the CommIttee had more time to
thInk about this case and consider It In the same light as the case of James Ford from the Pollee Department
who also had requested a job-connected dIsability pensIon based on stress.
Further discussIon ensued at the conclusion of which It was determined that Mr. Volland should be sent to a
cardIologist for an Independent medical examInation (IME). The nurse will provide him with a list from
which to choose a doctor, and the Committee will consIder this upon receipt of the report. Mr. Volland also
~eeds to get another letter from Dr. Kedan which Is more specific.
Mr. Pudelskl withdrew his motion.
Mr. Nicholson will not be available for the meeting on February 21, 1990, so the Committee will consider
this at the meeting of March 7, 1990, If the results of the IME have been received by that time.
In regard to Robert Gundel, Fleet MaIntenance, who had appeared at the last meetIng with a question
about his pension partIcipation date, Mr. Laursen checked with Payroll. In Mr. Gundel's payroll file was an
Authorization for Disbursement In the amount of $171.47 which represents the amount of penslon money
that was returned to hIm In 1980 when he resIgned as a Motor Pool Trainee to lake a promotion to
Mechanic I. Mr. Gundel stated he never received this money. Mr. Laursen will check with the Finance
Department to determine If the check was cashed and advise Mr. Gundel al the next meeting. His pensIon
particIpation date will be May 5, 1980.
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of February 7, 1990.
Page 3
The question was raised as to whether Mr. Gundel would be entllled to Interest on this money If he had not
received the money back In 1980. This Issue will be discussed at a later time when It has been determined
what happened to the check.
Mr. Perry asked that Ms. Sulek also be sent a letter asking her the status of her pension request.
Peter Fire, President of the FOP, asked when the matter of Alexis Simpkin will be presented to the
Trustees and was advised the next meeting was February 26, 1990.
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that Linda Mellke's request to join the pension was deferred by the
Trustees pending Information from the Legal Department and the actuary.
The Committee considered the request of Henry Kohout, Police Officer, Police Department, for a
job-connected disability pension based on an Injury to hIs left leg which he Incurred while apprehendIng a
suspect. Officer Kohout had torn cartilage and ligaments In his knee. He underwent rehabllltaUon after
several operations and has only gained back about 60-70% of the strength In his left leg. The same
problem has developed In his right leg as a result of the added stress. He presented letlers from
Dr. Paul F. Wallace and Dr. Harry Steinman which stated that Officer Kohout Is totally and permanently
disabled and cannot work as a Police Officer.
It was the consensus of the Committee that It was not necessary to send Officer Kohout for an lME since the
letters submitted by him were sufficient. This matter will be considered at the meeting of March 7, 1990.
In regard to a letter from the Finance DiVision which was received with the actuary's report and showed a
shortfall of $373,000 whIch has to be paid Into the Pension Fund, Mr. Nicholson asked what Impact
Steve Zimmerman's pay back and the over age 45 employees had on this shortfall. Mr. Laursen advised him
he would check with Mr. Deignan Jrom Finance and get a response or ask Mr. Deignan to attend the next
meeting. Mr. Laursen stated he did not think the over age 45 people had any Impact on this since those
people have just recently been admitted to the Plan.
The meeting recessed at 10:31 A.M. The meeting reconvened at 10:48 A.M.
Glenn Perry read the name(s) of the followIng employee(s) to be accepted Into membership In the PensIon
Date of
EIIQ. Datei
Michael Stonelal<e, Police Officer
Christopher Hail, CommunIcations Asst.
William Caprlot Police Recruit "
Christopher Squitieri, Police Recruit I
NIck Gossman. Police Com. Operator
David Young, Police Recruit I
1 ~1 8-90
Public Information
Glenn Perry moved to accept Into membershIp the six (6) employee(s) listed above. The motion was duly
seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
Tom Pudelskl moved that 1) John Scott, Assistant Utll1t1es Accounts Manager, Administrative
Services/Utility Finance Services (date of employment and pension partlcipatlon date Is 1-B~90) be
accepted Into membership in the Pension Plan with a letter being sent to him and Incorporated In his file
advising him to follow up with his personal physIcian regarding his high blood pressure and
2) Terry Teunls, Police Officer. Police Department (date of employment and pension participation date Is
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Proceedings of 1ho Pension Advisory Comm\\teo Moeting of February 7. 1990.
Page 4
1/17/90) be accepted Into membership and he be sent a letter advising him to follow up wllh his personal
physicIan regardIng hIs hIgh cholesterol and trlglycerldes. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry
and carried unanimously.
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that a request from Robert Zackor to be accepted Into the Pension Plan
may come before U. Mr. Zacker was one of the over age 45 employees who Inltlally exercised the option to
Join the Pension Plan. At the Ume of his application, he had a medical condition for which the Ooctorts
Walk.ln Clinic needed a lelter from his personal physician stating he was recovered. When contacted by the
nurse to get the necessary documentation, Mr. Zacker advised Ms. Degner that he did not want to pursue his
request. Mr. Zacker has now submitted the necessary Information. Mr. Laursen will check with the
attorneys regarding this. <
Mr. Nicholson made reference to an arttcle in the paper about a 911 dispatcher who helped a couple save
their child, by giving CPR Instructions over the telephone. He mentioned this In reference to
WIlliam HaNey. a Firefighter retired on a job.connected dlsabUlty, who had asked the Committee whether
he could work as a dispatcher or Inspector and not put his pension In jeopardy. Mr~ Nicholson stated this
Incident Ulustrated hIs contention that work as a dispatcher would requIre use of skills learned as a
Firefighter and, therefore, could be considered similar work. Mr. Nicholson also stated that the job
descrIption for Fire~lghter says an employee may serve as a relief radio dispatcher. It also says an
employee may perform flreflghtlng work to prevent fire which could be consIdered fire Inspection work.
He asked that Mr. Harvey be sent a copy of this article and these minutes.
Glenn Perry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by Tom PUdelskl and
'carried unanimously. The meeting ad ed at 10:58 A.M.
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