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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory CommJuee Meeting of May 17, 1989.
Page 1
Presen t:
lohn NlchoJson, Chairman
Glenn Perry, Member
Tom Pudelskl, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney
Deborah LaUy) Personnel Department
Nancy Degner. City Nurse
Carole Greiner, Interim Risk Manager
The meeting was called to order at 9:41 A.M.
Olenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 1989. The motion was duly
seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously.
Glenn Perry read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
Date of
Eli 2'. Date
William Bennett, Sanitation Worker
Karen Backus, Pol. Com. Oper: Trainee
Karen mg, Pol. Com. Oper. Trainee
David Dornbusch, Cant. Maint. Worker
Ronald Griffin, Maint. Worker II
Todd Voigt, Public Service Technician
Pub. Wks./Util. (San.)
Pub. Wks./Util. (San.)
Pub. Wks./Infra. (PS)
Pub. Wks,flnfra. (PS)
Glenn Perry moved to accept into membership the six (6) employees listed above. The motion
"was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously.
A letter was received from James Ford, Senior Identification Technician, Police
Department. concerning his request for a job-connected disability pension. A lengthy
discussion ensued in which Mr. Nicholson also made reference to the letter received from
Cary Singletary concerning a recent case involving a request for job-connected disability
based on stress in which the decision of the Division of Retirement of the State of Florida to
grant a non-job-connected disability was overturned by the court. This case referred
specifically to employees under tbe Florida Retirement System and does not apply to the City of
Clearwaterts Pension Plan.
At the conclusion of the discussion, it was determined that sufficient documentation was not
': available to prove lhat Mr. Fordls hean condition is job-:-relatcd. The Committee agree that it
would grant a non-job-connected disa~ility with a provision for Mr. Ford to reapply when he
has more infonnation to prove his condition is job-connected.
Tom Pudelski moved that iames Ford be granted a non-job-connected disability pension,
effective August 8. 1989, based on Mr. Ford)s disabili ty that occurred or resulted from
off-thc-job circumstances which is described as coronary artery disease, said disability making
him permanently unable to perform his job. and documented by medical statements of
Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt, dated January 31, 1989; Dr. Richard Soja, dated March 14, 1989: and
Dr. B. R. Haley I dated March 9, 1989: until such evidence or doctor's letter' can be provided with
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Procecdings of tho Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of May 17, 1989. Page 2
proof showing his heart condition has occurred from his employment. The motion was duly
seconded by Olenn Perry llnd carried unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding Joseph DeSantis, Police Sergeant, Police Department, who
was recently rcinstated by the Clcarwatcr Civil Service Board lo his former position. A
question was raised as to whethcr or nOl Sgt. DeSantis should have a stress EKG as part of his
pensIon physical. Sgt. DeSantis was sent for his annual physical as rcquired by the Police
Dcpnrunent but did not have the stress EKG. It wo.s decided he should have the stress EKO since
all new pollee applicants havc this test and Sgt. DeSantis is being treated like a new hire since
he withdrew his money from the pension fund when he was terminated.
Tom Pudelski moved that Sgt. DeSantis huve the stress EKG. The motion was duly secondcd by
Olcnn Perry and carried unanimously.
Mr. Nicholson asked Secretary Laursen about the status of the: guidelines and procedures to be
adopted by the Committee. Mr. Laursen presented the members with a copy of his revision to
the guidelines. Discussion ensued. The question of pre-existing conditions was raised again.
The consensus was that more careful consideration should be given to pre-existing conditions
when doctor's approve employees for pension participation.
With regard to the revision, the members will review the changes and discuss this at the next
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that according to Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney, the
Committee must submit a formal request to the Trustees to obtain independent counsel to
, represent it.
Glenn Perry moved tbat John Nicholson draft a lcttcr to the Trustees requesting legal counsel
for the Committee. The motion was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously.
Mr. Nicholson asked if the Committee members had any objection to hiring John Elias and
.' there were none.
Mr. Nicholson infonned the Committee about an article in the newspaper regarding a state bill
that will require that all newly-hired firefighters be non-smokers and must not have smoked
, ,for one year prior to hire.
Mr. Laursen advised the Committee that the procedure for admitting to the Pension Plan
employees over age 45 at the time of hire is being finalized and will go before the Trustees at
their next meeting.
Glenn Perry moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by
Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:29 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
H. Michael aurs n
Personnel Director
Secretary, Pension
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