Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Mee,lng of January 17, 1990.
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Tom Pudelski, Member
Olenn Perry, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Dircctor
Deborah Lally, Personnel Deparlmenl
Leo Schrader. Risk Manager
Nancy Degner. City Nurse
Cindy eHman, Personnel Records Specinllst
Joseph DeSantis, PoHce Sergeant
Robert Gundel. Fleet Maintcnance
Edward Voiland, Building & Maintcnance
, /'
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M.
Tom Pudelski moved to approve the minutes of January 3. 1990. The molion was duly seconded
by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
Tom Pudelski read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
Date of
E1i2. Dalc
Charles Maybin, Irr. Ser. Worker I
Parks & Rcc./Nursery
Tom Pudelski moved to accept into membership the one (1) employee(s) listed above. The
motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
. ~
Mr. Laursen is working on the procedures.
No 'new information has been received on MIchael
()p~rator, Police Department, and Jacqueline
Manager, Purchasing DIvision.
Sulek, former
Police Communications
Assistant Purchasing
Albert Grynccwlcz, Accounting Clerlt II, Purchasing Division, is on the agenda for
the Trustees' meeting of January 29. 1990. The Committee previously had approved him for
pension but at the request of the Trustees he was sent for an 1ME. The report has been received
and the Trustees now must take final action.
. Joseph DeSantis, PoUce Sergeant, Police Department, advised the Committee thut he
was approved for pension by the Trustees at their meeting on January 16. 1990. He then
addressed the Committee on several issues.
Sgl. DeSantis asked Mr. Pudclski if he recalled a conversation he had several months ago with
Detective. Teunis concerning, the fact that the Committee no longer considers the cholesterol
level ,when making determinations about pension eligibility. Mr. Pudelski stated he did not
recall the conversation.
Secretary Laursen reminded the Committee about the five Police Recruits who initially were
uot accepted for membership by the Committee because of various reasons, including high
cholesterol readings, and the latcr detcrmination made by the Committee that it could not
Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of January 17, 1990.
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overrule the doctor on B medical judgmcnt. These recruits were approvcd by the Commiltee
nnd at the Committce's suggestion were sent letters advising them to check with their
physicians regarding their problems. Mr. Laursen stated the medical examination still
mensures cholesterol, etc.. nnd these are considered by the doctor when making a medical
Sgt. DeSantis raised a question about using 12% as the amount of interest to be paid on the
pension money he would hove to pay back. He made reference to two memoranda from the
Finance Department which showed projections based on different rates of interest. His
attorney had oddressed the Trustees ot their meeting on Januory 16th stating it might be
appropriate to use the actual rate of intere'st that the pension fund earned during the period
his money was not in the fund. Sgl. DeSantis stated this would benefit the City as well since it
would have to match whatever he pays. Mr. Perry stated the Committee had determined that
the rllte to be used was the interest rate that Treasury bonds received during the lime the
money was not in the fund.
Mr. Laursen stated the City does not pay into the fund on a dollar~to~dolIar basis but pays
according to actuarial projections. Sgt. DeSantis requested a letter outlining the actual
procedure reHowed. Mr. Laursen stated the Pension Plan has done quite well with investments
and actually may have earned more than 12%: therefore, it may not be in the best interest of
Sgt. DeSantis to use the actual rate of interest earned.
Tom Pudolski moved that before making a determination the Committee be supplied with the
transcript of the meeting between the Trustees and Sgt. DeSantis' attorney and a computation
from Finance using the rate of interest earned at the time. The motion was duly seconded by
Glenn Perry and carried unanimously:
Sgt. DeSantis asked if there were time constraints as to when the money must be paid and was
advised that there arc none. He suggested that now that he is back in the Pension Plan the
question of paying back the money be tabled until such time as all litigation is completed.
Mr. Perry stated he did not agree with this since litigation can take a long time and there is
some concern as to what would happen if Sgt. DeSantis were to become disabled and he only had
credit back to April of 1989.
Sgt. DeSantis stated for the record that any figures and variables are items involved in the
litigation. He then raised the question of the method to be used for paying back the money, i.e.
must it all be paid at once, etc.
Mr. Pudolski asked Sgt. DeSantis if he received the money in a lump sum when he withdrew it.
Sgt. DeSantis stated he received two checks, one to pay back a pension loan and one for himself.
Mr. Laursen will get the figures from Finance so this can be discussed at the next meeting.
Sgt. DeSantis stated for the record that Mr. Pudelski's attitude seems to be negative towards him.
The Committee considered the request of Stuart Witliams, License Inspector II,
Planning & Development Department, for a regular pension. Tom Pudelski moved that
Stuan Williams be granted a pension based on his years of service. The motion was duly
seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of January 17, 1990.
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The Committee considered the request of Deborah Potlerson, Metcr Rcader I, Utilities
De p II r t men t. for a job.conncctcd disabUity pension. No BClion can be taken since an
members arc not present.
Mr. Pudelski did state that it came to his attention that Ms. Patterson may be employed
elsewhere. Nancy Degner. City Nurse, advised the Committee that she has the name and
telephone number for the company where Ms. Patterson is working. Ms. Degner also stated
that Ms. Patterson was scheduled for an IME on 1/22/90 under Workers' Compensation.
The Committee considered the request of Robert Boker, Pollee Officer, Pollee
De par t men t , for a regul ae pension. Tom Pudolski moved that Robert Baker be granted a
pension based on years of service. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried
unanimously. '
The Committee considered the request of Edward Volland, Building & Maintenance
SuperIntendent, Bundlng & Maintenance Division. for a job-connected disability
pension. No action could be taken on this since all members were not present. The Committee
will consider this matter at its February 7th meeting.
, '
Robert Gundel, Fleet Maintenance. appeared before the Committee to question his pension
participation dale. Mr. Gundel was originally employed on January 28. 1980, as a Motor Pool
Trainee and accepted into the Pension Plan as of January 28. 1980. In May of 1980 he was
promoted to Mechanic 1 and. in. accordance with the rules in force at the time. resigned as a
Motor Pool Trainee' to accept this promotion. He was accepted into the Pension Plan again as of
May S. 1980, and should have had his pension contributions from January 18, 1980. to May 4.
1980. returned to him which they were not. He needs clarification as to what his actual
participation date is since there is a discrepancy. Personnel wlll check into this and advise
Mr. Gundel at the next meeting.
Tom' PudClski moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by
Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:12 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
. a. Michael I:a sen
Personnel Director and
Secretary. Pension Advisory Committee