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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of February 1, 1989.
Page 1
John Nicholson, Chairman
Glenn Perry, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Deborah Lally, Personnel Department
Nancy Degner, Industrial Nurse
Peter Fire. Police Officer
Dennis Acker, Police Officer
The meeting was called to order at 9:37 A.M.
Glenn Perry moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 18, 1989. The motion was
duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
Glenn Perry read the nnme(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
Date of
Pensi on
EJig. Date
Michael Hughes, Housing Counselor
Joe Lain. Recreation Leader
Planning & Developmcnt
Parks & Recreation
"Glenn Pcrry moved to accept into membership the two (2) employees listed above. The motion
was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
The Committee considered Peter Fire's request for a job-connected disability pension.
Mr. Nicholson advised Mr. Fire that the new letter from Dr. Gosch was now acceptable.
However~ the letter from Dr. Newman. to whom at the request of the Committee Mr. Fire was
sent for a third opinion. did not stale definitely that the injury is pennanent. Mr. Nicholson
will review this and check with Secretary Laursen. who had not yet arrived, as to whether or
not aU three letters must be conclusive.
In any event, no action could be taken because all members were not present. If all three
. members are present at the -meeting on February 15. 1989. a vote wUl be taken on Mr. Fire's
The Committee considered the request of EdwIn Sulek. Gas Service Supervisor. Gas Division.
'for a regular pension based on years of service. Glenn Perry moved to grant. this pension to
Mr. Sulek. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
At this point, Mr. Laursen arrived and discussion ensued concerning Mr. Fire's letters. It was
Mr. Laursen's opiniol1 that as long as two letters arc satisfactory', this was sufficient since the
Committee only requires two letters. In light of this, the Committee will take action on
February 15, 1989, if aU are present.
In reference to a memo to the Pension Advisory Committee from Secretary Laursen, dated
May 29,' 1986J Mr. Nicholson raised the question as to whether or not Mr. Fire had reached
Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) as defined by Workers' Compensation. Nancy Degner,
City Nurse. statcd Mr. Fire would have reached MMI if the doctor told h,im he would not get any
better; however. she would need to check the file to be certain. Mr. Fire informed the
Committee his doctor did so advise him.
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';,'." Glenn Perry ',. moved, the meeting be
~~\\,"'" John Nic~olson and carried unanimously.
~;,: ",. Respectfully submitted.
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Commlttc:e Meeting of Februory 1, J 989.
Page 2
'Mr. Nicholson requested all members of the Committee be given a copy of the above-referenced
memo so the Committee may discuss it at the next meeting.
Earl, Stanford's request to join the Pension Plnn will be discussed with the Trustees at their
, meeting, of, February 13, 1989., Secretary Laursen advised the City Manager and City Clerk that
the ',Pension Advisory Commlllee would like to address this issue at this meeting. Discussion
ensued, regarding the wording of tbe new ordinance and whether or not employees have an
option . and, If so~ .do those persons administering the ordinance have the right to set a limit on
how long tlle employees have to make a choice.
Mr. Perry, asked whether an opinion had been received from Mr. Lonce concerning the
five-year vesting rights. No response has been received.
Mr. Nicholson mentioned the procedural quidelines (as outlined in the Pension Plan booklet.
'dated April, 1979) he, would like the Committee to adopt. He presented copies of changes he
would like' to ~ake' and asked that all members be given a copy before the next meeting.
adjourned. The motion was duly
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 A.M.
seconded by
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