01/03/1990 t, I:' l' : c.'. " ,"; ',Il,)'.'.'J" Proceedings of the Pension Advisory CommiUee Meeting of January 3. 1990. Page 1 Prescnt: I 'John Nicholson, Chairman Olenn Perry, Member H. Michael Laursen. Personnel Director Deborah Lally. Personnel Department Leo Schrader, Risk Manager Carole Oreiner, Department of Administrative Services Nancy Degner, City Nurse Cindy CHman, Personnel Records SpeciaUst Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney Alexis Simpkin, Police Officer Cary Singletary. Attorney for Officer Simpkin Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant Sam Willi, Fire Department Pete Fire, FOP #10 President Dennis Acker, Police Officer / / I / The meeting was called to order at 9:34 A.M. . Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of December 6, 1989. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. Singletary, attorney for Alexis Simpkin, Police Officer, Police De par t men t. that no decision could be made today on Officer Simpkin's request for a job-connected disability pension since all members were not present. Mr. Nicholson will not be available for the next meeting so the Committee will vote on this on February 7, 1990, if all members arc present. Orrice'r Simpkin advised the Committee that she has been put in another position in the Police Department which is a "light duty" position and involves no work on the street. Secretary Laursen stated he does not know whether this actually is a "light duty" position but it ", is a job usually performed by a Police Officer. The. Committee addressed a letter received from the Diagnostic Clinic concerning Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant, Police Department. This was the letter which the Committee had requested several months ago as clarification of certain test results contained in Sgl. . DeSantis' physical. Sgt. DeSantis stated he did not know the physical he was taking was to determine his pension participation. Sgt. DeSantis addressed the Committee regarding his pension participation. He advised the Committee he had not received a response to a letter he had written to the Committee asking I) the amount of money that would have to be paid back. including interest, and 2) how his pension ~ould be figured is he were to become disabled. Mr. Nicholson advised him that his pension participation date as of now would tie April 3, 1989. Sgt. DeSantis' asked if he would have to pay money into the pension back to that date in addition. to the Social Security that he has been paying and was advised he would not have to do this. r , Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of January 3. ]990, Page 2 Secretary Laursen explained that a new employee who passes the physical is admitted to the Pension Plan as of the date of employment. However. if he/she falls the physical. the pension participation date would be the date the employee was re-examined. Sgt. DeSantis stated he is 1I0t a "newt! employee because his termination was overturned and changed to a suspension. I Mr. Nicholson advised him that he is not being considered a tlnew" employee because of his I suspension but because he removed his money when he was tenninated. Sgt. DeSantis stated he was told he had to remove his money. Mr. Nicholson did advise him that if he does pay back his money, his participation date would he his original dale of hire less lhe period of suspension. : A lengthy discussion ensued. At the conclusion it was dctennined that I) Sgt. DeSantis' pension participation date would be April 3, 1989: 2) the Finance Department would be requested to make a computation as to the amount of money. including imerest, to be paid back by Sgt. DeSantis; and 3) the Committee would write a letter to Sgl. DeSantis stating the Committee's position and clarifying all the issues discussed today. Glenn Perry moved that Joseph DeSantis be approved for pension. effective April 3. 1989. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Mr. Laursen has requested survey information to be used in formalizing the procedures and guidelines to be used by the Committee. He is working on a drllft. Mr. Nicholson asked if the Committee could have a copy of the section of the ordinance book dealing with the pension. The ordinances received from the City Clerk were not what he had origin ally requested. No new infonnation has been received on Michael Dandaneau, Police Communications Operator, Pollee Department. No new information has been received on Jacqueline Sulek, former Assistant Purchasing Manager, Purchasing Division. Albert Gryncewicz, Accounting Clerk II, Purchasing Division. had his IME but a leuer has not yet been received. Mr. Nicholson asked if the Trustees had considered the new election procedures and the request from Linda Mielke. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee he would draft an agenda item for Ms. Mielkc.s request and the Trustees have not reviewed the election procedures. I i I The Committee considered the requests of Betty Ward, Stafr Assistant III, Police Uepartment; Nicholas Lewis, Fire Marshal, Fire Department; and Don Lambert, Firefighter, Fire Department. for regular pensions based on years of service. Glenn Perry moved that these employees be granted a pension based on years of service. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. The meeting recessed at 10: 18 A.M. It reconvened at 10:32 A.M. II ~t:"'.'" .,......,: ":"~: "!.,\ ~ .-tII: . ,'~ l>. \ >. Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of January 3. 1990. Page 3 Glenn Perry read the nome(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan: Dale of Employment Pension Eliu. Date Gregory, Stewart) PoUce Recruit I Charles McCarty, Morine Fac. Oper. Beny Kullen. Starr Asst. 1 Diana Henderson. Library Clerk Jennie Keegan. Accounting Clerk III Raymond. Wyland. Plans Review Tech. 11-3-89 3-4-80 2-27-84 12-4-89 4-9-73 6-15-79 11-3-89 . 11-19-89 " 11-17-89 12-4-89 11- 17-89 11-22-89 , t I, Police Marine Fire Libraries Admin. Ser./Finance Planning & Dev. Glenn Perry moved to accept into membership the six (6) employee(s) listed above. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Glenn Perry moved that James Grigley and Leroy Sams be denied membership in the Pension Plan based 'on the doctorst recommendations. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson 'and carried unanimously. Olenn Perry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:33 A.M. submitted. \6J' " , " , , . H. ,Michael Laur .', 'Personnel Director Secretary" Pension ,I , ;1 , ,I .' '1' Committee , '. .,' ., '1 , \ , , "f ~~\ " . " \ "