Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Mccting of Iuly 20, 19HH
Page 1
John Nicholson, Chairman
Thomas Pudclski. Member
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H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
D. R. Perkins, Payroll Services Manager
Nancy Degner. Industrial Nurse
Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney
Cynthia ellman, Personnel Department
Dennis Acker. Police Officer
John Welch. Police Department
Lorrnine Welch
Cary 5inglcto.ry, Attorney for 10hn Welch
The meeting was called to order Ilt 9:36 A.M.
Tom Pudetski moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 6, 1988. The motion was
seconded by John ~icholson and carried unanimously.
Thomas Pudclski read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in
the Pension Plan:
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;::,~:,@OSCPh M~Culley, !ree. Trimmer
~'. ""d ' Susan Strmger. LIbrarian I
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Parks & Rcc.
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',' Tom Pudelski moved to accept into membership the two (2) employees listed above. The motion was
~< :" "duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
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~' ,Larry' Smith, Maintenance Worker I, Traffic Engineering. was not recommended for the Pension
,{i':'j, Plan due to high blood pressure. He may reevaluated in six months if his pressure is under
. , ' ,.. ,control. '
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Tom Pudelski moved Larry Smith be denied
. he may reapply when his blood pressure is
,John Nichol~on and carried unanimously.
membership in the Pension Plan with the stipulation
und,er control. The motion was duly seconded by
10hn Nicholson received a letter dated, July 8, 1988, from Dr. Schwab regarding Danny Alley who
is requesting a job-connected disability pension. Mr. Alley is a Water Distribution Service Worker
~ " ',' II in the Water Division. Mr. Nicholson stated they are waiting for anmher letter from Dr. Gustke.
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'';' ',,' , With regard to John Welch. Cary Singletary, attorney for Mr. Welch. asked the Committee to act
!, ' "on. Mr. Welch's application for a job-connected disability pension. Drs. Afield and Gutierrez have
, '" ,responded regarding their review of the materials submitted by the Police Department. Both
/' "'" letters state, Mr. Welch's condition is job-related. Drs. Butlcr and Machler have not yet responded.
(.;,.' If')Mr. ,Singletary requested the Committce take action based on the information presently before
;,:>:',," ',- them.
:0:;'", ',' 'Discussion ensued between Mr. Singletary and Miles Lance. Assistant City Attorney. as to when Drs.
~/:'r~achlerand .Butle~\ examined Mr. Welch. John Nic~olson stated he was to h.ave contact~d these
/;,'~octors' but 'dId not have [\ chance to do so. Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Lance WIll check with these
h'.--:: , doctors to see why they have not responded and whether or not they intend to submit a Jette'r.
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of July 20. 1988
Page 2
'-' In any event, in light of a motion passed at the last meeting. no octon can be taken on disability
pensions until all three Committee members arc prescnt. Action will be taken on this matter at the
Committee's meeting of August 17, 1988. No meeting will be held the first week of August since
Mr. Pudelski and Mr. Nicholson will be unavailable.
With regard to the request of Dennis Babin., Police Officer. Police Department. for a
Job-connected disability pension, Cary Singletary, attorney for Mr. Babin!, ndvised the Committee
he contacted the doctors as requested and responses will be fonhcoming. They should be available
for the meedn g of Au gust 17, 1988.
10hn Nicholson questioned why Don Petersen. Risk Manager, wrote a letter to the City Manager
instead of the Pension Advisory Committee (PAC) concerning Mr. Babini's ineJigibilty for a
disability pension. Secretary Laursen stated this letter was sent to him v'hh a copy to the City
,Manager and Charles Dunn. the fanner chairman of the PAC, This letter made reference to
Mr. Babini's on-the-job injuries and the fact that no eye injuries were ever reported. Discussion
ensued regarding this matter. The only question in this case is what caused Mr. Babini's
Miles Lance suggested Mr. Babini be examined by an independent ophthalmologist.
. ,Secretary Laursen again recommended the Committee review all Risk Management files when
considering requests for job-connected disability pensions. .Discussion ensued regarding this
. The' Committee members decided it was not necessary to send Mr. Babini to another doctor.
, .".
John Nicholson will review the Risk Management files on Danny Alley.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the PAC could have independent counsel and, if so.
who' would pay for,this. A question was raised as to whether the PAC can sue and be sued.
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Miles Lance asked whether the FOP and IAFF were ready to negotiate on the pension issues. A
lengthy discussion ensued between' Mr. Lance and Mr. Singletary, the attorney who represents
'both unions.
,Tom Pudelski moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson
and carried unaniomously.
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",: ' H.Michael Lauren
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