04/05/1989 " () Proceedings of lhe Pension Advisory Commluee Meeting of April 5. 1989. Prescnt: John Nicholson, Chairman Tom Pudclski. Member Page I ) Debo ralt Lally, Personnel Department Nancy Degner. Industrial Nurse Cindy Climan. Personnel Records Specialist James Ford, Police Department The meeting was called to order at 9:53 A.M. " The Committee members discussed the request of James Ford, Police Department, for 0. job~connec\ed disability pension based on his heart problems. Although all members were not present to vote on the pension, Mr. Ford was advised the members had discussed this and would grant n non-jab-connected disability pension. Since Mr. Ford is not a sworn officer, the "presumption" law does not apply in his case. The Committee will take action at its next meeting if Mr. Perry has returned from sick leave. Mr. Ford has sick leave to carry him through, August 8. 1989. Tom Pudelski moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 15. 1989. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Tom Pudelski read the nnme(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan: James Houck, Police Officer Eugene Tobias. Police Recruit I Robert' Fava. Police Recruit I Linda Stverak. Police Officer Chrystal Holmes. Personnel Asst. Rhett 'Morgan, Police Officer . Glenn Weaver, Chief Trar. Sig. Tech. Thomas Jankowski, Auditor Joseph Glenn. Custodial Worker Millie McFadden, Equip. Oper. I Terrence Rowe. Air Condo Tech. Date of Employment Pension Eli g. Datc Tom Pudelski moved to accept into membership the eleven (11) employees listed above. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Police Police Police Police Personnel Police Pub. Wks.trrans. City Manager/lnt. Audit Parks & Rec. Parks & Rec. Gen. Ser.lBldg. & Mainl. 4-3-89 3-29-89 3-29-89 4-3~89 3-20-89 4-3-89 3-20-89 3-27-89 5-9-88 3 -6. 89 3-13-89 4-3-89 3-29-89 3-29-89 4-3-89 3-20-89 4-3-89 3-20~89 3~27-89 3-13-89 3-6-89 3-13-89 Three employees (Anthony Y Qung. Karen Illg, and Richard Garst) will need new physicals before, being accepted into the Pension Plan since they were part-lime and the physicals are over one year old. A question was raised concerning' Anthony Young and the possibility of a pre-existing condition involving an injury to his left shoulder. This should be checked carefully by the doctor. Discussion ensued concerning the adoption of the procedures outlined in Michael Laursen's memo of May 29. 1986. The members would like these to be combined with those contained in Tom Pudelski moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by j,',',:" John Nicholson and, carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:21 A.M. fli~;: ~':"~espectfUllY submitted, ~;~6" ' ' {Lo':~,' , .~. . .. :riJ-~ . .:) <'. :'". , . .. ' . ?'';J::: ::' ':':-:, H., Michael Laur en ~r/, "":"'" Personnel Director and ~/~/C\.....:, Secretary, Pension' Advisory Committee fl":! . " . ;(iY:;~~;::~' "., . to,,",,,, i t\L;::'c:, ',' ~l~'.. ~~;1'.' lit,!::: . : l; t. ~. :. T' . ~~., . '" ~;~': ::t~ "1; #- . 1..:\- >.' ~~~~{~::.:.. :' {'4"" .., ' :~!\::{~(;"" :': '. ,', ' ~I)t.t,..'.'" >, ~i~';;-':'" ' ~ ';t.:Xt"'-1(. .i.: "." > . i'.~I~'~.: c. }' ~ c ,I. . / .~ .... . :",0 ~ ~ . ,. ., r 1\-: ' I ' :,; " I , ~ ~ > Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Mcetlng of April So 1989. Pagc 2 another memo Crom Mr. Laursen dated June 10, 1989. It should be noted in the procedure that dlllBblllty pensions cannot be voted on unless all Committee members arc present. Upon completion oC the revision, the Committee win adopt the procedurcs. Mr. Nicholson asked that his amendments to the guidelines contained in the pension booklet be presented to the Trustees for their consideration. Mr, Nicholson suggested both of these hems (guidelines and procedures) be presented to the Trustees for their consideration before the Committee takes any action. He asked that Mr. Laursen present them to the Trustees at their next meeting. With respect to the upcoming election, Mr. Nicholson asked that Mr. Laursen check on how they were handled in the past and exactly what action the Committee needs to take to start the process. \, I I The Committee received 11 request His date of hire is October 20 1972. his pension on October 2, 1992. approval. from Michael Stuart, Police Officer, to vest his pension. His resignation date Is June 2, 1988. He would like to receive This will need to be presented to the Trustees for their j: ~'t \' j, r r "} I I J,: I, I I " ~ I I. " , "