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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of August 17. 1988
John Nicholson. Chairman
Thomas Pudelskl. Member
Olenn Perry. Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
D. R. Perkins, Payroll Services Manager
Nancy Degner. Industrial Nurse
Miles Lance. Assistant Chy Attorney
Deborah Lally, Personnel Department
Cynthia CHman, Personnel Department
Dennis Acker, Police Officer
Lorraine Welch, wife of john Welch
Dennis Bnbini, Police Officer
Cary Singletary, Attorney for lohn Welch and Dennis Babini
Danny Alley. Gas Division
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The meeting was called to order at 9:48 A.M.
Tom Pudclski moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June IS, 1988, and July 20. 1988. The
motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unllIlimously.
Gknn Perry read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in the
Pension Plan:
EUt:- Dat~
Tom Ptidelski' moved to accept into membership the thirteen (13) employees listed above.
motion, was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
'With regard to' John Welch. Cary Singletary, attorney for Mr. Welch. asked the Committee to
, ,grant Mr. Welch a job-connected disability pension based on the letters received from his doctors.
,:;~:,,-:,,. ,Des. Afield, Gutierrez. and Machler concur that Mr. Welch's condition is job-,related.
Date of
Stephen Bigley. Rce. Supervisor I
James. Quinlan. Police Officer
Robert'S. Tenane, Firefighter
Rodney, Wilt, Firefighter
Delanie Ross-Plant. Librarian III
Patricia Ricc., Library Asst. I
. George Yankay. WWTP Oper. Trainee
" ,Rae Riggs, In, Motor Pool Trainee
: Carey McOiffin. Crime. Analyst
, David Wipperman, 'Gas Dist. Pip. Hlpr.
" Kenneth Sevitts, Trat., Sign & Mkg. Tech.
Allan Fedor, Paint & Body Mech.
Jeffrey McHughes. Pol. Comm. Oper. Tme.
10-5- 87
Parks & Rec.
Pub. WorksfWPC
Cen. SeT./Motor Pool
Traffic Eng.
Cent Ser.lMotor Pool
, After a shan discussion, Tom Pudelski move that John Welch be granted a job-connected disability
~r pension based on Mr. Welchts disability thllt resulted from on.the-job circumstances which is
L ~ de,scribed as severe deprcssi?n and anxiety, said disability making him unable to perform his job,
il':, ,and documented by medical 5Ultements of Dr. Luis Gutierrez, dated, April 15, 1988;
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Proceedings of the PensIon Advisory Commiuee Meeting of August 17, 1988
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Dr. Theodore Machler, dated August 16, 1988; and Dr. Walter Afield, dated August 8, 1988.
motlon was duly seconded by Olenn Perry and carried unanimously.
With regard to Dennis Bablnl. Pollce Officer, Police Department, Cary Singletary. attorney fOT
Officer Babinl, previously submitted letters to the Committee from Officer Babini's doctors. These
letters state Officer Babini's loss of sight is a result of two accidents which occurred while he was
on duty as a police officer. There is no medical documentation to prove the loss of sight is not
related to these accidents.
Miles Lance. Assistant City Attorney. expressed some reservations with the opinions of these
doctors. Secretary Laursen asked whether any Committee members reviewed Officer Babini's
worker's compensation files. Hc was advised John Nicholson did review the files and found
nothing relating to the accidents in the files. Mr. Singletary explained the reason for this was
that no worker's compensation claims were filed in either instance.
Secretary Laurscn suggested Officer Babini be sent for an independent medical examination. His
reason for this suggestion is to preclude another remand by the Trustees similar to the one in
John Welch's case.
John Nicholson stated there was no need for this in light of the fact Officer Babini has seen at least
six different doctors already. The other members concurred.
Tom Pudelski moved that Dcnnis Babini be granted a job-connected disability pension based on
Officer BabinPs disability that resullcd from on-the-job circumstanccs which is described as loss
of sight. said disability making him unable to perform his job, and documented by medical
statements of Dr. Burton Goldstein, dated May 16, 1988~ Dr. O. William Lazenby, dated .July 25. 1988~
Dr. Stephen Mazer. dated April 14. 1988; Dr. Raymond Agia. dated April 28, 1986; Dr. Peter Pavan,
dated ApirI 28, 1986; and several letters submitted by Dr. Raymond Sever. The motion was' duly
seconded by Glenn Peny and carried unanimously.
Charles Kettell, Police Officer. appeared before the Committee to ask how he should repay his
monies to the pension plan. Officer Kettell has been reinstated as a result of an Arbitrator's
decision rendered with regard to the appeal of his dismissal. Secretary Laursen raised Ihe
question of how much interest should be paid on these monies.
Discussion ensued. It was determined to everyone's satisfaction that the amount of interest should
be based on treasury bonds. The interest is only for the period Officer Kettell was not paying into
the plan.
Glenn Perry moved that Officer Kettell be reinstatcd to the Pension Plan in accordance with the
Arbitrator's decision and all monies be repaid with interest for the time he was out. The motion
was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski and carried unanimously.
Danny Alley, Wuter Distribution Service Worker II. Water Division, has requested a
job-connected disability pension. Letters have been received from Drs. Gustke and Schwab stating
Mr. Alley is permanently disabled from his job due to an injury to his knee he received while
work.ing for tbe City. Mr. Alley explained how his injury occurred and the treatment he has
10hn, Nicholson questioned Mr. Alley about an injury he had recieved to his knee before becoming
L employed by the City of Clearwater. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding this pre~existing
; : condition and its relevance to the current injury. Mr. Pudelski and Mr. Perry agreed that since
::.{~\ Mr. Alley was approved for pension at the time of hirc, this previous injury should not be a
:" ,>......;,.,/ consideration. John Nicholson did not agree with this conclusion.
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Proceedings of the Pension AdvIsory Commhtee Meeting of August 17, 1988
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Glenn Perry moved that Danny Alley be granted a job-connected disability pension based on
Mr. Alley's dlablllty that resulted from on-thc-Job circumstances which is described as
degenerative joint disease of the knee, said disability making him permanently unable to perform
his job, nnd documented by medical statements from Dr. Kenneth Oustkc. dated May 26, 1988. and
Dr. Thomas Schwab, dated July 5, 1988. The motion was duly seconded by Tom Pudelski.
Glenn Perry and Tom Pudelsld voted "aye;" John Nicholson abstained in order to receive more
information from the Legal Department concerning pre-existing conditions. The motion was
Mr. Lance will address Mr. Nicholson's question.
John Nicholson questioned D. R. Perkins, Payroll Services Manager, about a letter sent to
Mrs. Ward regarding her pension benefits and the exclusion fonnula used to determine the tax
that must be paid on these benefits.
John Nicholson raised a question as to whether or nQt Linda Russell. Police Officer, who resigned
and has been rc-employed withdrew her pension contributions. Secretary Laursen stated she did
withdraw her contributions. However. as a condition of her re-employment, she would not get
previous pension credit. At some point, she should come before tbe Committee just like any other
new hire.
Jacqueline Sulek, Assistant Purchasing Manager, submitted a request to vest her pension. Her
date of hire is March 1. 1973; her pension participation date is September 14, 1978; and her
resignation date is September IS, 1988.
The motion was
~: '.'~ Tom Pudelski. moved to approve .Jacqueline Sulek's request for vested pension.
,': ';:J duly seconded by Glenn Perry and carried unanimously.
With regard to Mike Sluan, John Nicholson questioned a letter from the City Attorney as to
whether or not a bazardous duty employee who vests his pension should be entitled to receive it on
his/her twentieth anniversary Of when they reach age 55. Discussion ensued. This matter is still
being investigated. However, according to the Pension Advisory Committee's guidelines, a
hazardous duty employee should be allowed to receivc a vested pension on his/ber twentieth
. .', ' ~ >
Daniel Romano. an employee in the Water Division. contacted John Nicholson with, a question as to
whether or not he could pay Social Security rather than pension contributions. According to the
pension ordinance. all full-time permanent employees who are eligible must participate in the
Pension, Plan. Mr. Nicholson suggested Mr. Romano be sent a letter advising him his only option
would be to become a part-time employee.
Tom Pudelski moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by Glenn Perry and
carried unanimously. The meeting med at 11:20 A.M.
Respectfully submitted.
H. Michael Laursen
Personnel Director and
Secretary. Pension Advisory Committee