06/21/1989 o Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of June 21, 1989. I ! Pugc I Present: John Nicholson, Chairman Olenn Perry, Member Tom PudcJski, Member ) H. Michacl Laursen, Personncl Director Deborah Lally, Personnel Department Nancy Dcgner, City Nurse Cynthia Climan, Personnel Department " The meeting was caned to order at 9:52 A.M. Tom Pudelski moved to approve the minutcs of the meeting of May 17, 1989. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. Tom Pudelski read the name(s) of the following cmployee(s) to be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan: " ~... \:,:",(),.. II, " 1< l' '" :/:c"'_: ,c, ~ .....' . . :'~)," ~ . ~:;;,.~:. :. .~/, " , ':," ,~.' . ,. ~~:)\::'.' ;f~:;;,,:': ~.''', I .". '. " " '."\ , ,< I;' ~:~. , ..!...,..,c i_' . f: ' /, .~f.'~, : " ..... ;:/i: ' , .-:. . ~ . . ....... ,,' t~~~." ;. f,.'. ., . '... '~> . .(,. ; ~, ~~" '~ ';~\:> ", l:: ~.~~ . ~f;<.. :~/; '0;". ;<' " ", Date of Emv10ymcnt Pension 51 i 1:. Date Wayne Spitaleri. Police Recruit I Mark Beaudette, Police Recruit I Roben Drcslin; III; Mechanic II Luis Acosta. Senior Lab. Technician Velma Jaeger, Communications Asst. Dorothy Reehling, Office Assistant I Jean Greene. Payroll Clerk Dolores Hofer, Office Assistant II Scott Paulk. Parks Worker Police Police Gen. Ser./Motor Pool Pub. Wks./WPC Pub. Inro./Graphics PoJice Admin. Ser ./Payroll Pub. Wks./Water Pks. & Rec./Nursery 5~17~89 5~17~89 5-19-86 S-30~89 5-22~89 6-S~89 5~9~83 6-5.89 5~15~89 5-17~89 5- 1 7-89 9-19-88 5-30-89 5-22-89 6.5 ~89 6-6.89 6.5-89 5-15.89 Glenn Perry moved to accept into membership the nine (9) employees listed above. The motion was duly seconded by Tom PudeIski and carried unanimously. Discussion ensued regarding the procedures the Committee would like to adopt. Secretary Laursen advised. that his draft had been sent to staff \ for their comments. A question was raised as to whether the Committee would accept letters from D.O.s as well as M.D.s. Mr. Nicholson advised him that D.O.s would be acceptable. The consensus of the Committee was to send this outline to the Trustees for their infonnation and comments. Mr. Nicholson stated he felt thcse procedures should include a definition of "disabUity'f and some provision should be made regarding pre.cxisting conditions. A lengthy discussion ensued concerning the different options available to eliminate this problem. The general opinion was that, perhaps 1his problem should be addressed at the outset when a prospective employee is given a physical examination; there should be stronger limitations on what injuries. etc.. wiJI preclude someone from being acceptable for pension participation. Such a change would not rcquire any modifications to the current ordinance. The Committee discussed the changes needed in the guidelines. The changes in the guidelines include ~ut are not limited to: 1) if the Committee requests an additional examination at its 'expense, the result of this examination should be sent to the Committee and not t~e patient; 2) there is a new, definition of "hazardous" duty: und 3) there is a provision for vesting pensions. The Committee asked Secretary Laursen to submit the guidelines and procedures to the Trustees for their comments. o -, , '.".'lH:. ' Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of June 21, 1989. Page 2 Carnell Clark, SanltaUon Division. was granted a non.job-connected disability pension. effective February 27, 1989. His bencfits carried him through May 18. 1989. which should be the actual effective date of his pension. Tom Pudclski moved to change the effective date of Carnell Clark's pension to May J 8, 1989. at the end of the day. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning thc Commitlee's rcquest to hire indepcndent counsel. Mr. Nicholson advised the other members that he attcnded the last Trustces meeting at which this subjcct was discussed. He stated the Committee is to present to the Trustees some pros and cons for hiring counsel. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee he had submit led some. pros and cons at the request of the City Manager. The consensus of the Committee was for each member to present his list at the next meeting and Mr. Nicholson will then compose a letter for submittal to the Trustees. Mr. Laurscn informed the Committee he would forward to the members a copy of his recommendations. Tom Pudclski advised the Committee he would not be present at the July 5, 1989, meeting but would be sure Mr. Nicholson received the letter before then. Mr. Pudclski received a request on behalf of the widow of Harry L. Conyers in which she asked if she was again entitled to widow benefits from Mr. Conyers if she has since married and divorced another man. Mr. Pudclski was advised she was no longer his wife and, therefore, is " ineligible. '. ' ~ ' l;;"\'~ ~~" '. ' ~~':,o,., , ~~ ,". ~i1 ' ~, ~' , ft..:' . , ~~;}~:.. . ,.':'\0, ~t~, ~.' \0-.' ' .:.~::) . :,?~ " ' ,. ',' r.:~:.' , !'. > . ' f? ~\. > ; ! . ... '~';' ' ,', ~.}': .: ~;':, ,.' ~\ .- , " V:'i. '. v'~ . . 1('0 ~\;J'~ ~ In-'" ' ~:~ .. ' ~ ~', , .Ii':' ~t~""~ .' t~j\:',...,. i~Jh~::;) i;"::'-' ,: The Committee considered the rcquest of WiIIlom McColl, CommunIcations Manager, General Services Deportment. for a pcnsion based on years of service. Glenn Perry moved to grant a regular retiremcnt pcnsion to William McCall. The motion was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously. , Donald Ward, Firefighter, Fire Department, submitted a rcquest for a job-connected ,'disability pension. The Committce will consider this request at its meeting of July 19. 1989: and Mr. Laursen is to advise Cary Singletary, attorney for Mr. Ward. to be present at this meeting. Mr. Pudelski questioned an item contained in a memo from the City Manager concerning goal setting. This item dealt with the improvement and consolidation of the pension plan. ,Mr. Pudelski asked whether the City Manager was referring again ,to his idea of changing to leMA. Mr. Laursen explained that the City Manager is examining different posibilities. A lengthy discussion ensued. At the conclusion. Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that nothing could be changed in the current plan without union approval and a referendum to the citizens since the Pension Plan is both negotiable under collective bargaining procedures and administcred through ordinance. Mr. Perry asked where in the Pension Plan it is written that an employee must have 20 years of "pnrticipationu in the Plan. He has been asked by several other employees and the only reference made in the Plan is to 20 years of "scrvice" to the City. Mr. Laursen explained that the Pension Advisory Committee and Trustees have the power to make administrative judgments and have always considered "service" to mean participation in thc Plan. Glenn Perry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at J 1: 13 A.M. Respectfully subq1ittcd. ~~~ Personnel Director and Secretary. Pension Advisory Committee