12/06/1989 f ", ,,1., , ' \ ',.., , " Pmceedings of the Pension Advh;ory Committee Meeting of December 6, 19H9, Page 1 ~"n , " '" Present: " , , , " " '" :':'0 " 1!'/, ~. " ~O'''''' ,\,,, ;"'~ r- . r,':, '. ~ ~ j~~~' :, " } i!,,'.' .- it," ~\~. h'l }:1 ~; ~ !/~:: ' John Nicholson, C.huirm all Glenn Perry, [\'lcmber Tom Pudelskl. Membcr /' / / ,/ H. Michael Laursen, Personncl Director Deborah Lally, Personnel Department Nancy Degncr, City Nurse Cind)' Climan. Personnel Records Specialist Alexis Simpkin, Police Officer Cary Singletary, Anorney for Officer Simpkin The meeting was called to order at 9:35 A.M. ,~- Tom Pudelski moved to approve the minutes of November I, 1989. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. Tom Pudelski moved to change the agenda in order to address new business before old business: The motion wns duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. The Committee considered the request of Alexis Simpkin, Police Officer, Police De par t men t. for a job-connected disability pension. Cary Singletary, attorney for Officer Simpkin, addressed thc Comminee on her behalf. MI'. Singletary previously had submitted to the Committee documentation, which included lellers from Dr. Paul Wallace and Dr. Harry Steinmnnn. concerning Officer Simpkin's injury. Mr. Perry stnted he had not received anything about this. Mr. Singletary explained thal Officer Simpkin injured her left knee while chnsing a suspect when she jumped over a fence and fell to the ground. She has had two operations; and the doctors have determined she cannot perform the duties of n Police Officer due to her inability to jump, run, etc. The request for job-connected disability is based on this injury. Mr. Singletary also asked that the Committce waive its requirement for an independent medical cxnmination ([ME) since Officer Simpkin was sent to Dr. Wallace and Dr. Steinmann by. thc City. ~, t I ~ ~ I' f: ~ i f ! John Nicholson stated he did not want to waive the lME, Mr. Perry did not feel il was necessary to send her for another cxaminntion since the letters from Dr. Wallace and Dr. Steinmann contained sufficient informntion. In anticipation that the Trustees will raise the issue, Secretary Laursen questioned whether or not Officer Simpkin could continue to work in a desk job as opposed to being a "street" officer. He stated this situation was similar to that of Officer Carter. Mr. Pudelski stated the letter .from Dr. Steinmann addresses a problem that Officer Simpkin would have if she was required to sit for prolonged periods of time. Mr. Singletary stated that the Pension Plan says that if Firefighters or Police Officers cannot perform nil the duties of their position. the)' arc entitled to the disability pension. Mr. Laursen clarificd for the record two misconceptions: I) The pension ordinance docs not differentiate between regular employees and police and fire employees other than for the fact that employees in hazardous duty jobs can retire nfter 20 years regardless of age; 2) There is no reference in the pension ordinance thut employees must be able to perform ill the, duties of their classificntion; the ordinance simply Slates the individual must be disabled "in the opinion of the Pension Advisory Committee." i I " ,I, ~:: i;< I , 1:::' I ,~> " : . ~ ;"'0 " ,- ,~': '\ ~f.. , /'" , :t! .. l:::.". I.. ' " :~ ~ \',' .,.' .'.' " ,,. ~{' '. ..: ,~ Ii>;" ' rpi.,. . ~:;;~(:; !"::,:J: ' ;~'~'. ~I. ; ~", ~~ .,' '~ ; , , r.1': ' ;: ...~ ,T ' .~~.,: , :I:~:~' . ~'t,; \':. . ~ C C. 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Mr. Laursen asked that when Officer Simpkin's request is presented to the Trustees. at Icast one of the members be present to answer any questions. At the conclusion of the discussion. Mr. Pudolski und Mr. Perry agreed thut the IME was not necessary. Mr Nicholson stated he would Vale with the majority of the Committee. Tom Pudolski moved that the Committee waive the IME in Alexis Simpkin's case since the letters from Dr. Wallace and Dr. Steinmann were sufficient. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. Mr. Pudelski felt that the Committee should wait before muking a decision until Mr. Perry had an opportunity to review all the material. This matter will be considered at the meeting of January 3. 1990. since Mr. Nicholson will be unavailable for the next meeting. The Committee considered the request of George Luteran, Asslstnnt Building &, Maintenance Superintendent, General Services/Building & Maintenance, for a regular pension based on years of service. Tom Pudelski moved to grant a regular pension to George Luteran. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. The Committee considered the request of Alan Smith, Administrative Support Manager I Parks & Recreation Department. for u regular pension based on years of service. Tom Pudelski moved to grant a regular pension to Alan Smith. The motion- was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and curried unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning a request made by Linda Mielke, Library Director. to join the Pension Plan. When hired Ms. Mielke was not allowed to join the Pension Plan since she is an unclassified employee who serves at the pleasure of the City Manager. The Trustees determine who are "permanent" employees as defined by the pension ordinance. No unclassified cmployees hired as such arc permitted to join the Pension Plan. It was the consensus of the ,Committee that this request should be addressed by the Trustees. Secretary Laursen will ,forward this to the Trustees for their recommendation. Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk. appeared at the request of the Committee to discuss a better way to handle the Pension Advisory Committee election. Ms. Goudeau suggested that. with' the approval of the City Manager. the election could be held through mail ballots similar to those used for absentee ballots. The ballots would be mailed to all employees eligible to vote, either to their homes or through the interoffice mail. There would be a deadline for return of the ballots. and the City Clerk's Office would handle the processing and counting. A lengthy discussion ensued. The consensus of the Committee was that this was a good idea and would alleviate many problems experienced in the past. Mr, Nicholson asked that this be brought up . to the Trustees at their meeting of January 2, 1990. to gct their approval. Mr. Pudelski referred to a letter sent by Mr. Lau rsen to William Harvey, a Fi refighter who recently was granted a job-connected disability pension. Mr. Harvey had asked whether or not work as a dispatcher for an ambulance service or as a fire inspector would be similar to his former position of Firefighter. The Committee members felt that Mr. Harvey would jeopardize his pension if ,he accepted either of these positions. Mr. Laursen was asked to send him a letter advising him of the Committee's decision. No new information has been received on l\1ich:Jl~1 Dandancau, Police Communications Operator, Police Department. ,< . " . '" r', ". " , 1 ' '~~ :'~ :.: r I_.,;.:,l ,'~ :. r r" {:~ I. ~' , ,j'., , " ~'J V, "f. .':"~:\ ;(.> ~,~. /~ "\Ji '::'!..~ /:., ;; :<; t'/. ~~j' ;f!;r: " "'. ~'\'~ : '/')1 'll~'': ....< ,,:.l, ~ ~ '. "," ". l"' . ~~f: ." ,C\. ~ 'il;, '.' , 'f' , l ':;-'~ , tt~ \;~~~ " '! '.. , i. ',,' ,', ~;;~", ' ~:(., '~.~;., :' ~. trt) , , ::'.;-~': I I, ~ , ~", j i- . ,~:;,<:: ' -,,- ': ':,d, .:~' , :::::.~: "::q. ')~:."'. ;(.'f.~: t';' ~'':' :'I'~V~ t I I,~" '~r.Q1 ,'/,1- ~i~~:~ ,.",' :.)';;.-;! \' , :.'\":.< '<~i;' , /il':-, ~ >.Ili,,' '..If,;/'" ,'1. :~:\ ,"", . ~'l;.I:, ''''1 I ',/~ ,\ ..:: :" ~\i; : ;{;{~: ,., '~~,;<':, ~t~Y.:: ltJ;<' , " . f'l, ~f~::'.. " i~':"~ '.~'; .~ ; {~>> fl.'. . \~. . gc!-,l." ~,) %~',"o'.' '.. ,,,: '\', .~.. " , .'1; . .'~ ',.:l i~":..... --::.t'.' .: Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeling of December 6. 1989. Page 3 Albert Grynccwlcz, Accounting Clerk 11, Purchasing Division, has' been scheduled for nn IME. Jacqueline Sulek, former Assistant Purchasing Manager, Purchasing Division, sent a letter to the Commiuee asking if two Veleran's Administralion (V A) doctors would be acceplable or if she needed an oUlside doctor to submit a letter. The Committce members will nccepl one lettcr from n VA doctor and one from a doctor nOl assoclntcd with the VA. Mr. Laursen will write Ms. Sulek nnd advise her of the Committee's decision. " The procedures memo will be finalized shorlly by Mr. Laursen and sent to the Trustees. Mr. Nicholson requested il copy of the current ordinance. The meeting recessed at 10:40 A.M. It reconvened nt 11 :03 A.M. Tom Pudelski read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted inlo membership in the Pension Plan: Robert Maltns. Water. Supply Opcr. C Terence Kelly, Police Officer Marvin Henry, WWTP Oper. B M~rice ,Lynn, Office Assistant II . : 'no "1,. McKinley. Library Assistant I lJl1vld Koscielniak, Police Recruit I James Demet, Maint. Worker I Susan Piatt. Library Assistant I Anthony Diliberd, Elec. Inspector II Dorothy Slupski, Staff Assistant II Lois Maroon, Librarian II Irnccma Drysdale, Sr. Lab. Technician Shirley, Pelzel, Staff Assistant II Ca(olyn Braaksma, Payroll Clerk Patricia Buzek. Auditor Robert Brumback, Ass\. Dir. of Pub. Wks. Gerald Adams, Pub. Ser. Supv. II John Schrnalzbaucr, Police, Officer Antoinette DcMitn, Sr. Lab. Technician Harold Marshall, Senior Electrician Anna Uhrinck, Customer Scr. Rep. Anthony Rega, Storeskeepcr Donald Parker, Parking Meter Tech. Alex Battlc,' Wnter Dist. Ser. Worker II Raymond Kaval, WWTP Opcr. B Joseph Colben,' Life Hazard Safety Insp. Wilma McCnny, Office Assistant II Pub. Works/Wntcr Police Pub. Works/WPC Police Libraries Police Parks & Rec/Nursery Librnries Planning & Development Marine Li braTies Pub. Works/WPC Pub. Works/Vtil. Admin. Ser .!Payrol1 Internal Audit Office Pub. Works/Util. Pub. Works/Pub. Ser. Police Pub. Works/WPC Pub. Works/Pub. Ser. Pub. Works/Util. Pub. Works/pub. Ser. Pub. Works/Trans. Pub. Works/Water Pub. Works/WPC Fire Police Date of El)'lv1oymcnt 11-13-89 11-3-89 9-18-89 11-20-89 11-6-89 11-3-89 10-25-89 10-18-89 1 -29-74 10-14-87 7-15-85 9-10-80 6-13-88 11-2-89 12-19-77 1-4 - 8 2 9-16-74 11-6-89 2-20-85 9-30-81 4- 7 - 81 8-6-84 12-22-86 1-2-74 10-26-87 3-4 - 8 5 }-23-84 Pension El i i. Date 11-13-89 11-3-89 9-18-89 11-20-89 11-6-89 11-3-89 10-25 -89 10-18-89 11-16-89 11-15-89 11-16-89 11-16-89 11-14-89 11-2-89 11-2-89 11-30-89 11-29-89 11-6.89 11-2-89 11-3.89 10-27-89 11-29-89 11-13-89 11-22-89 11-16-89 11-17-89 11-19-89 'I , ! , Tom Pudolski moved to accept into membership the twenty-seven (27) employee(s) listed above. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. f,:>:~:: ',~ ~'I\"1 "r\~:':~' ':\'i(;~ " '1\ '. ~ '!X ;. _ _.:'; _,,;'."\~~~."_' ,<,~';':!,::/":'.cd' ':',;"', t" " ;. .' ,\ .,,~,. '"C":,,. '-, ,;:' ",e"e" ,," " " ',' ,';':r..+'. :< ,,' '/ :" ',;' )~:,' ," ,:,:, ~ I ~ 'I ~J, ",', .. ~ ", '., . ~ .'" ',>' ;t'..\,:,' ": ,.'..';~'! 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